Showing posts with label medium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medium. Show all posts

Friday, June 10, 2016

The national transformation plan 8 MBPS target and I am a blueprint for a post oil Saudi Arabia

this week the national transformation plan mpp a key component of the Saudi Arabian Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman December 2013 was released outlining a blueprint of the hirer structure of the economy for post oil era. The petrodollar cussing out the desert kingdom oil well have reduced in the intensity forcing the government to tighten if purchased string how far the lack of any check up the expenditure at the time of the Lok oil price means that the government has spending more than its earn.. died in 2015 real posted a budget deficit of this 98 million dollar and TCS certificate is estimated at 86 billions dollar..
The Anti p.m. to ship the economic dependency on Revenue from the sale of oil and non oil products. Before the Rains from the greater female participation in the work phone to an increase in the power and water tariff. the plan has kept in MBPS target of creating 450000 job by 2020 last year only 50000 were created.. the plan is to read novel revenue by 140 person and for this is slip of the measures Like That Kills text airport scene and text on this tobacco and soft tex on other be introduced.

Over the past 2 year India US ties have managed to achieve the right balance

Statecraft go CGL the United States behind you find Prime Minister Narendra Modi's talk to US Congress about us being an indispensable partner org speaking do something he has to realise the US in the world Technology leader and had greatest influence in the globes. Even with the US relatives economic decline and premedication that have marked the Barack Obama administration foreign policy and anyone leader with this mbcs and domestic and religious Rajendra ads Mr Modi will find Washington almost essential to company is the goal. Post and cold war India US tired have been on any award trajectory. Mouth by the sharp drop an Unexpected Rises.. the acceptance from the nucleus function ramp show in Epass administration smart a high. II Manmohan Singh government org 2013 via Mr Obama lost interest in the Prime Minister and able to fulfill anything that he promised to do.. Mr Modi and Mr Obama have probably find the new and right Balance.. relationship with a strong economic and civil society Foundation one with static conversion in some areas. But nothing is wrong enough to make India and US consider themselves in an alliance and nothing negative an app to see the to become antagonist in the fundamental away Mr Modi ji speech and his delete underline where the two countries of her left the most and supposed to eachother concerned about China terrorism and nuclear security disagree the most Afghanistan and Pakistan. The most remarkable development of this past 2 year is the evolution of a strong relationship of climate change something close to heart for both Mr Modi and Mr Obama. IIT India achieve its aggressive renewable energy gold it will be in large part of successful hardness the US financial partners and Technology. Is there a cloud on Horizon the most worries I'm being the rise of non mainstream presidential container like Donald to the Syndicate that most over foreign policy change the maid of the US dependable country to work with this Unr 11 am drinking with its many concert in and Mr Modi had highly sought to resolve as many outstanding issues in that country is an Aries men working with the same length of their mistress and an increase he was like a little. What has been accompanist is to ensure that a fundamental us policy regarding this country is to promote and support in the rise of India on the world stills in rain and Science for better or hand is respective of those rules of Washington..

Sunday, June 5, 2016

A brief description on world environment day..

Even the live somewhere bogged down by the 46 degree Celsius heat. Nothing moved the shimmering gold sunlight eventually disappeared without any pump. Right then in a blink in the bud changed chords. manatee of places with replaced by and on all and second 10 p_m wide booty beyond to drink from the water hose need to buy the rising full moon. Add the silvery disc made it away across the sky.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

India has climbed 3 inches in global competitiveness what is sustainable age required meaningful spending

