Wednesday, June 28, 2017

PM Modi and President Trump exceed the muted Expectations for their first meeting

Head of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's first meeting with President Donald Trump concern had grown about the future courses of this bilateral relationship particularly Mr Trump would maintain his counterpart commitment to its strengthening.

This worries arrested on Mr Trump rewriting the equation with Europe reversing the American stand on China and in West Asia.

They were also fulfilled by his hearts word on trade tariffs immigrants and climate changes edge issues on which he specifically targeted in.

Mr troll and Mr Modi airport many pairs tourist they are meeting marked by personal Bonhomie.

Her husband also a part of delegation level talks importantly the India US joint statement has exceeded Expectations with an emphasis on the need for Pakistan to stop attack on India launched from its soil and for China to forget it belt and Road initiative taking into account India's concern on territorial and sovereignty issues.

Equally important has been the continuity in the India US strategic partnership cool it will bet with a softening of tone on China's action in South China Sea..

Mentioning North Korea West Asia Afghanistan the

This was reflected in Mr Modi attempt to engage Mr Trump I may be perceived to be an important call centre in the White House.

It's very important has been the continuity in the India US strategic partnership goal ahlebait with his obtaining of the stones on China's action in the South China Sea.

Mentioning North Korea West Asia and Afghanistan the statement talks of a growing strategic convergence between the two countries and Asia division of the world affairs..

That night Asit brought up the fridge shared values or Toke questions from the media may be seen as a departure from past meeting, but it is not a divergence from the Bilz and preference or both leaders.

It may even indicate further convergence between them. However while the two leaders were able to establish a common understanding of global issues, the joint statement indicates that many bilateral issues or yet to be resolved.

The insertion of an entire section titled" increasing free and fair trade"
EJ impaired attempt at putting the prowl minister sense concern on by didn't read on the front deficit"

Wild is bilateral issues well articulated others not brought up including India's concerns on the immigration process and H1 B Visa   curbs, Mr Trump withdrawal from Paris climate Accord which will leave India's climate changes financing handicapped.

It is to be hoped that this will be raised in the near future. All things considered a good human being appears.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

My quote about life..

My quote
The earth  is full of disturb people ignore them .

Identification of a good and bad person is important to live.

Detection of a people should be according to their activity.

Follow The Spiritual softhearted person and punished to the bad individual.

Utilize every moment of life with creativity.

Emphasize your mind to be greatest.

Life is a perfect teacher situation teaches us to every struggle in life.

The world is too bad to live ,so live with your full certification.

Now anywhere in my mind quiet life is still pending to live.

Real happiness is emphasize from the tears.

The world is too much painful.

Hey God please provide me a quiet life to live.

Hey God keep my parent safe and satisfied ,keep my brother safe and providing him so  intelligence to achieve success.

Past always teaches us.

so keep in mind all past activities especially which hurt you.

Be ready and work according to your teachers of past.

Present is to act.

Act for bright future and act for your enemies, and friend separately.

My new physics innovative idea.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

The escalation of the military activist inside the especially by the US and Russia is an presented and could have dangerous and global implication

United States fighter down the Syrian military Aircraft for first time when it formed a Syrian Rebel action backed by Washington.

Russia which bacteria and government responded in greeley and want that US aircraft and grown could be targeted by Russia.

Moscow for good measure out of the hotline designed to avoid accidental Run INS between the US and Russia military in Syria.

Iran meanwhile has fired missile on an Islamic state Based in Eastern Syria.
All of these action or and presented and represent an escalation of the military activist of almost all the major external player in the Syrian Civil War.

In the overall college that continues in Syria and the related conflict in western Iraq this action not amount to Much.

But in the larger geo-political game they indicate that the defeat of us in its present atrial form is now being seen as inevitable.

With their Enemies closing in on their capital Dhaka and therefore she's been passed out there largest city muscle even the caliphate leadership accepts the end is nigh.

On the Iraqi front  the political map is largely clear.

Baghdad will restore sanity over Iraq accepted border.

There is a measure internal issue of the states of kurtis area but even there it is an issue of autonomy not independence.

That is not the case with Syria.
The Ambassador lizard government is backed by Iran and Russia but physically hold only a striper Western Syria.

His military success are wholly dependent on his external because the resign remain actively opposed by the US Turkey and various Sunni regime.

This Government support a sentence of levels group ranging from the secular to Al Qaeda affiliated.

