Saturday, April 16, 2022

Mysterious liver illness among kids in US, Europe: Symptoms, severity

The United Kingdom is investigating at least 74 cases of mysterious liver disease while the United States has reported 9 similar cases only from Alabama, making it an emerging cause of concern as the illness is not being explained by known causes. This mystery liver illness attacking only children has been brought to the notice of the World Health Organization early this month, news agency AP reported.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

How India can become a cleaner, healthier, and stronger economy Hari haraya namo Krishna Yadav ai namo

At this year’s Oscar awards, one of the nominees for Best Picture was Don’t Look Up, where Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence play scientists, desperately trying to warn the public about the impending destruction of the planet. Just a week later, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a grim report, which said that the world’s greenhouse gas emissions need to start falling by the middle of this decade and become half of what they are today by the end of the decade. But current trends show emissions are on an upward trajectory, set to warm the planet by about 3°C by 2100. This will mean a two-thirds increase in the number of days with maximum temperature crossing 35°C, and more than a billion people around the world.

For India, the climate crisis is daunting and unfair. Our economy depends on fossil fuels and we are trying to meet the basic energy needs of millions of people. The poorest people with the smallest carbon footprint will be the most vulnerable to extreme and erratic weather. Should one feel an overwhelming sense of fighting a losing battle? Or is there room for hope and new opportunities to build a climate-strong future for our country? .

Why Kerala's Opposition questioned the ordinance to amend the Lok Ayukta Act Shri Radhe Shri Radhe Shyam

The Governor of Kerala promulgated the Kerala Lok Ayukta (Amendment) Ordinance, 2022, in the first week of February. The move witnessed strong resistance from the Opposition in the assembly. The ordinance seeks to increase the role of the executive in the decisions of the Lok Ayukta.

Section 14 of the Act empowers the Lok Ayukta to direct public servants to vacate their office if the Lok Ayukta is satisfied that the allegation against such public servant is substantiated. Such direction will be confirmed by the competent authority (governor, chief minister or the government of Kerala).

The government’s reasoning to amend the Act was rooted in Articles 163 and 164 of the Constitution. The Lok Ayukta is empowered to direct the chief minister (CM) or minister to vacate their office. This contradicts the "pleasure doctrine" that the CM and minister hold their office during the pleasure of the governor. Even high courts cannot direct the removal of ministers through the writ of quo warranto.

In S Gunasekaran v Ministry of Home Affairs, the Madras High Court held that the CM or minister hold their office during the pleasure of the governor, and a breach of oath or criminal charges would not be grounds for the court to issue the writ of quo warranto. While the argument of the government is valid on the principles enshrined in the Constitution, the outcome of the ordinance is no better.

The ordinance, in substance, has two significant hurdles. First, it reduces the Lok Ayukta to merely an advisory role by subjecting its direction to the competent authority. The ordinance has amended this provision to empower the competent authority to either accept or reject the report submitted by Lok Ayukta after giving the public servant an opportunity of being heard.
This has transformed the competent authority under the Act into a pseudo appellate body that may render its decision in three months.

Second, it infringes on the principles of separation of powers. The amended section gives the competent authority the discretion to approve or reject the direction of the Lok Ayukta. The competent authority as defined under Section 2 of the Act is the governor, CM or government of Kerala, in most cases, rendering an adjudicatory role to the executive..

Xi says ‘must not relax Covid control' amid wide concerns: 10 updates Shri Radhe

China must not relax Covid control and prevention measures, president Xi Jinping has said in his latest remarks as the country continues to battle a surge driven by the Omicron variant. But reports suggest that patience is wearing thin among locals in the financial hub of Shanghai - that has emerged as the latest hotspot - as the authorities continue to underline on zero Covid tolerance - a policy that is said to have helped the country keep cases under a check soon after the start of the pandemic. Presently, the costs - aggravated by curbs - seem to be rising too.

Finding funds: On COP28 and the ‘loss and damage’ fund....

A healthy loss and damage (L&D) fund, a three-decade-old demand, is a fundamental expression of climate justice. The L&D fund is a c...