That is something of paradox in the market economic while market forces Seva competitive economics in the most competitive senescence tends to those strong on health education and environment. Each of which requires appropriate state intervention. India has climbed 3 sports DCS in global ranking of world competitiveness Central to 41 from 44 among 61 countries indicating a positive current Edutech stage at the world fastest growing menu economy but cub shipped that come along suggest there is a long way to go. It is very glad to hear about our country that it is world fastest growing major economic country. the G7 Summit has been taken place in Japan last week and all amazing economic country are presented there and negotiate with their nuclear security Border Security and anti terrorism effect fight against terrorism with conjugate. Economic performance government efficiency business efficiency and infrastructure lucky factors in the rankings. India 18 30 shift position in 2012 while China has slipped DCR from 22 to 25. It is a great poll we are looking at.
Who is food support our country and distribute knowledge efficiency to the workers and divorce everybody for the uplift of our economic performance. The Modi government Camp at IT sales on a bag for working to improve India's rank in the age of doing business list in who is India has climbed to the 130th position from 134 in a year.
That is a very good thinking and news for our country that gradually it is increased our socio economical background with great rate amazing field.
What India's exports have dropped Er on air for 17 month in a row and the country has trade deficit with as many as 27 major economic.
true competitiveness must shows up in sustainable Exports. Inflation tax rates productivity and exchange rate or more visible short term determined of Innocence competitiveness but in the long term infrastructure health education and inauguration matter a lot.
Infrastructure news special attention to get more Bank out of the fiscal back. State controlled educational institution need to boost linkage with the industry and to coastal research. Who is pseudo noise boost our research and infrastructure development educational development and soil health to uplift our GDP growth. Status pending needs to make public health and quality education a portable. A green environment reduces is TCS that hamper productivity indian in my mind reduces use to do bethlehem fun for the dvd now is the time to answer mine moment I'm issues that we often do miss. differences in National values cultured economic structure installation and history Call contribute to competitive success. This policy making India program and startup program will be any station al and cultural Reform of all states.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Soil health card for small farmers government initiatives to improve the life of socio economic condition of an rural underdeveloped farmers

Soil health card scheme cg schemes launched by government of India in February 2015 undertakings recoverment plan to IIS to the soil health cards to farmers which will carry provides recommendations of nutrient and fertilizers required for the individual firm to help improve productivity throughout the judicious use of inputs. All file samples are to be tested in the various well testing labs across the country. Thereafter their parts will analyse their strengths and weaknesses micronutrient deficiency of the Sohail and suggest measures to deal with it. The result and suggestions will be displayed in the card. The government plan to issue the cards to 14 crore farmers. Distance M at the promoting soil test test and balance used for the fertilizer to enable farmers realise higher yelled at lower cost. Only 34 left so ill Health guard oil issued to the farmers as against a target of the 84 love for the year 2015 to 16 or Anchal Pradesh Goa Gujarat Haryana Kerala Mizoram Sikkim Tamilnadu Uttarakhand and West Bengal are among States which has not issued a single soil health card under the scheme by then. The number you up to 1.12 crore by February 2016. The largest target of 114 clarksville Central States reported a collection of the 81 Love soil samples and tested 52 lakh sample.
The target for 2015-16 is to collect and their clarksville sample and test these for issue of soil health card. 2 core card over under printing and will be distributed before March 2016 the government plans to distribute 14 cloth soil health card by 2017..

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Artificial rain in draught hit Maharashtra

China has offered to share its cloud seeding Technology with India which could be used to artificially induced rain in draught affected regions.
Cloud seeding a technology mastered by the Chinese is a form of climate modification that is used to form the Rain by either using artilleries Sofia the cell containing rain induced this chemical in to the cloud, or by dropping The Fate chemical from an aircraft. 18 of the top metrological scientist from the building Shanghai and this and Hui are the Mumbai to start a draught Pathan in Maharashtra who are the first first project is likely to be implemented.
the offer to share the technology free of cost was made during the communist parties of China and CPC Pankaj secretary on junk visit to India earlier this month.
During a meeting with this Maharashtra CM Devendra underwear is the Chinese secretary of assistance in this mitigating and drought situation in the state. The offer it and significance because I nah has historical not been came to sharing this technology with other Nations.
China has been using cloud seeding since 1958 not only after the weather conditions but also clean air pollution. the process was famously implemented in the run up to 2008 Beijing Olympics to clear the city notorious smoke and ensure weeks of the clear blue sky. How well it remains to be seen how effective the technique will be in India cloud seeding work based away when the party peterson's label or at least normal.
In 2009 access cloud seeding of her building resulted in more than usual snowbrawl that that regard as an Unexpected cold waves.
Experts also one of the secondary air and water pollution as an outcome of chemical used in the process. So we should follow this process of this cloud seeding to artificial rain to the drought area like Maharashtra Andhra Pradesh Bihar and Chhattisgarh oil a lot of people are affected by the drought area and all protagonist by the presence of people.

