Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Key to China's miracle, nurturing talent and cenang Cottage can bring prosperity and transform India

on the same day gyro Nikali the Rajya Sabha passed the constitutional amendment establishing the vacation person quota for the poor in the higher education and government job an email arrived in my mailbox about an ongoing research project at Harvard comparing meritocracy in India and China.

The Hobbit project is based on the belief that the two largest and oldest society in the world can learn from each other in managing talent despite the different political system..
add someone who has managed organisation I have learnt that talent is the scariest resources in society and having the right person in the right place makes all the differences.

I was there for deeply English to an hour Parliament passed a law that deliberately reduced opportunities for the most talented only 40% in the areas where it matters most Government and education.

every democracy restless with the problem of how the combine excellence and fairness.

Given historical inequality of caste India established kota's for Delhi jeans and rivals at the funding of Republic.
it was meant to be temporary but after 70 are not only does this quote has purchased but comparative politics has expanded it to other backward caste as a result the self esteem and status of the lower caste has Rajendar economic status has not accept for the creamy layer the reasons for a Rotten education system that is negligence of outcomes and falls to equipment students for employment and economic model that has failed to produce high quality job and abundance are like the Far East Model of Asian target and China.

vrms that the rise of China but we do not appreciate the role meritocracy has placed in this great miracle the ideal political meritocracy has existed in the China from the accident time more than 2500 years ago confusing said that the government should do the merit and virtue not inherited status from the 10th century 295 Chinese official was elected primarily through the comparative exam and promote religious platform and performance assessment abilities and governance and how to analyse.

the concept of political meritocracy spread from China to the west Delhi and up by the British India the first European power to implement the meritocracy civil service was the British Empire in India.

according to Daniel Bell author of the China model political meritocracy and the limits of the democracy the NC and ideals and merits was restored in the China by dancing in the 1978.

Vinu a lot about the China economic perform but having no its political report because you judge political only through the lens of lateral democracy and Human Rights wale tells us that the in the four decades in relentless pursuit of the medical 17 the high quality education and pressing talented person in the crucial sport in the country government as usually and anaesthesia state leadership capacity.

the focus on the marathas not only the improved efficiency but also impact equality by the almost eliminating property and the torrent China into the middle class Nation although the corruption in perfect democratic accountability is present the ordinary person is satisfied with the social contract that has brought perspective good governance to all.

the rise of India after 1991 has also significantly reduced through it and explain the middle classes but it's explains in the comparison to the China what's our project is likely to confirm if that the difference between these two Nations lies meritocracy and their state capacity India's advantages over the China lies in the Giving its people by various democracy but his relatives lies to the proper Government education in India developed political energy from the most.

desperate sheet flowers I doubt it this argumentative Indian will enhance their systems for China how are there is much to learn from the China Pursuit in meritocracy elected political in this democracy will usually privilege this interest of the today is water at the expense of the future generation by for example not place in the most talented ministerial in the open sale in education and help this is why the port number of the blockheads in SAB became the teacher police man and the law Court judge whale shows how a relation is Focus in the merit in the China both the entry level of The Sword in the option given at the lowest level of the government result in the solving problems and gives political leaders.

the new 10% reservation in India is usually flowed will probably not survive gdcl services even it is real that is the time to visit the soul social contract based on the Cottage diversity is excellent subjective but there were better way to implement this affirmative action court Allahabad cause that I were the national ID from the nurturing talent India challenges in this 21st century lies in the combining democracy and democracy to ensure that the most wanted level 16. when high class education is married 2 America critic governments than the lady sexually became an advantage in an open trading system switch translate into higher wages within generation this is how to transform India.

Detecting the movement of illegitimate fund is a challenging task

Yet it is not an impossible 1 sharing of information between intelligence bodies can stop such activities.

