Sunday, June 4, 2017

Nobel Prize winner Scientists:-

1901WilhelmRöntgen.JPGWilhelm Conrad Röntgen Germany"in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rayssubsequently named after him"
1902H A Lorentz (Nobel).jpgHendrik Lorentz Netherlands"in recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetismupon radiation phenomena"
Pieter Zeeman.jpgPieter Zeeman Netherlands
1903Portrait of Antoine-Henri Becquerel.jpgAntoine Henri Becquerel France"for his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity"
PierreCurie.jpgPierre Curie France"for their joint researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel"
Mariecurie.jpgMaria Skłodowska-Curie Poland
1904John William Strutt.jpgLord Rayleigh United Kingdom"for his investigations of the densities of the most important gases and for his discovery of argon in connection with these studies"
1905Phillipp Lenard in 1900.jpgPhilipp Eduard Anton von Lenard Austria-Hungary
"for his work on cathode rays"
1906J.J Thomson.jpgJoseph John Thomson United Kingdom"for his theoretical and experimental investigations on the conduction of electricity by gases"
1907Albert Abraham Michelson2.jpgAlbert Abraham Michelson United States
"for his optical precision instruments and the spectroscopic and metrological investigations carried out with their aid"
1908G lippmann.jpgGabriel Lippmann France"for his method of reproducing colours photographically based on the phenomenon of interference"
1909Guglielmo Marconi.jpgGuglielmo Marconi Italy"for their contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy"
Ferdinand Braun.jpgKarl Ferdinand Braun Germany
1910Johannes Diderik van der Waals.jpgJohannes Diderik van der Waals Netherlands"for his work on the equation of state for gases and liquids"
1911Wilhelm Wien 1911.jpgWilhelm Wien Germany"for his discoveries regarding the laws governing the radiation of heat
1912Nils Gustaf Dalén.jpgNils Gustaf Dalén Sweden"for his invention of automatic valves designed to be used in combination with gas accumulators inlighthouses and buoys"
1913Kamerlingh portret.jpgHeike Kamerlingh-Onnes Netherlands"for his investigations on the properties of matter at low temperatures which led, inter alia, to the production of liquid helium"
1914Max von Laue 1914.jpgMax von Laue Germany"For his discovery of the diffraction of X-rays by crystals",[20] an important step in the development of X-ray spectroscopy.
1915Wh-bragg.jpgWilliam Henry Bragg United Kingdom"For their services in the analysis of crystal structure by means of X-rays", an important step in the development of X-ray crystallography
Wl-bragg.jpgWilliam Lawrence Bragg Australia
1916Not awarded World War I
1917Charles Glover Barkla.jpgCharles Glover Barkla United Kingdom"For his discovery of the characteristic Röntgen radiation of the elements",another important step in the development of X-ray spectroscopy
1918Max Planck 1933.jpgMax Planck Germany"for the services he rendered to the advancement of physics by his discovery of energy quanta"
1919Johannes Stark.jpgJohannes Stark Germany"for his discovery of the Doppler effect in canal rays and the splitting of spectral lines in electric fields
1920Guillaume 1920.jpgCharles Édouard Guillaume  Switzerland"for the service he has rendered to precision measurements in physics by his discovery of anomalies in nickel-steel alloys"
1921Einstein1921 by F Schmutzer 4.jpgAlbert Einstein Germany
"for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect"
1922Niels Bohr.jpgNiels Bohr Denmark"for his services in the investigation of the structure of atoms and of the radiation emanating from them
1923Robert Andrews Millikan 1920s.jpgRobert Andrews Millikan United States"for his work on the elementary charge of electricity and on the photoelectric effect"
19241924 Karl Manne Siegbahn.jpgManne Siegbahn Sweden"for his discoveries and research in the field of X-ray spectroscopy"
1925James Franck 1925.jpgJames Franck Germany"for their discovery of the laws governing the impact of an electron upon an atom"
Gustav Hertz.jpgGustav Hertz Germany
1926Jean Perrin 1926.jpgJean Baptiste Perrin France"for his work on the discontinuous structure of matter, and especially for his discovery of sedimentation equilibrium"
1927Arthur Compton.jpgArthur Holly Compton United States"for his discovery of the effect named after him"
CTR Wilson.jpgCharles Thomson Rees Wilson United Kingdom"for his method of making the paths of electrically charged particles visible by condensation of vapour"
1928Owen Richardson.jpgOwen Willans Richardson United Kingdom"for his work on the thermionic phenomenon and especially for the discovery of the law named after him"
1929Broglie Big.jpgLouis Victor Pierre Raymond, 7th Duc de Broglie France"for his discovery of the wave nature of electrons"
1930Sir CV Raman.JPGChandrasekhara Venkata Raman India"for his work on the scattering of light and for the discovery of the effect named after him"
1931Not awarded
1932Bundesarchiv Bild183-R57262, Werner Heisenberg.jpgWerner Heisenberg Germany"for the creation of quantum mechanics, the application of which has, inter alia, led to the discovery of theallotropic forms of hydrogen"
1933Erwin Schrödinger (1933).jpgErwin Schrödinger Austria"for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory"
Dirac 4.jpgPaul Dirac United Kingdom
1934Not awarded
1935James Chadwick.tifJames Chadwick United Kingdom"for the discovery of the neutron
1936Hess.jpgVictor Francis Hess Austria"for his discovery of cosmic radiation"
Carl Anderson.jpgCarl David Anderson United States"for his discovery of the positron"
1937Clinton Davisson.jpgClinton Joseph Davisson United States"for their experimental discovery of the diffraction of electrons by crystals"
George Paget Thomson.jpgGeorge Paget Thomson United Kingdom