G7 seeks help of private sectors to fight terrorism

The leader of the G 7 countries on Friday called for the great I'll help for 58 sector in improving the counter terrorism investigation. Innova G 7 Summit is conducted by the three emerging growth economic countries US UK Japan kanada German France Italy. The G 7 Summit which computer Dial came out with an action plan on controlling terrorism and wavelength exorcism that list a host of the measure ranging from the eastern ceiling border and aviation security to promoting pluralism. Sex and prem Call upon the private companies all over the Civil Society 2 ensure lodge enforcement. It can be saved the greater engagement with Internet companies and Internet services provider for the effective counterterrorism investigation. 862 n Gage Twitter Internet companies including Internet Service Provider and administrator to delete applications to kill a counter terrorism investigations including the collection of data and to address the use of the Internet by terrorism to recreate ridiculous and mobilize follower to violence. many countries are engaged in the formulating such policies which at the time ran into concrete with privacy measures and misuse of personal data. The exam plan also called Upon The Art market and collectors to contribute to disrupting illicit trade in cultural property including by conducting due diligence and particularly on the origin and destination of the archaeological and ecological material. They also called for the promoting pluralism tolerance and gender equality through cross cultural and interfaith dialogue in understanding including through education. Most of the G 7 countries are the stepping up there Cont Counter Terrorism. That's an plans then talk about the empowering Civil Society and local communities particularly with a focus on the role of women and your Tin countering and preventing violent extremist. the leader called for the important of a strategic communication as a tool in the fighting terrorism And counting propaganda of Group such as the Islamic States.
The action plan also States on strengthening cooperation among border Agencies and support later use of the existing Border Security program.

G7 Summit inaugurated in Japan

Leaders of the groups of G7 said they are concerned about the situation in the east and South China Sea and North this stepped to reference from the and literal meaning of reference to China talking the aggressive positions on Maritime claim during their 2 days huh means that concluded here on Friday. The leader of the most advanced economies of the world US UK Japan Canada Germany Italy and France. Sardar strong hands of the concerned about Outlook for global economy and Japanese Prime Minister shinzo abe said the contraction of world economy is the most very some risk. Asia hosting the summits after 8 years and most countries in the reason and guest in the territorial disputes with the China in the south and East China scene with Amit deliberations on foreign policy had a great day Alpha ascent of maritime security.
We are concerned about the situations in East and South China scenes and empathize the fundamental importance of peaceful management and settlement of disputes. The Dickinson retarded that's grouping committee to maintain a rule based on the meritime order. Vfm the importance of the state making and clarifying their claim based on international logs refraining from the Anil literal action which would increase 10 cent and not using force concerned in the trying to settle disputes its safety.
The European countries do not share a strong position against the China advocate by the Japan and the US.
Opening the first session of the summit on Thursday FB had said the Chinese positions on Maritime claims amounted to Un literal challenges to the international system we have created.
The Japanese Prime Minister also says G7 industrial power share a strong sense of this crisis during calling for coordinated efforts to increase the demand he said the most horror sounds risk in the construction of global economy.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

We should have taken out the maximum reforms enormous task lies ahead

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said the government had said India on the Fast Track to growth by introducing effect of methods to boost the economy taking on critics who accused him of the falling of perceive Big Bang reforms.
Interview to this Wall Street Journal on the eve of the completing 2 years in official Modi said he heard of an hour or more of the economy to foreign investment and taken step to check corruption improve the infrastructure and make it easier to do the businesses. A lot of mission and the project scheme have been employed by him the make in India is one of them that can improve the socio-economic environment in our national skill India startups India also a best initiative of his government.
I've actually understand and the maximum reform I have an anonymous task ahead for myself.
Amit gloomy global conditions India has a mouse to the world's fastest growing major economy.
Our Prime Minister always this is to grow the GDP growth 7.75 persons in 2016 to 17 after the everything 7.4 person in this TVS 2 years a head of this China 6.9 person extensions in 2015.
About GDP growth will approximately increase to 10 persons in 2022 if the rainfall and climate support our nation.
The legislations death properties a common market I'm using various Central and state divide it start in the Rajya Sabha quarelling BJP is in minority.
The changes carried out by him would have been regarded as a difficult by the previous administration but now that they were done they no longer qualified as Big Bang.
SAP States should help navigate the good growth plan that the central had drawn. Identifying defence manufacturing at India's biggest job spinners Modi said the government was committed to making an equipment at home at our own nation.
India is the world largest importer of ARM accounting for 14% of global purchases. New Delhi desperately needs to modernize its aging Russian Era equipment as China and Pakistan upgrade Dayal Arsenal with this latest technology and purchases.

