Sunday, April 11, 2021

How India can beat covid-19 surges

Since February fast when India recorded the lowest daily covid-19 infection in the over 8th month there has been a steady rise in the number this reached and all time high on April 4 when over 1 lakh PCR confirmed cases reported on single day the highest rise of the outbreak of pandemic the record was overtaken. Asked on April 6 with 100000 15,000 cases and then on April 7 when the total cases crossover 126000 full stop it is important to identify the reasons associated with this and presented rise in the number in the exam in the measurement that must be taken to halt of the upsurges. The fall of the covid-19 number since the beginning of the 2021 coupled with the news about the availability of the two reasonable affected indigenously manufactured vaccines in the India and the possibility that at least three more quality effective vaccines were in the pipeline made people left down to their guard relax and act as if the life was back to normal as business educational institutions small restaurant and the entertainment industry open most people abundant observing the covid-19 appropriate IAS. Om current time and social distancing measures coupled with the business losses that people had experienced over the several mark had brought an element to the fitting and they suddenly started the enjoy on invited freedom. RNA virus keep the undergoing duplications of the additional nutrition to the potential strain because of the pressure from the most immunity. Due to the recent associations with the human the into the causes covid-19 not even harmful wheel the adaptor of the host of the human. This has led to the speculations that the virus maybe involving the continuously toward the higher trance movie dirty it has already accumulated Nobel mutation leading to the pattern and geochemical of the diversity and behaviour specific to the different religion of the world. All the majority of the mutations or inconsistent and that 3 reasonable concession also detected of the United Kingdom South Africa and Brazil the UK variant with the potential of the hai transmissibility has been detected in over 10% in the sequenced sample in India. With the most centralised in this Maharashtra in Punjab it is possible that there could be additional as part of the unconditional india-specific climate mutations those behaviour needs to be identified and images of this multiple variant of concern of the covid-19 cases of the prosperity in immune escapes the centralisation adaptation of the viruses and the means that it is every maybe eventually lose its ability to attend the particular Bryant of the illuminated if effectively please stop current data indicate that the existing nexans is equally effective with the nose of the new agreement.
Why this is good news it is important to be an on the god that higher infectious could lead to the development to the viral resistance in the both nature and the vaccine induced immunity.
What must be done to deny the opportunity of the barriers to trade?
a combinations of the scientific and administered a vista busy can be concerned first decide the deck seen it is important to give the equal attention to the development of the novel therapeutic options bro jio clinical and genetic approaches India has already upscaled its infrastructure as it is at last of the doors and nature of international standard that can be performed highly effective consequences of the groom and coronavirus isolated of 10 from the infected individuals.viral clinical Technology could help the designing more effective respective Technology against covid-19 particular hospitalized and develops disease II scientific approach in the development new strategy to clear the feast of the antibodies with de effective centralised ability of the virus that like it was done of the successful and untreated ebola virus infection regeneration pharmaceuticals and the United States development in Which produced and a similar line of the central covid-19 which was successfully used to the treatment of the Donald trump more research is the development and the product of the single line that are equally effective against the new variant and the more importantly of the portable situation.
The third is to the further increased the vaccines of the drive to cover my coverage of the 5 to 6 million people at a website of this out of the according to the containment zone. Robust date of the jio service zone using more sensitive chemical therapies and their liberty often need to identify the hot spot just added to all done early at with a transable result vaccinating every respectable situation in individual in those areas with respect to pop age group also selectivity there could go a long way in halting the second web full stop critical questions is while the faster speed of the infection in younger age groups will lead to the faster hard immunity. Does the central licence of the pending first we have to vaccinate them first. IV it is clear that the human behaviour has played a key role in the driving the second wave emo address to the approach could be adopted strike all the measure roll up to find those who founded the covid-19 is to plated behaviour. All establishment must be made more responsible and routinely test their person track the positive and treat them as per protocol that is makes it so close to your establishment even if one person is not interested in the positive person is not antibody approached.
Why India has two successful in battle the second wave it is important not to create the penis and sticker surges will second soon and what's the baby during the first we'll see you leave arcane but for that a mix of scientific administrative and behavioral changes are essential.
Thank you all for wedding me and continuously accept my opinion.

Do not declare a net zero goal,

India has been responsible about target which undermine the development AIMS.
John Kerry the United States President special envoy on the climate was in the in India for the way these discussions on the climate crisis during his meeting with metal carry prime minister Narendra Modi treated with this commitment and the mating with internationally and then nationally determined contributions under the Paris agreement and the appointment out of it so much traffic on this meeting those community Mr green noted that the US would be supported Indian climate planet for the facility in this report of access to the green technology as his finances. After taking charges US President of the job done an ounce is how improve community and the country returns of this Paris climate accord likely announces to netra 0ms integrate and this new budget so the climate democracy for the 2050.

