After clarifying the mathematics Albert Einstein completely fond of dead subject and continuously avoid to the other subject that result it was very difficult to pass the exam totally.
Every time he was starting and reading the mathematics so much that he forget to study the other subjects. do the result of other subject was not so much good but it was for his good result of mathematics and physics he was pass the exam somehow.
In 1894 the darkness was fallen down in the house of Einstein. It was very difficult to run the family and continue the expense of study and the family natural.
The soviyat ruler continuously harass the businessman, and for that reason the father of Albert Einstein closed their family business and finding out to plan to go the outside of foreign country.
Einstein was remain only at Munich City and his family was established the business at monarch City. Do the time was very little to stay alone at Muni City Einstein became very studios and finding away to new invention of mathematics and physics.
In every moment Einstein continuously thinking to find out the suspense energy and hidden theory of physics and mathematics.
His father advice him to study and do service for the family because the expenses of family was not been maintained by his family business.
As per the advice of his father Albert Einstein started to study the old institution Swiss federal academy of polytechnic.
In the entrance exam of the academy of polytechnic Einstein could not pass in the zoology and botanical study,though he was completely passed in the exam of physics and mathematics.
The management of Swiss federal academy of polytechnic asked to Einstein and his guardian that if he took any past certificate from madhyamik exam they will took admission immediately.
At last Einstein was admitted to the missionary madhyamik school and at the time he has a girlfriend. Do his girlfriend was 4 year older than him he married but they are marriage was not completely successive it was breaking down after a few years.
After 4 year he was passed the polytechnic academy and a new mission started in his life to find out a new job for support to his family.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Hare Hare.
On the 21st August in 1901 he get the civilization of Switzerland tho he was left the civilization of German 5 year ago. In that time he finding the job and in the another side he publis his opinion in the science and technology journal.
After 1 year he got a service from a Swiss school for 3 month. Though he get enough popular team for the name of teacher he became jobless after 3 month.
At that time he is actual task was to find out any job services in the employment news and apply for the job. In the meantime when he get extra time to study he was continue to go library for huge knowledge of science and physics.
It was very difficult life at the time of when he became jobless and no other person provide him so much time to guide. He rush to the senior person and the person who know about the employment to get a job.
After starting a lot of time he find out that he have no time to waste and it is a best opportunity to do doctor at degree .
He prepared athesis on the subject of the motion of gas and momentum of the gases.
After a long journey of 2 year Einstein find out a job with the help of his friend in a patent office as a clerk in 1903.
He married in a coffee House with his girlfriend at the time of when he was a clerk of patent house.
With great enthusiastic and great studying power and hard work Einstein discover 3 new idea of physics. Einstein discover thee new thery, electromagnetic effect of light, photo electric effect and e equal to MC square.
Einstein invent that energy can be converted into mass. And mass will also be convert to energy.
He Guess that in the time of the solar ellipse the light will be bending toward the sun and it was his assessment but it was theoretically proved by all the world scientist.
Einstein became the very familiar and popular scientist of the world and he was the only topic to all the scientific hall.
After a few year he joined to the university as assistant professor. The Nobel prize will be distributed to Albert Einstein but not for the invention of relative theory.
The father of Nobel scientist Alfred Nobel provide the term and condition of Nobel prize that the invention which will be benefited to the social and it will benefit for the future of the society. The novel committee did not find any clue to provide the Nobel in the relative theory. At last in 1921 for the invention of photoelectric effect Einstein was honoured by the Nobel prize in physics.
In 1930 Einstein meet with Vishwa Kabi Rabindranath Tagore, he also invent with the help of Satyendra nath Bose the scientist of West Bengal India the boson effect in 1928.
Though Einstein invented lot of theory thesis and discover a lot of hidden energy and technology of the world for the sake of the society he became very sad when atomic bomb was affected to German Hiroshima.
The idea of atomic bomb was given by Albert Einstein to the president of America. In the help of Einstein theory American scientist invent atomic bomb and the applied on German Hiroshima and Nagasaki City in the world war.
The destructive and very pathetic scenery was completely breaking down the heart of Einstein till his death. Einstein was very sad and said I am completely liable to the pathetic situation of all German people.
I am also student of science a student of technology and service in the technical field and always use science to enhance my skill. I bought down to Albert Einstein every time for his enormous activity for the society.
Thank you all Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Hare Hare.