A review on Mamata's 2nd innings

Appealing in the political Arena as a giant killer in 1984 in C defeated CPIM heavyweight Somnath Chatterjee in her electrical debute Mamata Banerjee has long become a  giant herself. It was 27 year ago that she lost in election in incredible record in Indian politics. The last 5 years of her Political career has seen Bengal favourite did you transform into enable administrator from the street fighter that she has always been. Undoubtedly the 62 year old in Bengali biggest political phenomena since formation of the normal Congress 18 year ago. Siddharth in Union Cabinet in different capability in different regions from the Narsimha Rao cabinet to Atal Bihari Bajpai and never bothered quilling coach positions for the greater cause.
After rolling Bengal 4th ibr during future focus had been on improving the living standard of poor and delivering underdeveloped people. She is back in power with 72% maturity in the state assembly and incredible kit for the salesman politician so broke away from the party and Sita for own outfit 18 year ago dislodge the world's longest running election communist government 5 years ago and went on to Better Half on record.
It was only obvious that has magick intensive Hyatt it's a spill all over and the estate over the past decade since she took of leadership of the singer Anti land acquisition Movement in 2006 to be praised.
Image slider in all senses it is hard Karisma that helped her party managed to away with all charges of corruption against leaders of various rank. She had asked the Water 2 treat her at the candidate in all of 294 seats and as a result of as a proof that the voters in did responded to her call. It was a personal victory for the Trinamool seats in all senses.
Evidently almost day everybody the rural hotels in the urban farmers industrial workers the ports and the middle class is the minorities and the maturity community vote for her every body every individual who are helped who are benefited from the government or easily happily vote to her.
Over the first 5 years conditions of the roads have improved across the state within the test of the Dheeraj located in North East corner of the street getting connected by the concrete Road villages deprived of power supply till date so the electricity lighting up their homes and state the homeless got funds of building houses from the various schemes and the landless of the Patta for land.
Hundreds of newly drug of Ponds have helped the government in successful implementing its plan of rainwater harvesting while the ionic kanyashree scheme have turned the tide of social development toward the girl children.
In the scheme of kanyashree every girl child who are educated in class 8 to 12 or given the bicycle for writing to the earth School given the help of scholarships of 25000 and in every year 500 rupees hot Dady stresses and BPL girl childrens who is family income is less than 120000 per annum.
I think own nursery and the schemes of Beti Bachao and Dt pedababu by the Narendra Modi government is a very essential for our god childrens saving the ratio of male and females in our country.
on the other hand beautification of streets parks and water bodies for regular efficient garbage cleaning have given the urban area a facelift and a clean clean area and suitable for their education thinking and socio-economic life.
Stain proof to Hai image of Polo in standing by the marginalized her government not only appointed the first transgender principles of any college in India but also plan to engage the transgender people in the traffic management also.
During her designs Bengal tourism infrastructure has improved significantly as a government as aggressively promoted Eco tourism Xolo Bhartiya State it is the schemes of Narendra Modi government that his village Yojana Heritage City development and argument essays in jojona which is implemented by the government of Narendra Modi which implies that way every States should be careful today are visiting places and attractive places that Can attract the travel ads from outsiders.
Besides the handicraft a licence across the states have benefited from her policy of promoting Bengal rural product throughout village fairs and the government on brand of Biswa Bangla.
She always believed Bengali lacked neigher in intelligent and nor in resources and give her best in utilising whatsoever is Bengal zone.
Be it Indus Shilpa Teja Rajan of Cooch Bihar Land Patta Chitta artist on West Midnapur Krishna Nagar Kothari Gali and Santipur textile and Murshidabad silk the government has promoted handicraft product not only am on the urban people are Urban population and the distances peoples of the state but also outside of the Bengal helping Dey and I can increase their income significantly increase the incomes of our state.
Especially I think according to the rural people that development their cleanliness their education performance and socio economic environment they must choose the base circle and it is a test benefit to their own States the textile beneficial services small businesses and development of the Intelligence and resources must be increased our Bengal society to reach globally without any hesitation and perform in any games intelligence thinking research Talent Search and Aerospace Technology.