HB net zero emission implies that all remaining human causes the greenhouse gases reasons for balanced by the removing ghs from the atmosphere. Diplomatic pressure is building a 58 countries have announced net zero emission target and US is pushing India to make a similar announcement New Delhi mast registered some believe that such a bold place will help India emerges as a climate leader but this views ignore the fact that under the principle of the common but differentiated responsibilities richer countries must lead in playing for their history cal hi Amazon it also ignores the ship to be in the and mind set on the issues particularly under the government.

India joined G20 countries whose action or complement and goal of the keeping the global temperature from the rise and 12 degree centigrade and do not the global packed does not have any provision for a net zero emission target in a state in the US plan at the climate school subros Divas wrote in those pages should be based on near termux and institutional strengthening and combination of mind long from the target Indian must do more to balance climate and development so wrapped up to some instances of climate action plan as all administrative levels and investment more in greentech butt lifting itself to a net zero time time line is not cruel and given in their development requirement and the financial involvement in the traditions. the US should recognise India self drive and progress on the issue improve its own disposal record of the providing green finance and Technology and is depressing countries which all the bearing and burden of the history all mistake of development world that is a way forward in the real of climate collaboration.

Covid to polls ..The chaos that is India

Is going 19 cases surges economic justice is versus politics is this smartly institutional discuss and communism.

It was the best of times it was the source of the time into ice age of the wisdom it was the age of the business. In a tale of the two cities with the French and the Britain in the mid 19th century in 21st century India wrapped as we or it our darkest moment.

In 2020  of the Doom and gloom 2021 is where hope after NET with a desire of cervical disc compounds. Early years optimism that the most was over the descended into the deafening concern over the second of the covid-19 situation.

Covid-19 cases of the client to more than one day but if you are covering the state elections you would not know that pandemic was on. The marks aur of thousands gather at release lockdown rules and the 7 penalties or in the places for the ordinary citizen but the devotees or in the celebrated moves at Haridwar Marco mobile cricket annual Mela the Indian premier League is set to kick off in Mumbai. Not more than 50 people can be invited to the wedding but no covid-19 protocol seems to apply to the political release and the religious gathering.

It is very crazy but it is true. Maharashtra is the worst affected covid-19 state birth is also backed by political instability with this coalition government in the Mumbai on their monthly of the greater as big as of the said powers was admitted in the hospital of surgery after the reported the effect of respondents distinguished meeting between him and Union home minister Amit Shah on the backdrop of the excess insults made by the former Mumbai police commissioner elegant steel which state of minister who was finally step down.

It gets holds the Indian Union health ministry and the Maharashtra government for in the early phases of over the vaccines full stop the claim that the state is not getting an updates since is product of the bureaucratic red tape but so the great is this trust deficit between the Delhi and Mumbai that it was focuses on the hardly surprising.

Caught in the middle of the city citizen quartz ring and the vaccination centres by the age of the earth Foundation have got their vaccination motel that must be obtained.

Amoeba rankings on the not blessing of the 2020 and need for the political leadership to focus between this covid-19 management and get the economic back to back on track.

Sell it is the lesson on learnt on the important budget sessions of the parliament that was cut short because the methods that heat the captain of the trail.

most Union minister or not in the office but instead have been assigned specific district in Bengal to handle. This observed and desire for the bhartiya Janata party to in the Bengal that the central government is playing second flag to the party mbcs with almost as the government of the crucial politics situations and decision that Kolkata is uncovered disturb in television studios we hold that be shaped recovery is on the way but on ground as a travel from the Kerala to us of the ones unified factor is visible even with this is especially among those in this sector don't stop jobs lost an economic balance is admin shrunk and this fuel prices have been rising but the dominant narrative on the campaign trail is once again about the religion and Hindu Muslim divide full stop in Assam the pro migrant uddin ajmal is there any figure while in Kerala the youth of the love jihad sabarimala Hindu tradition Muslim appeasement and the charge of ascertain that now threatened the delay of the harmony. In Bengal the religious traditions of the became the actual that keep minister of the month in the court of the state of the relative live from the religious that god is the tamilnadu but that perhaps because of the number of the Muslims not significant enough to make the different detection time. And in the midst of the spiritual poles in the instant intensity around the US election commission and the rule coming under the skin as the body is corrupted to be neutral empire and not there a reason that is increasingly looking like a 29th man for the ruling party at the Central ready to show two red card in the provision but the hesitate to blow the whistle on the BJP play faul.
The celebrations are fulfilled by its own action even we did not act against BJP strong man Hemant Sharma the penalty was quickly diluted. Minoil pharmasol steel educating and demanding that the farm law be withdrawn police top registration has not been on for at least for months now surprisingly would not hear of pricing covid-19 cases in the farming community expert one of its potential to be super splendor event especially given that I can cases in Punjab even as those in the Mumbai hydrogen between the burnt is a battle of hardening kisan more immune to the virus then the surface of the Indian situation of Indian question mark maybe or may not be in India of 2021 anything can happen

Post script weather India's farmer aur covid-19 proof or not as you think they all full stop on the campaign trail in the sham Sharma who is also the state health minister has refused to wear a mask. When asked why he presented out there is no coronavirus another method was as as even better one lena 1 OS why he does not very much on the road show please understood the peoples of the gathering here to see more now we think that properly I were a mask.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Will bitcoin follow the mania panic and cross the trajectory

On march 11 2020 bitcoin was valued at across $8000 by the end of the December it had ryzen nearly 4 times to touch $29,000 and by mid march 2021 it had for the double to $60,000 levels.

