Sunday, April 18, 2021

That which provides the entire body you should know to be in the destructible. no one is able to destroy that imperishable soul.

This versus more clearly explain the real nature of the soul which spread all over the body.

One can understand that it spread all over the body is consciousness.
Everyone is conscious of the pain of the pleasure in the body in a part as a whole.
This is pending consciousness is limited within on sone body the pain and the pleasure of the one body or unknown to another.

Jodhpur kitchen everybody is embodiment of the individual soul and the supreme solar present in the percent as individual consciousness.
The soul is described as 1/10000 part of the upper portion of their hair point in the size.

When the upper point of the hair is divided 1000 part is sach part is measured of the dimension of the spirit soul.
Similarly the same person is stated.

There on in a particle of spiritual atoms which were measured as 1-10000 of the upper portion of the hair therefore the individual particle of the experience should is a spiritual atom is smaller than the material at all and has atoms or in your table.

This very small spiritual spark is the basic principle of the material body, sentence of such a spiritual spark is spread all over the body at the influence of the active principle of the some medicine spread throughout the body.
This current office spirit soul is felt all over the body as consciousness and that is the group of the presence of the soul any lemon can we understand that the material body - consciousness visited the consciousness cannot be revived in the body by any one of the material administration.
Therefore consciousness is not due to any amount of the material combination but the spiritual soul.

The soul is is atomic inside and can be prescribed by the perfect intelligent.
The atomic soul is floating in the kind of air.
Prana Alana vyana Saman udana. Atomic soul is putting in the five kind of air.

Heart and space its influence all over the body and the embodied living entities when the soul is purified from the contamination of the kind of material its spiritual influence each exhibit.
Jay Shri Krishna.

Those who are seers of the truth headquarter of non existent. there is no endorsement and of the eternal soul there is no changes.

There is no end of the changing body.

Changing every moment by the action and reaction of the different cells is admitted by the modern medical science does growth and the old is over taking place in the body.

But it's also exist permanently and despite for changes and his body and mind.

Difference between the metal and display the nature of the body.

And the soul is eternal.

The conclusion adjustable by all classes of seers of the truth both impersonalized and the person list in the Vishnu puran it is stated that the bijnor and his about all have self is illuminated spiritual existence.

The word existence and non existence refers only to the spirit and the matter that is the person or false ears of the truth.

This is the beginning of the instruction by the lord to living entities who are bewildered by the influence of ignorance.

Removal of ignorance in goals in the re-establishment of the relationship between the earth and the understanding of different between the path and the person living entities and the supreme personality of godhead.

One can understand the nature of the supreme by through study of oneself. The difference between oneself and the supreme being understood as a relationship between the part and the whole. In the grant of such as well as in the shrimad bhagwat has been accepted as original of the lesson.
Such imanation experienced by the superior and inferior natural sequences. The living entity is therefore always subordinate to the supreme lord as in the case of the master and in the sun and the teacher and the taught search clear knowledge is impossible to understand under the speed of immortals and to drive every such ignorance the lord teaches the bhagavad Gita for the enlightenment of all living entities for all time.

Jai Shree Krishna.

son of the country the non permanent appearance of the happiness and the distances and their disappearance in DU Courses on like the appearance and disappearance of the winter and the summer season they arise from the senses perception and one must learn to read them without being disturbed

Discharge of a duty one had to learn to tum rate non-permanent experience in the deep appearance of the happiness and the process according to the injunction one has to take his early in the morning to do during the month of the MAGHa.
In the winter season.

It is very cold at the same time but in spite of that a man who provides by the religious principle does not hesitate to take his bath.

A woman does not hesitate to cook in the kitchens in the month of may and June. The hottest part of the summer season. One has to execute his duty in spite of the climatic inconvenience.
225 is the religious principle of the no one has to fight with some friend and relative on should not deviate from his prescribed duty.
One has to follow the prescribed rules and regulation of the religious principles in order to raise their platform the knowledge because of knowledge and it was not it himself from the clutches of the Maya.

The two different names of the address given to the original or also the significant.

The address in Kunteya signalized is a grade blood relation from his mother and side.

He is supposed to have the great heritage.

Great heritage ring responsibility in the matter of discharge of Hindi therefore we cannot avoid fighting.

Jay Shri Krishna jay Shri Krishna

As the embodied soul continuously passes from one body to another body. jay Shri Krishna

Om namah shivay
Om namo Narayana
Jay Shri Krishna
Since the everyday will entertain this individual so each of the changing in his body at the moment manifesting something as a child something wrong and something other old man.

Address and spirited sources that does not undergo any changes this individual soul to death and transfer to another body.
Since it is good to have another body in the next what is there was no cause for the count of day there is no known for the throne for whom he was so much concerned.

Weather changes for changing from old to new one there.

Changing the body from the world to anyone there changing the account for the variety of enjoyment of suffering.

When was perfect knowledge of the constitutions of the integrated so that the super soul of the nature of material and exclusion is called Dhire.

The oneness of spiritual souls cannot be entered on the ground that the spiritual soul can't be passed.

Such cutting into different individual soul

Cannot be entertained.
As performed in the bhagavad Gita the portion of the supreme exist for the Krishna that is they have a tendency to fall down into the material nature.

This fragment importance After the individuals of the same fragmental.But once liberated he lives an eternal life in bliss and knowledge is the personality of godhead.

The theory of reflection can be applied to the super soul who is present in each and every individual body and known as paramatma
He is different from the individual entity when the sky is reflected in water the reflex and represent both the sun and the moon and star also.
The stars can be compared to the living entities and the sun or the moon to the supreme lord.

The individual time until it is represented by original and the supreme soul which personality of the godhead Shri Krishna they are not on the same level. As it  print in the beginning of the 4th chapter.

Both of them were detected by the then there is no need for one being the instructor and the other of the instructed.

Such restrictions food be useless because in the clutches of the Maya and no-one can be authoritative instructor under the circumstances it is admitted that lord Krishna and the lord Supriya in the position to the living entity. Original who is the forgetful soul detected by the Maya.

Jay Shri Krishna.

jay Shri Krishna. jay Shri Krishna

I am ready to begin to virgin Islands all person in the world ful themselves as very learnt but the actual have  poor fund knowledge.

Clearly that he himself original and all the kings who were assembled on the battlefield for eternity individual beings and that the lord is determined by the mantle of the individual living and it both in the examination and in the liberated situation.

The supreme personality of godhead is the supreme individual person and the law associate all the assembled they are individual eternal person.

It is not that they did not exist as individual in the past and it is not that they will not remain eternal person.

The supreme personality of recorded in the supreme individual person and original the product and listen to the all the king assemble them as individual person does not exist in the past I did not that they will not be remind it in person.

The individual existed in the past and their individual to continue this feature without interruption that there is no cause for the lemon the same for everyone.

The mayavadi theory of alienation and the integrity also separated by the covering of the Maya observation in march into the impersonal Brahman and lose its individual existence is not supported hearing by lord Krishna the supreme authority.
9 is a theory that we only think of integrity in the condition state supported hearing Krishna clearly says adding that in the future also the individuality of the lord and other as it is confirmed with the organism.

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