Friday, May 27, 2016

A review on goods and service tax bill GST.

The first Bill passed by the Lok Sabha on 6 may 2015 but still it is pending at Rajya Sabha.
Register will officially known ads constitution Wheel in 2014 proposed a national value added tax or not to be implemented in India from June 2016.
Goods and service tax would be comprehensive indirect tax on manufacturers sale and consumption of goods and service throughout India to replace taxes levied by the central and state government.
Goods and service tax would be revived and collected at each stage of sale or purchase of goods and service based on the input tax credit method.
This method allow GST Registered business to claim tax credit to the value of GST they paid on purchase of goods and service as part of the al normal commercial activities. Taxable goods and services are not distinguished from one another and a text at a single rate in a supply chain till the goods and services reach the consumers.
Administration responsibility would generally raised with a single authority to Levi takes on goods and services.
Export would be zero dates and input would be live at the same Texas at Jawed domestic goods and services adhering to the destination principle.
The introductions of goods and services tax GST would be significantly stays in The Reform of indirect taxes in India.
the simplicity of the tax would lead to easier Administration and enforcement.
From the consumer's point of view the biggest advantage would be in terms of A reduction in the overall tax birthday and of good which is correctly estimated at 25% to 30%. Is India is a federal Republic GST would be implemented concurrently by the central government and state government individually.
We should follow and Demand this role as soon as possible in Rajya Sabha this is beneficial for all our consumers of our nation.
Tax rates under the proposal of GST would fall but number of excessive would increase by the 526 times all the real food comes down text collection would go off due to the increase of this buoyancy. the government is working on your special it platforms for its boots implementation of the proposed goods and service tax that is special purpose vehicle SCP restaurant at GST and networks will be owned by the three star folder San Santra its states and the technology and partners NSDL The Central Board of Excise and Customs chairperson this is majumdar period this address Singapore National Conference of this GST possibility of the Rolling out of the chest and he said there is no need for the alarm at CST was not ruled out in April 1 2012.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Attempts to create jobs in India by inviting Apple maybe in order but first focus on innovation

Countries have become company ads and companies have become countries is a line from the last year Bollywood film Tamasha who is captured is high and lows of humour one Indian. Jacqueline true last week NFL to Tim Cook of across India in high profile visit that would have done a head of state proud. Set meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi who crowned NFL made gold iPhone and a personality app to maths was the symbol is high point but what can you say about a visit that started with a temple of Lord Ganesha and patches cricketer movie sister and IPL match along the way except that is made a welcome culture connection with an essence for Apple legendary founder Steve Jobs a spiral connection apps it is time for India to make a spiral connections with FL in return and Albert of different kind cooperation Apple Technology control for map and announced a program for tablets and enterpri has committed 2004 India while keeping an open mind on manufacturing India.
For Indians there is a philosopher collision in the company is a lot like pursuit of excellence that he is pokes off during the visit.
Tim cook's on word apple tries to make the best product of affluent customers prepaid is concerned for the values. The underlying philosophy behind this is a work ethic and a quest for quality that makes Apple stand out in crowded market and blaze new product categories then hide behind old brand values. It is this Dad so inspired Indian entrepreneurs and Policymakers alike.
8th aprils glory and travels by word of mouth rather than an expensive Public Relations machinery it is because of its obsession with Innovation and customer satisfaction that you just have to pay a premium for. India's industry can take inspiration from lease because the nation my pride Essay on science technology and state of India is spirit alongside in red carpet in companies that is able to make in India while fm to create Jobs by inviting Apple to manufacturing in India maybe in order for India to be a screw Global economic little there is a need to read text the company called life the devotion to observe in market and thinking a new as to how to a customer.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A new implementation on Mahatma Gandhi NREGA scheme

