Monday, April 19, 2021

To beat the second wave understand it....

India's net better public data on testing variant vaccinations case trajectory and more.
It would be comic if it were not so deathly serious.
The home ground variant b 1617 for visible in the United Kingdom in February.
When it was claimed surges was not due to a new strain cabinet minister at the opposition 40cm to suggested this expanded vaccine portfolio leveling him to broke for the pharmaceutical firm.
Apparently there is no shortage but is state or setting down vaccination centre.
Unemployed group a senior officer says there is no oxygen shortage but the prime minister's office cancel a meeting with key international visitor to review the situation.
All this point to tightly control information and helpful to transparent and collective pandemic management.

What information can be released to help combat the pandemic?

First the share of antigen test available with Indian council of medical research.
This is an imperfect measure of mixed infection due to the nature of test.
Cities and district with highest shared of antigen test need more attention because it is likely that they may be missing infected people.

Go onto infected others. Second the reason for the testing of self testing surveillance contact tracing, some indicate under detection.
Air Asia contact racing is better than the high self reporting who is dependent on individual intend to test.

Third the portion of different variants from the Indians tapoban to the genomic full full better fundamental now. This does not have the immune escape mutations and is dose more responsive to the vaccination.
In Maharashtra and other state with the highest yield of the b 16 17 immunizations may reduce the severity of the injection but it may not stop the infection in cell and was possible to even at the escape the mutation.
This is implications for disease management how to benefit the immunizations of the communicated if the large number of the people get infected after the organisation was then that since hesitation email ids affected in the expansion of the vaccination.

For the location of the cases from an analysis of the ICMR data and state administrative report whether it is big cities is small town or rural area matter for the speed and the plan for move people and material to manage the endemic.

Sketch data from the Maharashtra seems to indicate this move away from the biggest cities it is unclear whether it is a small town period one area of the villages.
This can also matter how to the geographical prioritisation of vaccination. Fifth age of the structure of the cases from the debtors ageing this younger people or less likely to have the several disease and the undisputed of the vaccination strategy.
It seems the young people are getting their interested in this charges but not much numbers from the Mumbai indicated that the share of those rules 50 is now a round 65% serious it was around 57%.

It is related of the vaccination all variant?
Report from Pune Mumbai Delhi m Aadhaar indicated that hospital soul filling up while the case of the faculty members from the Mumbai seems like it is higher in the many district which need attention.

High hospital occupation and the low fertility indicated more people are coming in for treatment but also getting cured even for the older person. This with the age structure affected how the president of the arid regions open communication should research this family is running around the oxygen and treatment.

Six step.
Question that all vaccinated people in the hospital with a severe infection?
11 million health care and the frontline worker fully vaccinated and the nearly 90 million people above 45 getting at least on and substantial proportion and of the is group.
Especially in the urban area have been vaccinated if they are not showing up in hospital even if they were infected which would be determined if the ICMR from the captured vaccination is treated as recommended by the latent commission task force it is good news.

Seventh point.
There is need to build vaccine confidence by reporting adverse effect following the evening nation when and did not released with the vaccination data.

Some cases of the blood clot from the extra genetic and the genius is back since we share a common viral factors platform of the we have been reported internationally with over the hundred million people in India it is not to see such before share.
This does not breathe the vaccine confidently that it increases the likelihood and the image information increasing the vaccine is it is because of the government is trying to trying the concerned negative information.

Eighth point
Recognise vaccine shortage and modify our study we can release the vaccination information by the rural and urban and the formerly private it is a geographical even the disease spread.

Beneficial favourite area may have been help define the frontline workers to induced displacement effects in water and distilled water in the cities we even if the sticks are likely not to take to avoid the losing income.

We can redefine the frontline workers to include the construction and manufacturing market NH 220 in the cities you and who is equally likely not to test to avoid losing income.

Ninth point

Need to mitigate the street from the large gathering like the kumbh as with the returning migrant last year with valentine and testing.

The will not work in the election States where it is prudent to expand its rise in the cases and be prepared to combat the surges by moving patients if needed.

Koi will be likely if it does not take your but would not be caught napping if it does.

10 the medium mast x han more questions and not accept thrusters if the government refused to answer they may be forced to think it is time for them to trust us.
Jay Shree Krishna.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time.He has not come into being, does not come into being.

Neither he things the living entity the slayer nor hiho things in a cylinder is in knowledge for the self slays not nor is slain

When the embedded living entity is heart by the photographer it is to be known that the living entity within the body is not killed.

The spirit soul is so small that it is impossible to kill him by any material weapon.
Will be evident from subsequent verses. Nor is a living entity is killable because of fridge spiritual constitution.
What is keyboard is supposed to be killed is the body only.

This however does not all encourages killing of the body.
The vedic injunction age never commit to anyone.
Not understanding that the living anyone without authority is abominable and is punishable by the law of the state as well as by the law of the lord how do you know our is engaged in caring for the principle of the religion and not whimsically.

The material body of the indestructible immeasurable and eternal living entity is sure to come to an end, therefore fight o descendant of Bharat's.

