Tuesday, February 16, 2021

in this endeavor there is no loss all denominations and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear

Activity in Krishna consciousness or acting for the benefit of the Krishna without expectations of the sense gratification is the highest trans tensional quality of work even a small beginning aap sach activity finance no impediment knock and that small beginning be lost at any stage.any work began on the material plan has to be completed otherwise the whole attempt to become a project but any work began in the Krishna consciousness has a permanent effect even through not finished.
the powerful man of such works is therefore not at a loss even if he is working in Krishna consciousness is incomplete.
1% done in Krishna consciousness ideas for permanent results show that the next beginning is from the point of the 2% where in the material activity without 100% success there is no profit performed is duty in the some percentage of the Krishna consciousness but the result he enjoyed at the end was 100% by the grace of the lord there is a nice words in the connection in Shri Krishna bhagwat.
if someone gives us his occupational duties and work in the Krishna consciousness and then fall down on account of the completing his work what loss is there on his part and what can one gain if one perform his material activity in perfect?
metro activity and their result into the body but work in a Krishna consciousness carries a person again to Krishna consciousness even after the loss of his body at least one is sure to have a chance in the next life of being born against as a human being either in the family of the great cultured the mono or in the rich and family that will given 1 if are the chances to elevation that is there any quality of work done in Krishna consciousness

dard bhari I have described this knowledge to you through the analytical study listen age explain it in the term of the working without a putative result Ozone apart the when you act in such knowledge you can free yourself from the b*bondage of work

According to the nirukti order Vedic dictionary that which describes things in details and sanchore for student firoja FIR which describes the real nature of the soul and joga involved the controlling the senses.

Original Tripura proposal not to fight was based on sense gratification forgetting his prime duty you wanted to seeds 13 because he thought that by not killing his relatives and kinsman he would be happier than by enjoying the kingdom after acquiring his cousins and brothers the son of dhritrashtra.in both the basic principle for the sense gratification happiness derived from the conquering about happiness drive from seeing the kingsman life support in the basic of the personal sense of gratification.even at the Sacrifice of the wisdom and duty Krishna therefore wanted to explain to original that by killing the body and his grandfather he would not be killing the sole proprietor and explain that all the individual personal including the lord himself for eternal individuals they were integrated in the past their individual in the present and they will continue to remain individuals in the future because aur pass or individual soul eternally.
recently changes award what did dresses in the different manner but anyway we keep our individual even after the liberation from the bonds of the material dresses and origin I study to the soul and the study of the body has been very graphically explained by the lord Krishna and this descriptive knowledge of the soul and the body from the different angle of the basin has been described here some kind of the naukari nirukti dictionary.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

visit to Vrindaban

oh my god a person who is changing your holy name all the born of a low family like that is a controller is situated on the highest platform of self-realization.

search a person must have performed toll kind of finances and sacrifices according to the vedic rituals and studies the vedic literature many many time after taking his death in all the holy places of pilgrimage such a person is considered to be the best of Aryan family.

so one must be intelligent enough to understand the purpose of the methods without being attached to the ritual only and must not be desired to be elevated to the heavenly kingdoms of a better quality of the sense gratification.
it is not possible for the common man in this age to follow all the rules and regulations of Vedic ritual 9 it is possible to study all the vedant and open is it required much time energy no knowledge resources to execute the purposes of Vedic culture is served how I by chanting the holy name of the lord as recommended by the lord Chaitanya the deliverer of all fallen soul.
When lord Chaitanya was text by the great Vedic scholar prakashanand saraswati why he the lord by changing the holy name of the lot like the sentimentalist instead of the starting within the village of in the lord replied that his spiritual master had found him to be a grateful and the text him to Chand the holy name of the lord Krishna .
He did so and became ecstatic like a madman.
In this age of the country most of the population not adequately dedicated to understand within the village app in the best purpose of the ground is served by the in offensively jumping the holy name of the lord within the last word in the vedic Western and the author of the no of Vedanta philosophy is lord Krishna and highest vedant East is a great soul to take pleasure by chanting holy name of the lord Krishna that is the ultimate purpose of all Vedic mysticism.

all material activities involve exchange and reaction in the three modes of material nature

devar main for the productive results which cause the wounded in the material world the Vedas deal mostly with protective activities to gradually elevate the general public from the field of science gratifications to the positions on the transparent sandals plan.
original student and friend of lord Krishna is advised to raise himself to the transnational position of the Vedanta philosophy where in the beginning there is a brown bhajana or questions on the supreme transcendence.all the living entities who are the material world order struggling very hard for existence for them the lord after creation of the material world give the vedic wisdom advice how to live and get rid of the material entanglement.
Thank you lord for giving such a time to go through bhagwat Geeta.
for them the lord after creation of the material world give the vedic wisdom advising how to live and get rid of material engagement.
find the activities of the sense of gratification namely the cal makandar chapter aur finish then that changes of the spiritual varieties and siege of hard in the form of the open a shop which are a part of different with such as a bhagwat Geeta is a part of the fifth Veda namely mahabharat the 100 mark beginning of transcendental life.

as long as the material body exist there all actions and reactions in the material mode one has to learn tolerance in the face of the duties Saturday happiness and distances for cold or warm.
And by tolerating such duties became free from NX it regarding gain and loss.

This turns dental positions is achieved in ful Krishna consciousness when one is fully dependent on the Good will be of Krisha.
all purpose is served by the small so well can be once we served by the great reserva reporter similarly for the purposes of the Vedas can be served to one who knows the purpose behind them.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

all purposes search by a small oil can at once be served by a great reserve of water. similarly all the purpose of the Vedas can be served to one who knows the purpose behind them.

the ritual and sacrifices mentioned in the divisions of the vedic literature aur main to encourage gradually developed of self realisation and the purpose of self-preservation clearly stated in the fifth chapter of the bhagavad Gita a purpose of starting the brothers is to know lord Krishna the primary cause of the everything.Sushil free licence means understanding Krishna and once eternal lessons with him.relationship of the living entities and the Krishna is also mentioned in the 15 chapter of the bhagavad Gita.the living entities or part of the parcel of the Krishna therefore the revival of the Krishna consciousness by the individual living entities is the highest perfection a stage of the vedic knowledge.

the bearded deal made with the subject of 3 modes of material nature. original Bee cam trance dance channel 2003 mote be free from all the utilities and the from all and excited for gain and safety and be established in the self

All material activities involve actions and reactions in the three modes of material nature. Development for the productive results who is called the bond in the material world.the Vedas still mostly with the productive activities to gradually elevate the general public from the field of sense of the gratification to the positions to transgender national planet.Archana age a student in front of lord Krishna advice to raise himself to the transactional position of the philosophy wire in the beginning there is a Brahma yojana are the questions on the supreme trance dance all the living entity who are in the material world be struggling very hard for existence.
for them the lord after creation of the material world give the vedic wisdom advices how to live and get rid of the material and entanglement.
activities for the sense of gratification namely the chapter or advice then the chance for the spiritual realisation is offered in the form of which are part of the twin brothers at the bhagavad Gita is a part of the fifth Veda name the of the Mahabharata.the punisher mark of the beginning of the transaction life.

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