The central headaches tested to found this monitoring Groups for rural job guarantee scheme Mahatma Gandhi Nrega at earliest. The state Employment Guarantee Council ecgc will comprise state official ministers and public representative and will at ad monitoring body talks to oversee the implementations of schemes. The directive camp following the supreme court order for the same on the right it is and filed by Swaraj officer and NGO working for farmers called earlier this month. The Government of India is directed Doom proactively request by State government to establish assisted Employment Guarantee council under section 12 of the act within a period of 45 days from today.
The effective implementation of Mahatma Gandhi Nrega act will certainly not be possible until this monitoring and reviewing authority faithfully and gently established by the government of India and the state government.
Nikhil day of this month Kisan Shakti Sangam MKS a stool HD that while the Council for men dead it under the Mahatma Gandhi Nrega act many states have either not found them or those that are in place or not functional.
The idea of the Council at the state level and also at the centre was that they beat Supreme monitoring body that oversees of implementation of the scheme.
The Supreme Court has Aligarh directed that was entered to clear 8000 crore and Paid weds due to Mahatma Gandhi Nrega worker for the year 2015-16.
If you are not releasing The Hunt then no one will like to work state will say they have no hand so they cannot see anyone for Mahatma Gandhi Nrega work no estate will make any commitment to the people.
So conjugate Lee Wiki State Government and Central Government Mahatma Gandhi NREGA scheme mast we implement and giving the appropriate measures to the workers to Distress people and rural underdeveloped people to a perfect wages and opportunities to implement their economic social and educational background.
I always suggest to administrative power to implement Mahatma Gandhi Nrega and overview the schemes every week, it's over cause it supervisor its implementers and especially the detector in which place is it more useful and applicable, unbiased and an intended.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Required discussions about amma Jayalalitha

A glacial and doctorial leader was set up to be kept out. Assembly pal hello while met one was mean to Bach the trend and stay on in power. in the end the river Crescent s a i a d m k supremo J Jayalalitha put paid to the Home Uninor generation of DMK leader and Konan enterpri capturing Kotak and Jobs and this MBA Kerala Chief Minister. On the way down by the food company of the another party in the burden of candle that was refused to go away and their effect of provisions schemes..
In Tamilnadu always industrial of personalty called in the politics Jayalalitha Western and hesitate to add the Everton to creation of the number of the Welfare measures involved in this subject is food for people incentive for the girl child through women program and him at prohibition.. through this DMK tried it best to keep up with this table were grammar app most live without her presence rolled throughout the state during the Faithful with Mrs scooter televisions at cetra Election Commission rules regulate follow to decomposers to selected person. The DMK on the other hand religion bullet proof of address family Torrent offered by the international friction screw this major project in himself at the chief minister in this present for kids and easy solution system.
Inquilab this Rockstar I feel for the slept on education vs non authorisation work its magic GIF ldf to the rounding 91 leading to the Chandy to PDF combine to the school 47 Doctor by the Solar scandal that was Recharge distance the door step early on its persistence different by the trains former finance minister and this particular cell event drive icons to the song form of alcohol the Congress was neither the support of the rank and the file in abundance is on the left and their distances of high command.. the central leadership dispatched to Soul Mr Chandi UPTU witnesses the normal humidity today States coast to the aziz urgent left on this an event and think of BJP that the BJP would get this one shift which point to the O Rajagopal was almost certain birthday its thinks of saffron party of an account on South honest it for the Congress lost minutes in and keep his hands more and you just laws of it's all a layup Tamilnadu Savdhaan Comfort Inn Resort Reply. Almost over all the replication thinking that even be judgement between to solve think we have to predict just thinking of a m Mr Jayalalitha and M karunanithi day will gain 1992 each others and after that the Congress government cannot effects in this thing at their places the leadership ability that conference table t there authorisations reachable to this common people together lady touched and it will have to increase their performance at BJP government also they have took off and attach the ability to that places where they are not accomplished.. Donald judgement of me and according to the common people say cording to this by Hindu and that they perform the Hindustan Times as a nice restaurant we can shade that all for kids live that DMK and D A Congress government AI Du season Amal Congress in CPM front left and right frontal have to implement their ideas to reach the people uplift of security of common people security of women social service uplift of a fool people applicable area and the innocence of education system........