In October 2008 santoshi nakamoto released a research article bitcoin a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. this was after the feature of the lemon brother which in turn lead to global financial crisis police stop the 2008 crisis led to the complete breakdown of trust average question about the culture normal of the financial firm

At stake the future of the Indian polity

on Tuesday bhutas in Tamil Nadu Kerala Pondicherry Assam in West Bengal will choose elected representatives for their state assembly Bengal polls will continue through the month what voters decided on April 6 will play a key role in determinations of the future of Indian polity in the to fundamentalental ways.

won the pole will save the distribution of the political power in the system if the bhartiya Janata party going Assam and Bengal and is able to retain the tamilnadu it is always in the rally in the state all India Anna dravida munnetra kazhagam it will mark the continued Western and South Eastern expansion of the party.

it will also mark the continued centralisation of the polity where the idea of the double engine government having the same party in the power at the Central and in the state has voter approval.this will bring the space for the opposition and impact the balance in the federal system. Alternatively if the Congress win the Assam and trinamool Congress return Bengal the come back to the power in tamilnadu and irrespective of whether the left and the Congress lead to the next government in Kerala power will get diffused the opposition will get energized and the BJP will face challenges.

second the outcome will also determine the balance of the power within the opposition camp and the weather it is in the Congress whichwhich will mount the more dececive challenges.

second the outcome will also determine the balance of the power within the opposition camp and whether it is the Congress which is still seen as the deputy challenges to the BJP or whether it is the regional parties which will mount the more disease it challenges there has been this just between the state and the national political both interest to this intersections will be on the rest on the Tuesday.

Maoists cross a red lines again the state must embark a multi-pronged approach to defeat left wing extremism

In a reminder that India's single biggest internal security threat AS former prime minister manmohan Singh framed the challenges from the left wing extremism.easy still alive the band community party of India 22 security personnel in Chhattisgarh box art district over the weekend. While report suggest that aap to 20 - 12 killed in encounter to there is a little doubt that the incident represent a grave set back to the Indian state in general the security forces in the particular. It appears that the most planned the intelligence about the presence of the dreaded commander Madhavi hidma a particular location over 1700 man from the various security agencies launched and offensive from the sukma and Bijapur then executed at u-shaped attack where they fire from the to helicopter as the Jawan was at low level in two villages both of which had already been evacuated by Maoists.
the force work into the trap losing brave men and dealing a blow to India's battle against the maoist insurgency.

the incident revealed stateful 6 at two different level 111 of principal any state must have the Monopoly over force the fact that there is an armed insurgent outfit in the country that openly a sump used where against the state in itself reflected the continued failure of the government across the political spectrum.
tomorrow is specific in the incident despite the denial of these security agencies there has been a clear operational intelligence failure. Did the force exercise and you digillence on the intelligence they received?
Did the floor of the SOP before launching the combine operation? why is there any contingency planning for the scenario where must would launched a surplus attack which they have done in the past too?

while home minister Amit Shah as promised a fitting reply it is important that government embark on a careful multi-pronged approach one ramp-up security and intelligence track and bring the culprit of the recent attack of justice.
to enhance coordination between the central and almost affected state they are ensure that any security offensive does not lead a human right violation which provide the fertile ground to the Manish to recruit.
4 ensure participatory development and greater income to the local population and ensure justice to system any census of the alliances.
The state must act against maoist terror  but smartly and carefully and quickly.

Monday, April 5, 2021

In Myanmar latest for India's values

I open ask myself the question what sort of democracy is India? I do not need freedom house to confirm that at home we are only partly free of the victim and categorise as as an elected autocracy. To me free speech and the fairy Princess abroad? If you judge by India's responses to the the tragedy playing out every day for the last two month in Myanmar the answer till last week was a resounding no wallpapers no doubt reported the answering resistance against the military rules and even our inward looking Pro TOEFL television news channels occasionally covid-19 our government institution related to X phone this and boys Island not a word for the criticisms and the member killed daily for the earned client from the tenth to the hundred not even concern with early to show their own citizenship in back or in the hand.

8 this is happening in a store it is the neighbouring country

Finding funds: On COP28 and the ‘loss and damage’ fund....

A healthy loss and damage (L&D) fund, a three-decade-old demand, is a fundamental expression of climate justice. The L&D fund is a c...