Friday, August 5, 2016

The new child labour law will make the LTE a pleasent memory and the plan of extending it to the class 10 a dream

When it comes to children India continuous to be uncertain notion. It cannot decide whether it past population of children is a responsibility resources or a liability. Our national confusions has found its latest expression in the new child labour laws passed by both houses of parliament in July. Between this law and the various noises currently being made in the traffic police documents there is a vast gap. Apparently the ministry of the human resources development has chosen to ignore this gapps for IFS the task of drifting in you Lord for rent policy on education has proved much to existing under the circumstances. 2 year ago when the former minister of The aged is Priti Irani voted the idea of the new national policy it was welcomed. Views your gathering from the village and the district level and the committee shared by tsrm Subramaniam was set up to draught a document on the basic of Costco Mount of data about what ordinary people want to see in the national policy. A few months ago reports stated that the drafting committee had submitted its report but the ministry decline to release it saying it must first get their feedback from their states. Unhappy with this argument Subramaniam went ahead and realised the report himself. As if these development oil not discount big enough Irani who had initiated the policy drafting process had her portfolio changed in the cabinet reshuffle and a new ministers IV of 7 year to cover the HRD.
A new document has been uploaded on the Ministries website. It has a strange title some input for the draught national education policy 2016 normally government do not provide input they receives inputs from others.
Some inputs for draught national education policy 2016 normally government do not provide inputs they receive input from others. 1 wonders what message the ministry of wants to convey by saying it towards providing the some inputs.
The appraisers can be interpret it either as a sign of unusual modesty or something so many marks that only the ministry can provide inputs. Several of Ideas included in the inputs document are drawn from the Subramaniam Committee report. The differences is that this idea have now been put across more mindly.
The absence of Disco hand mission has intensified with the basis of child labour Amendment Act. If the president gives his assent to reset the agenda of educational conference will receive a Body blow.
The act not only legitimate children involved in the lucrative activities but also open the door for all kinds of industries to her elders Cont. Even younger children who are covered by 80 can I join the income gathering activities of the family after school hours all during vacation. All these allowances have been made in the name of the technically for assessment with the so-called Indian reality and a pleasant for proverty.
India's first populations of candle stands up on Google now Sir Bazar me order some educational worker available at the low wages for the low Tech industries.
With the basis of a new child labour Act India has taken a giant leap backwards. The games made over several decades of research and advocacy judicial intervention and the political mobilisation are being tossed away. The idea that the children have light took a fast global afford to get establishment at UN convention. The fact that India signed it was no routine matter. Oil preparedness to seepz million to children from the level market to school was poor.
It took to friendship National mission sustained over to decides to AGS appliances of Universal enrollment in the early primary classes.
Inverse trig enrollment at the upper primary stages class 6 to 8 possess tougher challenges.
When these problems about org approaching success the revised child labour act notes the texans idea that is calling Uninor can go together. Millions of little boys and girls can I join the ruins of the glass bangles of her a burning candle and their return from school in afternoon. I saw this activity in several homes in Firozabad a few year ago.
Million of little boys and girls can I join the two ends of the class Bangla over a burning candle when they returning from the school in the afternoon.

Are the girls education the new act implies A terrible setback. the permissions at grant for the little children work in the family Enterprises after school hours squeal soon full the daughters of the poor parents out of the school. The Exorcist of work compounded biconical malnutrition can be granted to affect their performance at school. Tip the new education policy brings the past and Systems back to the apartment classes we can easily imagine the consequences of children Sicily girls belonging to the liver family will fail and get disqualified for the further education. So we should be peaceful synthesis head toward the girl children coming from level and lower caste family to upgrade they are thinking to education modify their house tenses to education.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