Schools need to become more receptive to girls

there has to be a proper mechanism to identify the Jatt release kab dropping out who are far from becoming an education Nations write Madhavan CEO of Pratham in this introductory pieces in this 2018 annual states of the educational report which was released in their New Delhi last week that is an process under stressing appraisal is available in the report one out of a brief for class 8 student in the real India is unable to read even a class to test and over one in the class 8 student cannot solve a problem that involve basic division.

by the class 8 the last year of the compulsory schooling in India am also not expected to have this mustard fundamental skills in additions to the poor learning outcomes there is one more issues that mastery all of us that questions of the guard specially in this 15 to 16 age group according to this report in 2016 all of India and proportions of the girls in the age group of 11 to 14 over out of school student the 10. 3%.
in 2018 the overall population of the girl in the 11 to 14 age groups out of the School has fallen 4. 1% how about 10 year ago 2018 National more than 20% of girls in the age of 15 to 16 age group are not enrolled in school in 2018 it is 13. 5%.

while the decrease in this percentage of out of school girl children it is a positive trend expert says the proactive policies are required to ensure that that decrease is much faster.

at the every basic level day school needs to become more receptive two girls and the Teachers must be sensitive to this gender gap additional the focus must be on having mechanism to identify the girls at risk of the dropping out the bring back those who have quite School there must be at the provisions for a special training in this accelerated learning opportunity for out of school girls children and the mechanism for the dialogue with parents and community to ensure that girls stay in school...

BJP 2019 strategy is pretty clear

It's focusing on the east and South to make up for possible losses in the north and West.

India is immersed in political debates as the Lok Sabha polls throws error during this discussion over here that the 2019 general elections will be different and tough compared to the one in 2014.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and aggressive leader of the BJP Amritsar to understand this fact oil that is why they have opted for a difficult strategies this time.

according to the strategy the Prime Minister wheel address is hundred really across the country if you are look closely at this really is you will find that the priority has been given to West Bengal Kerala Telangana Andhra Pradesh Orissa North East region this last Lok Sabha elections BJP won most of the seats in the Northern and western state. while in the south the Karnataka and undivided Andhra Pradesh they tied up with the Telugu Desam Party and on 17 to 19 seats respectively.

the BJP on one city in Tamilnadu Mumbai they could not give even a single seat in Kerala this time the party has not the support of the eye DMK in Tamilnadu and superstar Rajinikanth age also signal support even while remaining independent.

as per as Kerala is concerned this is the unique state where the workers of the CPIM and RSS have always hot brightly on the street but despite all these the BJP has not been able to succeed.

the abe Modi mentioned that grambling of culture in a rally in the Kerala makes it clear that the saffron party wants to strengthen its roots for its state so far is the Congress and the CPIM takes time to riding The Chariots of power in Kerala.

the BJP has been working with all its my to be convert out a path of exile between these two traditional Rivals.

the circumstances in West Bengal or almost the same of course Mamta Banerjee is uprooted 34 year old left government and has manage to come power but she is not change the style of the government functioning.

In the triangular strike between the Congress left and Trinamool Congress.

the BJP fuels that it can polarize the boats in its figure has been working tirelessly for that he wanted to organise a Raja in West Bengal but they did not allow it.

Modi and Saheb there ambitions find on Orissa to Naveen Patnaik is popularly dad that there has been in power for 15 years. but this is strength or weakness there??

Shivraj Singh Chauhan in Madhya Pradesh and Raman Singh in Chhattisgarh could not have won the recently held assembly election despite being popular in their states.

Naturally its radius BJP's expectation in Orissa.

the Congress is the main opposition party in the state but by visiting Orissa food X in 24 days Modi has proved that he is working hard work establishing is Party as strong as the main party in the history gland of Kalinga.

clearly the BJP has been playing hard to win most of 125 sheets which have been left untouched by the party so far.. it is also necessary for the party so that it can compensate for the laws of Northern and western estate who is the party is apprehensive about.

until now we discussed by strategy which is hidden from the public has now we come to the Prime Minister speech we must have noticed what about the Prime Minister who is he boost of the work done by his government in that reasons for the example in Punjabi talk about not only the kotarpur kolder but also explained in the detail about what the centre has been doing for The Statesman unemployment youth and senior citizen.

weeks after 20 in Kerala he not only tried to can case on the religious sentiment on the product of the Sabarimala but also contains one by one the development project and work of the central government.

