the linear momentum of the particle at an instance is defined as the product is of its message and velocity of the particle and tenses table representation by the symbol speak and it is a vector quantity.
P equal to Mv
Where p=mv
The momentum of a system of a particle is the vector sum of the individual momentum of all the particles.
Law of conservation of linear momentum
if the net external forces acting on a systems of body is zero then the momentum of the systems remain constant.
This is the basic laws of conservation of linear momentum.
we have to remember that this moment of resistance is observed and not that the individual particle government of individual bodies in the systems might increase of the decrease according to the situation but the moment of the systems you'll always be conserved as long as there is no external forces acting on it.
explanation the law of conservation of momentum can be explained from the second law of motion Newton's second law of the motion says that the rate of changes of linear momentum of a body is equal to the net external forces applied .
if the external forces acting on a body is zero then the rate of changes of the momentum is also zero which means that a force is no changes in momentum.
the bodies of the masses M and M are moving opposite directions with a velocity V if the collided of the moment together after the collision so I have to find the security of the systems.
she is there is no external forces acting on the systems of the body is Momentum will be conserved initial Momentum equal to final momentum.
From this occasion we can easily find the final momentum.
one of the application of the conservation of momentum is it gets pushed toward and motorized concept Momentum.
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