GST should be passed in the session

The GST belleville can reset the Indian economy will be introduced in Rajya Sabha today. With Congress suffering it's opposition you chances look bright kalikesh Singh Dev bjd Lok Sabha MP whose party is supporting the GST bill spoke to the Sanjeet Singh on Hawaii GST metres the changing centre estate balance and nutrition Death in or risa.
What is BJT positions on GST? Will it be passed in the session of parliament? Hopefully it will be passed in this oceans itself because it will significantly enable trade and Commerce. The Indian business environment is the most expensive in the world. We are the country which has 30 different market and CST will return US into a unsigned market. BJP has always supported GST with some preconditions of which some have been agreed upon.
You wanted total compensation paid to the state for 5 years which government has now agreed to. Who you wanted booting to be unanimous decisions by state. We also wanted one person green tax for this mineral producing state to compensate for this app for distance but the government also did not get to the demanded by measures manufacturing in state for this one person on the river table c is for the polluting Industries to combat the local pollution. Comedy themes have to suffer its positions now but what do you think about the operations to GST bill until the recently and until the finalising time what will be the role of opposition party to amend the GST bill? There attitudes was exactly the same as the NDA and they'll in the opposition there is no differences in the politics of the obstruction between the NDA and UPA. The only difference is I see is a new politics of here division Street emanating out of the social restlessness in the society. My personal news is that all parties need to be on board for GST it has to be done through this concept and consultations irrespective of the legitimate of Congress demand. They are objective was to obstruct the past by GST in the end I did not hear metals by the trying to put through this possible to this a good algorithm and arrogantly without the reason of opposing party.
What about NDA effort in convincing positions parties to support important bills? The first year of the NDA wireless paint in the petting itself on the back and writing rap short on the opposition as the first year passed by the NDA realised that passing bill without support from the operations was not possible so the demands of the NDA is much more co operative now.
PM Modi promised Cooperative federalism. Are you happy with how the centre deals with state government?
There is a lot of noise on cooperative federalism. Initially steps are taken to increase the devaluation of the pounds to rupees 14th Finance Commission said and to give more flexibility to state for the implementing Central government schemes.
The deleting the total amount of the fund been given is actually less than before. In the previous financial year 2015 16 Orissa Government got approximately 2200 crore list and hot we would otherwise have got.
They'll critical gap between the centre Udaya at their contribute 60% for the central government schedules in Orissa now it contributes 50% in this can hunting Bolangir Koraput regions in the centre Road also Alia contributed the 90% of the snow down 50% backward area targeted schemes have been disappeared and this kbk revised long-term access plan started by the hotel Bihari Bajpai now has been taken away Government of India is moving funds from the backward star state toward the northern state are the elections are due.
There is no away anyone can justify depth by malnutrition. Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has also exhibitionist reasons why it happened and explain to ensure that this contraceptive is not repeated. Melitracen sahajoli recently been recognised by the government of India as a member of the parliamentary committee on nutrition. I impressed upon this Manmohan Singh government to view the main reasons as a medical problems. India V annable to import ready to use therapeutic foods which is described by the evening shift as the therapy post hesitation under the sun acute malnutrition because health and child welfare ministry could not agree on it. The issues of the malnutrition required a much more recent concentrated effort. The problems of maintenance get component due to the lack of a quick reporting procedure was there is a to 3 months legs in data reaching district headquarter and the government therefore any consequences expense is delayed. Let's wait for this enquiry to get Office I can SEO that the Government of Odisha is fully committed to combating malnutrition.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Bihar Centre drinking law is draconian and scanner Erode the positive image of CM

The story of the prohibition in Bihar how was the violin traditions that is required the ground of the increase their representations of this Run 2 Rant Bihar election celestial Chief Minister of the GTU leaders Nitish Kumar's has promised to elaborate that would put in the in the drinking the states in to continue to in this forward this the water particular domain to Kings is good for Mr Kumar has been through for his word introducing provisions with a few month. But now what have you licked by the media reports of boobs linking and smuggling of liquor because of the tax reservations and superstitions leading people to drink Mr Kumar is giving the streets to enter liquors law by making capable is an adult family members of this offender. what's the whole village or town in who is the longest road leads vbpa penalty for his and her transgression. Well known opposition leaders have currently criticized this new pieces of the legislation through some of them support prohibition. The new law says if the legal Orion intoxicating substances is found in a home it will be a ji omt all members are in the know of it.
This is absence is phyllis years and tantamount to saying that if a persons comedy theft this all her father or mother will be damned guilty can 75 year old woman the expected to know what a 45 year old son is doing at home or elsewhere?
Provisions has been introduced in the state Meli keeping in mind that light of women who have to put up with alcoholic family members.
But this love will be strong against the adult women also if it comes into force. And other provisions of the law is equally astounding.
Keep an employee drink in coffee the company owner of the local unit head will be guilty for his and her conduct.
Pronouncing guilty an entire village our town higher the repeated offensive words good main penalized of the law enforcement seurities also because they too many bhi residence of this place is concerned and how the system's will be misused by the police is the best left of this imagination. The corus and it will lead to can only is called the god image of Mr Kumar next for his sisters governmental will have to treat things all cheating trigonal just to handle the Cases of this litigation relating to such matter alone.
Hum provisions in the lower sensible for example a Police persons will be held guilty if she or frame someone.
Also the law of penalized those who assist in the history and consuming liquor through the whatever Mean. While keeping in tact these provisions the government would do uh where to drop the meaning less parts of the law else it will not only did the whole liquor business is going underground offence more than it already had in Bihar.

A judicious move , the new plan will help the government and Judiciary sort out their differences over the appointment of judges

