Friday, March 27, 2020

electricity and Magnetism And The Lodge of the Faraday is electricity

The great scientist Michael Faraday and the great scientist humphry davy watch in the same cell scientist Michael Faraday was so much great scientist that he determined to do something and said no one except God can hold me back otherwise I will not be back to invent some electrical basic theory and phenomena induction.

Determination is a great things an activity which can do everything by a person the friend is invention is a real and burning example of this.

Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction so that induced electromotive force ok closed circuit is directly proportional to the negative rate of changes of the magnetic flux through that carbon.

repeat the induced electromotive force of a closed circuit is directly proportional to the negative rate of changes of the magnetic flask through that curve.
Ferrari signifies that when there is a closed circuit and closed circuit is binded to where from cylindrical hole and EMF induced EMF induced electromotive force that it will be must be negative and the magnetic flask which will you flowers from this one to another because you know when the wire is grounded through some metal cylindrical metal and it will be Hole Hole cylindrical matter and there is flow of electron means flow of electricity through that were then there will be a magnetic field it is created by also a laws of Heritage that magnetic field is present when the wired metal is present.

polarization and modern optics the relation between the both and modernization optics theory

Production and detection of the linearly and circularly polarized light. double refraction quarter wave plate optical activity principle of the fibre optics attenuation pulse dispersants in the step index parabolic index fibre material dispersion single mode of the fibre laser and stand A and B coefficient of the Ravi and the agn laser characteristic of the laser light is special on the temporal coherence proposing of the day operations holography and simple application.

geometric optics and the optical phenomena geometric substances

laws of the reflection and refraction from the format principle Matrix method in the peripheral optics thin lens formula nodal plane system the two thin lens chromatic and Spherical aberration.

Interference interference of the light young modulus in and the mood of interference.

Young Modulation and the mode of interference
the attraction and repulsion sports between the two particle is directly proportional to the multiplication between the two particles and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two particles.

interference off the light young experiment network rings interference by the thin film Michelson interferometer multiple beams interferometer and the fabry-perot interferometer.

Diffraction Honda deflection single slit double slit diffraction grating resolving power diffraction by a circular of nature and the error pattern fresnel diffraction kab free hoge Jones and the Jones flat circular of a reserve.

special relativity a brief discussion about special relativity

Web simple harmonic motion damped oscillation forced oscillation and resonance.

Beats stationary waves in a string.

Pulse in web packet.

phase and group velocity reflection and reflection from hygiene principle.

Special theory of relativity always tells that there is a speciality in the letter T.
According to the Einstein the great scientist said that everything is related like the length goodness and Beagle greater everything is related to each other this is first Global relativity.

gravitational theory the newtonian gravitational theory

directions and repulsion sports between the two particles is directly proportional to the multiplication of the message of the two particle and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two particle.

Large Hadron Collider and gravitational observatory theory is always doing their best performance to find out if there is any existence of black hole.

black hole is such a substance which cannot be identified measured and detect by any machine camera and human substances.

it was first predicted by Albert Einstein 1917 but there was no proof that it is exist or not.

but in the theoretical physics he said that the black body radiation is happening and if it is happen then the black hole is also exist. To determine that the black body radiations Large Hadron Collider is invented through a lot of area in the area of America there is a very long pipe line through which laser can be passed and that detect if there is any frequency is coming from the black hole.

gravitational web observatory and Large Hadron Collider is conjugate Li work to find out the existence of black. Laws of the motion the conjugation of the energy and momentum conservation of the energy is always said that in the universe there is the total energy is.

energy can diverted from one state to another one condition to another and one energy one type of the energy to another type of the Nazi party it cannot be destroyed.

isothermal adiabatic isochoric process simply a brief discussion about isothermal adiabatic and isentropic process

thermal and statistical physics a brief discussion about statistical and thermal postulate ideas of substances

Thermodynamics laws of thermodynamics reversible and Irreversible process.

Reversible process is those process which can be rivers and done through the back side to front and front side to back also this is happen at the same time.
In the reversible process both front to back ok and back to front process has been done with same time and same situation.
The example of reversible process is Osmosis process and Reverse Osmosis process.

Osmosis process is the process by which the two liquid is being separated from a half membrane and the liquid from the lower density is continuously going to the higher density it is called the reverse osmosis by which trees collect water from ground.

Finding funds: On COP28 and the ‘loss and damage’ fund....

A healthy loss and damage (L&D) fund, a three-decade-old demand, is a fundamental expression of climate justice. The L&D fund is a c...