of course we had Mani long before that India is one of the first religion in the world to have used coin metal beat of the various value issued by the local empire kingdoms princely state and the colonial presidential have been circulated for more than 2500 years. But notes paper scrapped that can somehow make you rich or poor or relative Lee recent they were born with the paper currency act of 1861 which have the British colonial government of sole right to issue uniform currency note for the territory in India which included part of the present day Pakistan Bangladesh and Burma.in a country where the paper was a small part of the monetary system the note was not just a new a way of doing business there was a leap of faith.
The British empire had attempted to impose a currency Monopoly a century earlier in another Dominion with a disastrous consequences. In the 13 colonies of the British America where trade deficit share audit report American businesses at the disadvantages currency act in the 1764 recently declared money from the local bank useless. The colonial protested alimony was seen by some as one of the trigger that is parked in the American Revolution is Brazil se former principal chief general manager of secretary of the reserve Bank of India and other of the 2020 book the conjuring tric about the evolution of the Indian paper money. in India century later and evolution of the uprising 1857 258 has second the British they were heavily in the doubt from the squealing the uprising on the ground to control of the India from the East India company the question arises Howrah fare of the doubt it was made clear that the India would pay for its own suppression se Sikh the prohibited from the introduction of the government paper currency vs INR as one of the mean of setting write India's finance. Meanwhile the coronavirus image business is worst is still largely conducted in the coin issued by the East India company i c and by the princely state because the value of the coins before I leave money around it was clamour sums and the keeping account was complicated.