The material body is perishable by nature.

It may Paris immediately or it may do so for every hundred year.

It is a question of the time only there is no changes of the maintaining it definitely but the spirit soul of human eight that cannot even see more the energy you say nothing of being killed.

As mentioned in the previous was it is so small that no one can have any idea how to measure its dimension.

So from both view point there is no cause of the lamentation because the living entity as he is not vakil aur can be natural body be saved from any length of the time or permanently protected.

The minutes particle of the whole square is equals to this material body according to this work and therefore observance of the religious principles should be utilised.

In the Vedanta sutra the living entity is qualified as a light because he is a part of the person of the supreme light.

A sunlight maintained in the entire universe so the light of the soul maintain the material body as soon as the script source is not out of the material body the body begins to the decompose . Therefore it is the spirit soul which maintain his body.
The body itself each an important original was advised to fight and not the the sacrifice the cause of the religious for the material bodily consideration.
Jay Shri Krishna.

So the constitution is of the atomic soul is admitted in all pathak literature and it is also believed in the practical experience

The influence of the atomic soul can be spread all over the particular body.

According to the mundaka Upanishad the atomic soul is situated in the heart of every living entity and because of the measurement of atomic soul is on the power of appreciation of the material scientist some of them as heart will see that there is no soul.

The individual atomic soul is definitely there is the heart along with the super soul andaaj all energies of the body movement or emanating from the path of this person hearts.
The copper vessels which carry oxygen from the lungs get energy from the soul.
When the soul passes away from this position the activity of the blood generating fusion cease . Medical science accept that the importance of the red corpuscles.
But it cannot be ascertained that the source of energy is soul.
Medical science however does not admit that the heart is the seat of all energy of the body.

Search atomic particle of the spirit whole or compared to the sun sign models in the sunshine they are all innumerable radiant molecule similarly the fragmental part of the supreme lord automic is park of the way of the lord called by the name of the Prabha aur Superior  energy.

That which provides the entire body you should know to be in the destructible. no one is able to destroy that imperishable soul.

This versus more clearly explain the real nature of the soul which spread all over the body.

One can understand that it spread all over the body is consciousness.
Everyone is conscious of the pain of the pleasure in the body in a part as a whole.
This is pending consciousness is limited within on sone body the pain and the pleasure of the one body or unknown to another.

Jodhpur kitchen everybody is embodiment of the individual soul and the supreme solar present in the percent as individual consciousness.
The soul is described as 1/10000 part of the upper portion of their hair point in the size.

When the upper point of the hair is divided 1000 part is sach part is measured of the dimension of the spirit soul.
Similarly the same person is stated.

There on in a particle of spiritual atoms which were measured as 1-10000 of the upper portion of the hair therefore the individual particle of the experience should is a spiritual atom is smaller than the material at all and has atoms or in your table.

This very small spiritual spark is the basic principle of the material body, sentence of such a spiritual spark is spread all over the body at the influence of the active principle of the some medicine spread throughout the body.
This current office spirit soul is felt all over the body as consciousness and that is the group of the presence of the soul any lemon can we understand that the material body - consciousness visited the consciousness cannot be revived in the body by any one of the material administration.
Therefore consciousness is not due to any amount of the material combination but the spiritual soul.

The soul is is atomic inside and can be prescribed by the perfect intelligent.
The atomic soul is floating in the kind of air.
Prana Alana vyana Saman udana. Atomic soul is putting in the five kind of air.

Heart and space its influence all over the body and the embodied living entities when the soul is purified from the contamination of the kind of material its spiritual influence each exhibit.
Jay Shri Krishna.

Those who are seers of the truth headquarter of non existent. there is no endorsement and of the eternal soul there is no changes.

There is no end of the changing body.

Changing every moment by the action and reaction of the different cells is admitted by the modern medical science does growth and the old is over taking place in the body.

But it's also exist permanently and despite for changes and his body and mind.

Difference between the metal and display the nature of the body.

And the soul is eternal.

The conclusion adjustable by all classes of seers of the truth both impersonalized and the person list in the Vishnu puran it is stated that the bijnor and his about all have self is illuminated spiritual existence.

The word existence and non existence refers only to the spirit and the matter that is the person or false ears of the truth.

This is the beginning of the instruction by the lord to living entities who are bewildered by the influence of ignorance.

Removal of ignorance in goals in the re-establishment of the relationship between the earth and the understanding of different between the path and the person living entities and the supreme personality of godhead.

One can understand the nature of the supreme by through study of oneself. The difference between oneself and the supreme being understood as a relationship between the part and the whole. In the grant of such as well as in the shrimad bhagwat has been accepted as original of the lesson.
Such imanation experienced by the superior and inferior natural sequences. The living entity is therefore always subordinate to the supreme lord as in the case of the master and in the sun and the teacher and the taught search clear knowledge is impossible to understand under the speed of immortals and to drive every such ignorance the lord teaches the bhagavad Gita for the enlightenment of all living entities for all time.

Jai Shree Krishna.

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