Each individual is a unique phenomenon. Hence no law, no morality can be applicable to all. Of course, we have to agree on a few minimums just to exist together, but those minimums have to be the nonessentials.
About the essentials, there should be no compromise at all, with no one, not even with God, because you don’t know anything about God. The priest goes on speaking on behalf of a God which nobody knows. It is the priest, who pretends that his voice is God’s voice.
Religion means one is trying to transcend the mundane; otherwise, religion loses all its meaning. … And this is not only the case with Hindus: this is the case with Buddhists, Jainas, Christians, Jews, with almost all organised religions. They have all gone off-track. I mean they have become entangled with the nonessential.
There cannot be myriad rules about the essential; it is about the very nonessential: while you are walking, how much you should see of the road? – only four feet, not more than that, not even four feet six inches. If you go beyond the limit of four feet, you fall from grace. Now what does it have to do with religion? You have to have only a certain number of clothing, not more, and you have to be very strict about it. You have to beg in a certain way, from certain people, not otherwise. You have to eat only at a certain time; if you are feeling hungry again you cannot eat, you have to remain hungry.
These rules have been propagated in the name of religion, and once something takes the colour of religion, it starts looking important to people.
Character has been very much emphasised; in fact, character is a peripheral phenomenon. The real thing is not character but consciousness, but consciousness happens inside and is not available for others to observe; others can only observe your character. And it is always the others who are deciding for you, hence they decide something that they can observe: they decide about your behaviour. And of course man is capable of conducting himself in a certain way; he can force himself to do all kinds of contortions, but that does not change his consciousness at all.