Wednesday, February 3, 2021

the supreme personality of the good side while speaking learn what you are this morning for what is a worthy of grip those who are wise Lebanon neither for the living nor for the death.

The load add ons to the position of the teacher and customised the student calling him indirectly a fool the lord set you are taking a like a learnt men but you do not know that one is not want to know that is body what is soul does not revenant buy any stage of the body in the living or not in the date condition as explained in the letter chapter 8 will be clear that knowledge means to no matter the spirit of the controller of the both.
Arjun aur good that religious principles should be given more important than politics or sociology but he did not know that the knowledge of matter soul and the supreme is even more important than religious formularies.

and because he was and lacking in the knowledge is should not have posed him as a very learnt man.
News consequently laminating for something which was all worth it for lamentation.

the body is born and is designed to the bank was today or tomorrow weather for the body is not as important as sold one who knows this is actually learnt and for him there is no cause of lamentation regardless of the condition of material body.

Monday, February 1, 2021

the supreme personality of godhead shared my their origin how have this includes come upon you they are not all betting man and whose no is the value of life they had laid no higher planet but to infamy

Krishna and the supreme personality of godhead or identical therefore the lord Krishna HD part to the bhagwan throughout the guitar bhagwan is ultimate in the absolute truth they absolute truth is realised of this page of understanding neighbourly the backbone of the impression of the all-purpose spirit for mahatma and the all localised aspect of the supreme within the heart of the living entities and the bhagwan of the supreme personality of godhead lord Krishna their sweet truth is realised that represent the understanding by this inner wall of the absolute truth and all of them 16 identical charges of absolute truth are expressed by the from one parmatma and the bhagwan.

that's roti realised in all phases of the understanding this 3D effect can be explained by the example of the sun which is also a 2011 aspect namely the some sign the sun's surface on this planet itself one who studies the sunshine only in the privileged student who understand the sun's surface is further advantages.

and one who can enter into the sun planet is a size 2 ordinary student to a satisfied by the simply understanding the sun's and universal pervasiveness and the glaring this a few lines of this impersonal nature may be compared to those who can realise so in the future to the absolute truth.

the student who has advanced you still further cannot SanDisk which is compared to the knowledge of the parmatma feature of the absolute truth and the student who can enter into the heart of the sun planet is compared to those who realise this person a feature of the supreme court ruled that these doctors and patients who has been realised this bhagwan feature and absolute truth this problem and all the student who engage in this study of this absolute truth and guest in the supreme same subject matter the sunshine and that's and external affairs of sample and cannot be separated from the other and yet the student of the three different phases are not in the same category.

Sanjay se road June having thanks upon this battle full cast aside is bows and arrows satellite in the carrier what is his mind is overall 2 with script

why dogs urban the situation Hindi sunny deol restaurant app in this area but he is not complete this lamentations he sat down again setting aside his bows and arrows such kind of the soft hearted person in the service of the lord is lift receiving this knowledge and as a subject to support the first chapter of this by beginners.

Sanjay Seth Singh this original full of the competition is mine depressed is rises full of the tear madhusudan Christmas rock this feeling world.
material composition lamentation the city as a sign of the significance of the real self compassion of the body and insolvency act licence is part of this module in this versus lord Krishna killed in the stamp on Madhu now Arjun want to the Christmas to kill dem one of the most interesting of this lord even the undertaken him in this discharge of the duty no one knows their compositions should be applied comparisons of the dress and the town of the senseless is a man fall in town in the ocean and an incense cannot be observed recently by the risk using this advanced addresses the gross material body one who does not know this limited by the owner of this is for the shudra everyone who didn't unnecessarily original with the three and his conduct was not intend to from the lord Krishna how I can be disciplined does lemon cause of the ignorant man this chapter in struct in the self realisation by the analysing the study of the material buti and the spirit of.

alasande strange days what we're preparing to commit great listen to let driving by the desire to enjoy the royal happiness we are intend to killing our own kingsman

driven by self motives 1 may be inclined to search sinful act as the killing of the one on brother father and mother there are many such instances in the history of the world but origin of being the saintly report of this world and knowledge can see this model principle of therefore always be careful about the such activities.

better for me if the sum of the different weapons in the hand want to the kill me the an armed of the on resistance on the battlefield it is customer cording to the theory of writing principle that are not an annoying false should not be was decided that even if attacked by the enemy in such in account positions he would not find it did not consider how much the other party was been upon the fighting all these symptoms are due to the soft heart and resulting from this being a great devotee of the lord.

9 Krishna mantra of the people I have had the discipline success since about those family traditions are destroyed by dwell in hell

best original best his argument not his own this personal experience but what he was out from this authority that is a survey of the receiving real knowledge a one cannot reach the point of this actual knowledge without being helped by the right person switch off white established in the knowledge that the systems in this physical -2 sensors with airport date has been undergo the process of this economy in the simple activity one who is always engaged in the scene activities must utilise the process of the importance and call this person without doing so once your level transfer Sohail is planned undergo the measurable live in this result of simple activity.

who has the text of the lotus feet of this mukhtar given the liberation giving all kind of the application has taken the part of the industrious and honour the Identity of the demigods and general living entities family members and their human kind of the forefathers applications are automatically fulfilled by the performance of a division of service to the supreme personality of godhead.

community project for the four order of the human soul society combine the family welfare activities they are set forth by this installation of the sanatan dharma and vasundhara dharma designed to enable the human being to attain his ultimate salvation therefore breaking sanatana dharma tradition by the respective of the society bring out the chaos in the society and responsible if people forget the aim of the life business hours later recalled the blind and the person who follows as needed to be laid into the chaos.

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