The primacy of the religion factor,, the BJP victory India from Footpath you district that there is a steeler lot of light left in the saffron camp

In the hierarchy of politics the state of Northern and western India are often perceived to be more equal than other.
The message ticket in BJP md pastor Billy and then be held in 2015 did not directly impact in the functioning of the central. But there's communicative impact generated the impression the Prime Minister Narendra Modi were the first floor district political Momentum with effect on the side State..
This process in and turn off the contributors in measurable into the sum of the parliamentary login in that was either installed on delayed registration and free all down list of destruction of civil society..
Thiruvananthapuram Chennai Kolkata and Guwahati being too far from the national capital the fool in fact of the latest round up assembly elections will take some time before being reflected in the national discourses. However I'm just for this started degree sounding victory of the BJP leader alliances in Assam state where the party was confronted with the challenging socio democrat mixing. Shoot At best Pursuit the Army of the smokies chepest that there is a lot of the fight and political results left in the saffron camp.
Correspondingly outright defeat of Congress in Assam and Kerala living Karnataka at the world largest state government control will certainly have severe depending effect on the party for amazing ads nuclear subs anti BJP section..
The Congress as a follower list did not tired of pointing out sign the contract it with all round the bad news accept from the Pondicherry based in clermont all India present in this impressive prejudices.
the world Thursday results yet to have established as did the elections in the belly and the Bees and messier the primacy of religion celebration in the second Tower of Indian politics apart from Assam sarojam national parties result but after this accommodating to import intelligence Payal standard result from the West Bengal Tamil Nadu and even Kerala demonstrated by step politics has their life for a stone sometimes to Delhi in the earth from the tanning and from enjoyment in SMS to ads at the centre..
This realisation has not even lift the BJP unaffected in assembly elections of 2014 and 15 debi Jp start button on this exam scence that the Modi UK De Punjabi generation to distribution later determine the out course.
This time Naina in fm not in the middle of Kerala Medical and safety code in the impressive of 15% of the boat in the water vai is bipolar contest..
On the country by prasen I'm a local leader where the streets ministerial candidate projecting all issues in embassy us up national list sentiment through and Airlines with this awesome gana position the national party requested same as a certain amount. Liberty of the BJP nn14 state of based on India is this monument and development soon as the revaluation at the truly national party it is significant headaches way of the Karnataka in 2008..
What does a cloud has not been possible without accommodating NaCl factor of the weather like in pulses that government politics in the state of the local level.
The BJP related lack of success in West Bengal where is sports slipped can 17% in 2014 to 10% can now among other things can be attributed to it skills to capture the Bengali is it was Bengali is culture and it is still haunted by the Hindu image..
This is all opinion of me and that can be significantly verified by a any other persons protected from all the Seasons taking from Hindustan Times and Hindu the approach up Communication NDA parties another independent IIBM you DMK I'll be a father to his travel through each other Agneepath Komal the chief of Dady you also called to all these persons and political parties to get together against the BJP. I think it is sometimes of a party Amit and I should be a in purchase in the factor of elections you shoulda elect a person without any bias.
Hot increasingly becoming clear that it is there is a different logic working from the parliamentary and Assembly Elections. They are both unitary and Federal list in petrol at play depending on circumstances reasons why national parties in variable experience with a budget in their foods during the Lok Sabha poll assembly election for festival to fertilizer Sanda Oil by women in pulses female overall health.. who is the first year result couple do with this ship back for the Congress bolstering the logic of fats cooperation organisation there is a big windows of opportunity for the Prime Minister Narendra Modi to drive from his legislative assembly and their usages of consequent changes after more than Europe political and physical potentially good news for Modi. Definitely meaning of AR some fields a good news for Modi and their total BJP government it is defeat from the bihar and its kp from Bengal circle, and consequently there is no chances of the spirit passed out in Kerala and tamilnadu Tiruchirappalli inaugural in south..