Modi is definitely making an effort to project his image as the Vikas purush.

Is it an attempt to post politics in the positive direction??

Modi and Saha knows very well that miracle do not last longer.

It is necessary to create something new constantly to engage the message to gana their support.

this is why after the success of the Jala welfare schemes such as health insurance were implemented.

it does not end here deceptiveness is also very important in politics it is done in order to divert that and Sons of the tribal groups if you do not believe this then consider the cases of Karnataka the coalition government of the jds and Congress kept swing between this prevention of some Android development for the entire week do not be surprised if the same attempt made in the Madhya Pradesh too.

it is clear Modi so hard you have made the first move in the political game of chess what attitude the voters adopt on this will have to wait for a few month to see that.

Deconstructing Brahmn through devotion

Ramanuj position in Vedanta metaphysics is unique in its attempt to resolve the nature of reality the ontological design of reality as one and many by seeing that to not as opposites but as being complementary to the each other.
Hit ambitious Vaastav BJP President se world in which the one Unity Express itself in and throw a multiplicity of form the many both are held together in an organic whole the absolute expressing itself through the multiple finite belonging eminent in them yet transgender of them both the absolute and cruel world your real the both realty they value in through the other.

having at least the crore metaphysical issues Ramanujan and applied this principle to make out define ramban as promo producer not an abstract principle was good qualified by the individual solved the matter the physical concept of absolute get merged with the religious concept of God and reality is now realizable devotional experience.

The earlier vaishnavo mistake divorce and tradition of the always get merged in the metaphysics of this is Tibet where the empirical world is control and supported by Suguna personal God and the relation between the God and the plural world is described as the sorry ra sorry that is the connect between body and soul.

Ramanuja Sri impress a commentary on the Brahmaputra present a Theological framework to metaphysics by the establishing Supreme Brahman as Vishnu Narayana or Srinivasa.

he states that Liberation for human being consist in the surrendering to him in the spirit of saranagathi seeking refuge in him. This philosophy was later elaborated upon by Vallabha and Chaitanya.

Sankara Advaita philosophy that the world is Unreal that the individual soul and the Brahmin or one that only Brahmin is knowledgeable eyes and not the one who possesses the attributed all the counted by ramanujar in the freezer Vedanta Desika was to later.

define ramanuja his position as reflected in the basis Vedanta qualified only I'm supposed to in this Sankara absolutism says he comes closer to the original intent of the ground zeroes then Shankara does.

this metaphysical positions of holding the phenomenal world and the absolute as both the real world old selected as the trigger for the major social reform which ramanuja pioneered in this time his philosophy of the synthesizer loud him to view the world with a very large heart and give him the conviction that there can be no caste community and general restrictions in the eyes of God.

All are equal in the opportunity to serve the realise God.

ramanujar 3 open Temple entry to the so called untouchables of these day his personally supervised there entry into the temple of the Lord Thiru Narayana Airtel code in Karnataka giving them a new unloading name Thirukural as belonging to the family of the Laxmi the divine mother.

Ramanuja publicly shared the akashra mantra Om Namo Narayana with one and all to the display of his Guru letter seeking his comparisons for people his Guru explain that ramanuja had truly in wild the spirit of the mantra.

H1 stands before the figure of the ramanuja inside the sanctum complex of the Srirangam temple his real nature as Bhakti strikes on a devotee who constructed the Abstract motion of the Brahmin and turned it into the vision of the personal God who can be reached and the real eyes through devotion.

Thank you all for reading my blog and gathering knowledge all upgrading mind strengthening intelligency.