the proposal to setup the secretariat manners by the retired judges to assist this calling in the stations of jds must be welcomed as a tourist the Judiciary concern over the possible and wanted executive in defence in the judicial appointment with almost 40% of hard this 1000 spost in 24 high courts lying vacant judicial appointment have been in the green lock for almost 2 hours while the government and the Judiciary have been trying to sort out the differences over the Memorandum of the procedure of judges appointment.
The issues of judicial appointment has been controversial in the India since the suspension of three Supreme Court Judges j m chocolate K H A N Grover in April 1973 by Indira Gandhi government which appointed justice a AN roy as chief justice of India.
Is tooth operation Pune tips transfer and three stooge DCL Independence the supreme court state judicial Court of the sort in 1993.
Illustrate the power of judicial appointment from the executive through what come to be known as the collegium system.
Initially hailed as an antidote to unwanted executive interscience in the judicial appointment the collegium system soon degenerated into a give and take system.
Following the serious complaint about the functions of the security policy and Systems Parliament and escape the national judicial appointment commission and J a c in this August 2014 with the complete political in Amity.
After Supreme Court striped that J a c in the October 2015 the name of the judicial Independence the extra constitutional corrigendum systems is back.
The government has been working to draught the Memorandum of the procedures as desired by the court.
But unfortunately the government and Judiciary have not been able to sort out the differences over it and there or this allocation tender government want to achieve through this memorandum proceedure what it would not be in this nJ a c.
Alia 13 others. Suggested that by the executive including a close to the national security for incorporating in the Memorandum of p********** and had been rejected by the column now that it has been proposed that a letter that there should be part of the security and that would scream candidate for the appointment at the rate of the supreme court and high court it should be acceptable and Judiciary as far as complaint against the sitting judges are concerned this will be different mechanisms.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A perspective for changing Nepal and India must deploy the non-conventional approaches to the transform their relation

There has been a steady Innocence of the Goodwill for India and Nepal decide the extent in the huge development support, interaction through an open bottle and observing this major socks of conflict in there.
The present trust deficit has an origin in the Nepal is King Mahendra that is also called prachanda. First democratically elected government of this b p Koirala in December 1960 the things in his S Eliot attempt to insulate India's from the Nepalese affairs took five  key decisions.
Ashton Parsons his policy of this equations between India and China he invited China in 1967 Studio the Kathmandu Kolaveri Highway connecting China to Nepal. India head by then be older 111 hiaway connecting Kathmandu it India.
Second he device to the east west Highway to link to extremely difficult geographical Frank of Nepal.
4th test fired this thinking of Nepalese rupee and sweet Indian Rupee the use of the Rupee and was made compulsory.
Keep the rate 15 of the constellations in this 1962 not only had the match smart also configuration of the religious importance of this monarchy.
The game for this monarchy were immense. One of those were the days scale of India's variety of the democracy.

With more funds for afforestation stations in States mast work to increase the India's green covers

The approval of this compensatory afforestation spanned C A F Dil 2016 in Rajya Sabha comes at the Brit of the place yards into this otherwise is tangent debate about the environmental concern getting the shot slipped into the space to the development agenda.
The Bill passed in the Lok Sabha idea will create the institutional mechanisms to use around the 48000 crore to mitigate the impact of the divergence of the forest land for non forest use.
About 90% of the band will be spent by the states and their food stations and related work. Orissa will get the maximum amount of the band with Jammu and Kashmir getting the at least.
Docomo is expressed concern and justifiable so about the rights of Tribunal and forest dwellers and the getting guarantee under the forest right Act 2006. There are 30 and pitfalls that must be guarded against the government proceed with the square ring development with environmental protection.
Development project should not be pushed as far as possible in the middle of the protected forest area as this would result in the segmentation of the forest land.
This could affect the movement of animals. The worst from the development project.
Which invariably in the Indian context means industrial plants are often dumped in these burnable ecosystem with a director as a result.
Energy for destructions is undertaken it is important to understand that it is the best to go in this Neti villages and spaces not want that either do not florist in the area of the advanced C affect the ecosystems.
The government must learn from the past mistakes.
In Karnataka for example test fights Naseeb investment in Air Force station is the area under cover actually went down from 1997 to 2011. Today report a person of India's forests are classified as degraded. Now that the bill has been passed, there is a real chances that India can also go in for natural regeneration Zorpia centigrade forest which is the long run can work out cheaper than creating new plantations. For this the government needs to study best practices from the across this world.
Environment ministers Amit madhabdev must be held to his word that the pound will be spent at the transparent manner.
The management of the forest l thing or now is prone to large-scale corruption, which ranges from the shortcut in identifying and buying sampling to the actual planting and protection works.
It is understandable that the development country cannot put its economic agenda on hold.
But environmental security has to be attended to simultaneously to secured the rights of those who depend on the forest for the early blywood and also as an antidote the ill effect of climate change.
So everybody of our country must be able to afforestation to reduce degraded pollution and climate changes.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Seasoned criminals are using juveniles to traffic my notes from the improvised parts of the country to big cities

Munnazhi study example of Higher the emerging from the human trafficking and one which is falling through the cracks seasons traffickers and staining childrens in this 16 to 18 age group to transport younger children from the countries poorest States to Urban centres.
For 5000 to 10000 per child my notes on the cops of adulthood embark the dangerous journey in the hope of the escape in endemic poverty.
Want a ride in the urban centres traffic in childrens are placed in this various sectors domestic work brick making working on the sales worker and the entering so on.

Finding funds: On COP28 and the ‘loss and damage’ fund....

A healthy loss and damage (L&D) fund, a three-decade-old demand, is a fundamental expression of climate justice. The L&D fund is a c...