Aam Aadmi Party kondana and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday road to Chief Minister of 11 states that are not ruled by the Bharatiya Janata Party seeking their support in his standing against the proposed amendment to the Electricity Act 2003.
Kejriwal said he will also travel to the state to build a confessions to install the amendment.
The electricity Amendment Bill 2014 was introduced in the Lok Sabha in December 2014.
It was then referred to the standing committee on energy and after it is recommendations consultations held with the all states. The central head pain the proposed amendment to the states for their feedback on September 7.
According to the draught amendment the central one to give consumer provider us by promoting the competition in the power distribution factor and addressing the contracting is suit with a.
It will allow the consumer to pay electricity from a portal to their choice.
Imaging that the chances would lead to an immediate and steep hike in electricity tariff Kejriwal text the cm to keep the document proposal wide publicity to make people are of how it will hit them.
The proposed amendment to the Electricity Act 2003 or a matter of serious concern as they concentrate on power in the electricity sector in the hands of Central government to the exclusion of the state government and it will lead to an immediate is traffic in the electricity tariff.
Draught of proposed amendment to the Electricity Act 2003 has also been circulated among the CM of 11 States for the proposal.
The little has been sent to Mamata Banerjee West Bengal and Chandrababu Naidu Andhra Pradesh winner bigyan Kerala HD Kumaraswamy Karnataka Pondicherry Tamil Nadu Orissa and Sikkim.
It appears that the motive of the central government is to import and husband privatisation of electricity all over the country and to have her a few companies by concentrating call power with itself the centre will be able to do that.
Kitchen has been critical of electricity Hanumaan been calling it Jacqueline because it according to him it would put an end to cross subsidy with US President helps to keep electricity career blower for the small medium and Agriculture consumer by imposing higher rate on Industrial and commercial consumer.
We all need to get together to ensure the central government does not submit to getting this Amendment Bill passed in the parliament.
Responding to he delegation the BJP switched it to the national democratic Alliance government at Central said the proposed amendment to the act the centre will know about parrot.
At a public meeting in the Rohini neighborhood Kejriwal told gathering he will travel to the state and made the chief minister to secure the hell backing in the flight against the proposed amendment.
If the Modi government passed the amendment power tariff in Delhi will become 7.5 per unit for all consumers in every category.
In Delhi Bharthari for consumers who used upto 400 unit who is comprised 85% of electricity connection in the city will have to hiked by over 5 times he was said earlier.
In the national capital the average cost of power is 7.4 per unit.