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The sky is limit for Digital India

Digital India's mission is to deliver e-governance in health education and other essential services to millions who have been left Behind. For example look at a location according to the United Nation Un 17.7 million children in India are out of school. Distance learning can help this is true dat population but all broadband connectivity is too poor.
The Indian Healthcare systems of her from an acute shortage of physician and quality parameters and remedy. Technology can read read this situations. The government has started discussing the establishment of National Health authority for standardization storage and exchange of electronic health records of patient. What will the consumers be able to access this without requisite connectivity especially in rural area?
Experts have repeatedly stressed that India has to export all possibilities Terrestrial and non terrestrial to make digital Axis targets.
Unfortunately India has not been able to hardness satellite Technology. It is still heavily realised on Terrestrial technology and it is dependent on optic fibre to achieve Universal connectivity. We should use optical fibres for ISP connectivity high speed broadband connectivity to rural area.
Unfortunately the taste of line up optics fibre is slow venicile Optical Fibre Network and fm plan is running behind schedule.
Harda the n o f and cable can only reach the village and it does not promise to reach individual users. As a result it does not guarantee to solve the last Mile connectivity issues it is then possible to have connectivity for all with only Terrestrial Technology? Should not we look for non Terrestrial Technologies to help us to attain Universal broadband?
In Mexico rural area an estimated 26 million people had little or no Internet access because they are too far off from the word Internet on left in the inaccessible area. In order to reach out of hard difficult terrain search difficulties and barriers the government look and took a help of private satellite to provide Internet and WiFi services to the school and municipality is there. In 2013 Healthcare Organisation in Australia that Sa income of the remotest part was given access to dedicated satellite Internet link for use in a health and daily health industry with the government providing subsidies to a supplier of Corporate satellite communication link.. to develop one country to develop our nation to develop I was thinking our understanding through worldwide we have to upgrade the rural areas the an accessible Internet access ability.
both Mexico and Australia used satellite services to ensure that people in this area or level to receive the services that the government wants to provide them.
India has the third highest number of Internet users in the world.
But Internet penitration is the lowest when compared to South Korea Japan and China
. The country also cigar in the list connected countries lcc group of 42 nation. It is time that government has the potential of satellite technology to accomplish its target of Universal Broadband plan to overcome last Mile connectivity issues.. so we have to improve our connectivity through fibre optics the digital connectivity to every individual of our nation.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Satisfaction is index to measure the happiness in you

Restriction is a lovely and gratifying world and it is a state of mind that enable you to Balance this courses of life in a manner that you feel happy with all all is well with the world of sentiment.

It helps you to see a rosier existence now and in the near future....
It can be an index open State of your happiness...

but the questions is repeatedly actors how far is satisfaction related to progress in the journey of life???
Does not satisfied mind apply in the brakes on your program to add a meaning of life unlimited possibilities???

Saints and religious book tell us that we should be happy and satisfied with whatever you would uses at a particular moment in your life...
But in our way do you have to stop aspiring for achievement ...
Your life has to B on March 2 make it fuller and more meaningful....

It is the fact that if you do not know how to keep your sanity with horse over you have you cannot live happily even if wishes are fulfilled.....

you will always go on the voice thing for a little more and a result it will see only reduce your happiness....
The point is that one should never stop progressive and at the same time should be Happy whatever you achieved....

So is can gain in a moment the achievement and happiness is a completely uncertainty....

Monday, April 18, 2016

Lets get hands together for upgradation of skill development

The line between the democratic dividend the demographic disaster is  getting dangerously theme for India according to this National Skill Development Agency 21 government department and industries trained 7.6 million people in 2014 15..
At this rate India will have train at best another 40 million people by 2020 first out of the government target 2 in 500 million...
The ground reality gets it's really the 90% of those can undergo 3 month of the training to secure 5000 to 7000 in wages..
this is hardly enough to support a family major part of the Solution lightening this principle group that urgent still need is skilling....
Another part of solution by Jean examining the principal group that urgent need is killing everyone and million graduate class 12 of which list in the 5 to go to college another 15 Million dropout High School this group of the 20 million is meant for market driven training.... high school how to sort tonight how can I did ripped be distant and ideas this is that so high texas lease signing phone this is not on my card how do I t I in the system and the morning open it and see I'm kidding the second amendment of the band making.....
.. finally this is conclusion that every drop out people student support India must be trained by ITI industrial training institution in another organisation to strongest their future.....

Finding funds: On COP28 and the ‘loss and damage’ fund....

A healthy loss and damage (L&D) fund, a three-decade-old demand, is a fundamental expression of climate justice. The L&D fund is a c...