AS one of the leading accreditation bodies in the United States , IAS is a signatory to the four primary international organizations that form a unified system for evaluating and recognizing competent accreditation bodies worldwide.
Thease Organizations are identified as cooperations because they have agred to cooperate with one another by adhering to a common se of accredditation criteria and to undergo periodic onsite evaluation to determine ongoing compliance with ISC/Iec standard 17011, General Requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessments bodies.
AS one of the leading accreditation bodies in the United States , IAS is a signatory to the four primary international organizations that form a unified system for evaluating and recognizing competent accreditation bodies worldwide.
Thease Organizations are identified as cooperations because they have agred to cooperate with one another by adhering to a common se of accredditation criteria and to undergo periodic onsite evaluation to determine ongoing compliance with ISC/Iec standard 17011, General Requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessments bodies.