Every Hindu should understand the a way of life how we devote ourself for the sake of God for the sake of common people and creature.
We must concentrate about our health about our mind and time sequence.
Hindus believe that God creates control and pervades all things therefore the respect and what shift the forces of nature animal trees mountain rivers and gods Avatar and God realized sadness of every creature.
Hindus believe that god is responsible for creation sustenance and destruction.
we believe the conception of Hindu
... The Hindu concept of the time is cyclical and like the Western concept that is linear.
Hands Hinduism with reference to the time frame is appropriate called Sanatan that is eternal.
Hinduism teachers that the soul is eternal and intrinsically pure and divine.
Yet because of 1 fast work he have to be punished in the present situation.
Hinduism describes the four Vedas as the road map of life.
Hindus susrat describe both para and apara Vidya and the back of the Shreya and prayer.
Hindu teaches us the presentation prayer and acquisition of knowledge in every situation of life.
The ancient rishis Monks reward nature and trade for peace in the sky water land on earth.
They understood the importance of the environment and prayed to the celestial Gods of nature.
The ultimate aim was self-realization and God realization for which they performed various Sadhana meditation.
The universal outlook of Hindu sages Monk is reflected through their messages. they addressed to the common people
The whole world is one family we have to help one another.
Let Noble thoughts come from all directions.
Let's believe to others.
The first step of success is to believe 2 others.
You cannot believe to others if you do not believe yourself.
Maintain the spiritual friendship and peace to others.
Always be respectful to the seniors and help to the helpless Be Cruel for this that person and honest for good one.
Hindus care for animals and all life for me because they believe that they have souls and forwards by God and experience feeling.
The first step of success is depend on directly consumption of time.
Utilization of time is very important to use in important situation.
The ritual of Shraddha and Anjana allows Hindu to Konar and fulfill their debates to and sisters and their was in this world and higher plans respectively.
So else well it is our duty to serve our country serve Hinduism.