The post war map of Syria in other word remain highly uncertain.
The various external play I'll have begun joking fall position and capture of territory is an important part of this.

HS Retreat in Syria the Asa government for all its claim otherwise has spent more time attacking rebels who are not affiliated to IS.

This is partly true even for Russia's airstrikes.

The entry of the US into the equation is the most uncertain variable.

It has used is military power springly but could easily become the most powerful player irrespective of Russia's warnings.

As one Syrian conflict is winding down another one unfortunately.

Green Tribunal should step in to prevent the assault on Aravalis

With darling water resources is National Conservation zone concept this highly relevant today since the concrete structure on this vehicle and kill 30 and the foothills of the storm water drainage disturb does a plane shapes of groundwater.

Among all the pages that are currently hot favorites among policy makers sustainable development tops the list every government document is speak about the need to ensure that economic development happen without the presence of natural resources but on the ground things are different.

Take for example the ongoing Tussle between the Haryana Government and environment list over the arrival is natural conservation at the National green tribunal.

Find the farmer wants to dilute the normal to free around 11500 hectares which are under the natural conservation June status to be decided for the development of Jail States many cities are not eat for good reason.

The Aravali natural conservation June is categorised under 2 heads confirmed and ncz and yet to be decided ncz. On Tuesday the National green tribunal NGT come to the rescue for a n c z. Hearing a petition filed by the government list as a survey and NGT issue notice to the Haryana Government and Forest Department seeking replies by July 3 with boiling water resources and the end period concept is highly relevant today since the concrete structure on wetland and bleach Ravi line foothills and storm water drain disturb the replenishment seats for groundwater.

The assault on the India's Ecology has assumed gigantic proportion.

According to the recent report by WWF 3 match all natural World Heritage site the Western Ghat Sundarban national park and wildlife sanctuary manas in Assam .

One of the main reason why many did not understand the long-term value of ecosystem is because natures economic worth is invisible.

But today many economist or trying to point out that Innocence progress should include its natural capital base not just GDP.

The United Nation environment programme green economy initiatives has demonstrated that the training of economies is not a burden on growth but rather a new engine for growing oil increasingly Descent employment and reducing persistent poverty.

Unfortunately most Indian policymakers do not seem to comprehend such ideas thanks to their myopic attitudes and the pressure of 5 year election cycle and development becomes a big vote catcher.

The strength of India lies not in suppressing voice but in its long standing traditions of multiculturalism and plurality that has held the country together even at the worst of time and situation

India's increasingly triangle National ago was hard this week by cricket match. 15 peoples all muslims arrested from Madhya Pradesh Burhanpur district and slept with sedition for allegedly celebration of Pakistani victory in the final of Champion Trophy.

The police say their offence was shouting Pro Pakistan slogans and brasting firecrackers on the road.

On how crackers slogans good imperials the country do the authorities had no explanation.

The episode underlined amounting trained in India of using a sledge hammer to crack a but abilities law to muscle criticisms of the state or government with the focus of a non who said it is in the instead of hot watch been said.

The sedition law has an ignominious history.

The colonial provisions has been used against activist political opponent Freedom Fighters and even student.

In most cases discharges has been struck down by the court and Legal Experts have been repeatedly stressed that even anti India slogan did not mountains Edison born out to fact that no charges have been filled here after the Jawaharlal Nehru University student has been slapped for sedition charge.

In this case for example the families says they never celebrated India's defeat at the hands of the Arch Enemy but even if they did it does not amount to any serious threat against the country.

The charges of sedition usually regarded by act intended to submit all over three of the government through violence.

But increasingly it is welded as a threat to deal with people who cause discomfort criticize politics or not to the official line.

The lack of sincere efforts to Vishal down the scope of this dangerous law by successive government has laid security forces to use the Cds and close regularly and with impunity.

Even and admissions by junior home minister that the Ambit of the law was too wide has failed to temper  the enthusiasm.

This occurs badly for Indians who Pride themselves on nurturing a thriving democracy unlike our neighborhood.

But by booking people thoughts edition on account of slogan remarks made on television aur cricket matches we are wearing in 8 days ago that cannot tolerate even the slightest hint of dissent let alone criticism.

The strength of India lies not in suppressing voice but in its long standing traditions of multiculturalism and plurality that has held the country together even at the worst situation.

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A healthy loss and damage (L&D) fund, a three-decade-old demand, is a fundamental expression of climate justice. The L&D fund is a c...