Monday, January 21, 2019

IIT Kharagpur Big Saheb science of life in India from 2. 5 billion years ago

Researchers find evidence in the form of microbiology cells.

a team of researchers from the IIT Kharagpur has found evidence of life in India dating back at least 2. 5 billion years.
2. 5 billion years was the beginning of the time known to scientist as a great oxidation event which mark the entry of oxygen in the earth atmosphere making life as we know it is possible.

the first sign of the life have been found in the form of microbial cells in the Deccan and it took the teams four years of arduous work finally the microbes where found at a depth of the 3 km.
the funding have been published in the December edition of the scientific reports nature and online open access journals from the Publishers of the prestigious natures one of the most recognisable scientific journey in the world.

the news head start the ministry of the Earth science which head at the IIT teams played by the Pinaki Sara of the faculty of biotechnology to prove the beginning of life in India. An official announcement is expected shortly.

Sir said this microsomes most bactrian date back to a time on earth crust which is still unstable and earthquake on chat with volcanic eruption a routine.

between 2. 5 billion Sia and 65 millions years ago the crossroad intermediately coal import would be second up against with the place eruption and Lava flows.

the school interlocked where the time when the first life form in the form of the microbes starting making their appearance and the Deccan traps for the country's oldest Rock granite and basalt are located where home to these first life EP much like the which water stand in the South Africa Colorado river basin in the US and the Canadian Shield Finland geoscientist across the world are trying to reveal life and qualities on earth and the discovery by the scientist would be a landmark.

the search started in 2014 and the ministry of the IIT biotechnology East to join a team of geologist at Koyna in Maharashtra where a devastating earthquake headache used in the 1964 the geologist trying to establish the cause of the quick since this part of the Deccan is made of the oldest ingenious Rock The Ministry of the IIT scientist to explode the possibility of life deep inside the rock Valley.

The depth of these ncn Rock do not have oxygen water organised Elite to support life the lock across the track out of these three holes are investigated and we have to add microbiology distance.

Sir said the next Physics of their research will focus on the weather the organisms will they live we can not immediately confirm that he explain calling the microbes extreme because they survive extreme condition in their extremely intelligence Bakrid and they could teaches a lesson or two about how carbon and inorganic sources can be accessed used for the survival.

CSE students to identify sources of pollution

Delhi based think tank Centre for science and environment is set to start a real-time source apportionment study to identify the factors responsible for the city foul air.. Anumita roychowdhury head of air pollution and clean transport in program at CSC said the idea is to find out the exact composition of the pollutants. it will be a real time study on the sources of pollution in Delhi we will be looking at continuous emission and real time sources Apartment we will measure the pollutant and the Assassin what could be the possible sources.

according to the expert the exercise will be done in the city as well as in the NCR.

earlier this month the Delhi government signed a memorandum of understanding with the Washington University to undertake a real time sources apportionment study in the capital to evaluate the air quality issues.

The Memorandum of understanding is aimed at a giant studies to be undertaken by the Washington University and the Delhi Pollution Control Committee for the real-time source apportionment with special reference to PM 2. 5. analysis of elemental organic carbon and 72 inorganic elements will also be undertaken. the project duration age 18 months in the work will be undertaken by the personal of the arrow sale in air quality research laboratory. The laboratory has expertise to identify air pollution quality problems and suggest solution to curtail the emission to reduce the air pollutant release.

experts at IIT Kanpur or old show in talk with the central pollution control board for funding is Himalaya study under which multiple Innovation and initiatives for being conducted aimed at writing Delhi is toxic air.

the IIT experts plan to take real time measurement using a device called a narrow cell message spectrometer this device is can actually gives you a chemical analysis of every organic matter except dust particle.

Finding funds: On COP28 and the ‘loss and damage’ fund....

A healthy loss and damage (L&D) fund, a three-decade-old demand, is a fundamental expression of climate justice. The L&D fund is a c...