1938Enrico Fermi 1943-49 140x190.jpgEnrico Fermi Italy"for his demonstrations of the existence of new radioactive elements produced by neutron irradiation, and for his related discovery of nuclear reactions brought about by slow neutrons"
1939Ernest Lawrence.jpgErnest Lawrence United States"for the invention and development of the cyclotron and for results obtained with it, especially with regard to artificial radioactive elements"
1940Not awarded World War II
1941Not awarded World War II
1942Not awarded World War II
1943Otto Stern.jpgOtto Stern United States"for his contribution to the development of the molecular ray method and his discovery of the magnetic moment of the proton''
1944II Rabi.jpgIsidor Isaac Rabi United States
"for his resonance method for recording the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei"
1945Pauli.jpgWolfgang Pauli Austria"for the discovery of the Exclusion Principle, also called the Pauli principle"
1946Bridgman.jpgPercy Williams Bridgman United States"for the invention of an apparatus to produce extremely high pressures, and for the discoveries he made there within the field of high pressure physics"
1947Appleton.jpgEdward Victor Appleton United Kingdom"for his investigations of the physics of the upper atmosphere especially for the discovery of the so-calledAppleton layer"
1948Blackett-large.jpgPatrick Maynard Stuart Blackett United Kingdom"for his development of the Wilson cloud chamber method, and his discoveries therewith in the fields ofnuclear physics and cosmic radiation"
1949Yukawa.jpgHideki Yukawa Japan"for his prediction of the existence of mesons on the basis of theoretical work on nuclear forces"
1950Cecil Powell.jpgCecil Frank Powell United Kingdom"for his development of the photographic method of studying nuclear processes and his discoveries regarding mesons made with this method"
1951Cockcroft.jpgJohn Douglas Cockcroft United Kingdom"for their pioneer work on the transmutation of atomic nuclei by artificially accelerated atomic particles"
Ernest Walton.jpgErnest Thomas Sinton Walton Ireland
1952Felix Bloch, Stanford University.jpgFelix Bloch  Switzerland
 United States
"for their development of new methods for nuclear magnetic precision measurements and discoveries in connection therewith"
Edward Mills Purcell.jpgEdward Mills Purcell United States
1953Zernike.jpgFrits Zernike Netherlands"for his demonstration of the phase contrast method, especially for his invention of the phase contrast microscope"
1954Max Born.jpgMax Born West Germany"for his fundamental research in quantum mechanics, especially for his statistical interpretation of thewavefunction"
Bothe.jpgWalther Bothe West Germany"for the coincidence method and his discoveries made therewith"
1955Willis Lamb 1955.jpgWillis Eugene Lamb United States"for his discoveries concerning the fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum"
Polykarp Kusch.jpgPolykarp Kusch United States
"for his precision determination of the magnetic moment of the electron"
1956Bardeen.jpgJohn Bardeen United States"for their researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect'''
Brattain.jpgWalter Houser Brattain United States
William Shockley, Stanford University.jpgWilliam Bradford Shockley United States
1957TD Lee.jpgTsung-Dao Lee Republic of China
 United States
"for their penetrating investigation of the so-called parity laws which has led to important discoveries regarding the elementary particles"
CNYang.jpgChen Ning Yang Republic of China
 United States
1958Cerenkov.jpgPavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov Soviet Union"for the discovery and the interpretation of the Cherenkov effect"
Ilya Frank.jpgIlya Frank Soviet Union
Igor Tamm.jpgIgor Yevgenyevich Tamm Soviet Union
1959Segre.jpgEmilio Gino Segrè Italy"for their discovery of the antiproton"
Owen Chamberlain.jpgOwen Chamberlain United States
1960Donald Glaser 1.jpgDonald Arthur Glaser United States"for the invention of the bubble chamber"[60]
1961Robert Hofstadter.jpgRobert Hofstadter United States"for his pioneering studies of electron scattering in atomic nuclei and for his thereby achieved discoveries concerning the structure of the nucleons"[61]
Mossbauer.jpgRudolf Ludwig Mössbauer West Germany"for his researches concerning the resonance absorption of gamma radiation and his discovery in this connection of the effect which bears his name"[61]
1962Landau.jpgLev Davidovich Landau Soviet Union"for his pioneering theories for condensed matter, especially liquid helium"[62]
1963Wigner.jpgEugene Paul Wigner Hungary
 United States
"for his contributions to the theory of the atomic nucleus and the elementary particles, particularly through the discovery and application of fundamental symmetry principles"[63]
Maria Goeppert-Mayer.jpgMaria Goeppert-Mayer United States"for their discoveries concerning nuclear shell structure"[63]
Jensen.jpgJ. Hans D. Jensen West Germany
1964Basov.jpgNicolay Gennadiyevich Basov Soviet Union"for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which has led to the construction of oscillators andamplifiers based on the maserlaser principle"[64]
Aleksandr Prokhorov.jpgAlexander Prokhorov Soviet Union
Charles Townes Nobel.jpgCharles Hard Townes United States
1965Richard Feynman Nobel.jpgRichard Phillips Feynman United States"for their fundamental work in quantum electrodynamics (QED), with deep-ploughing consequences for the physics of elementary particles"
Schwinger.jpgJulian Schwinger United States
Tomonaga.jpgSin-Itiro Tomonaga Japan
1966Kastler.jpgAlfred Kastler France"for the discovery and development of optical methods for studying Hertzian resonances in atoms"
1967Hans Bethe.jpgHans Albrecht Bethe United States"for his contributions to the theory of nuclear reactions, especially his discoveries concerning the energy production in stars"
1968LWA Picture Final.jpgLuis Walter Alvarez United States"for his decisive contributions to elementary particle physics, in particular the discovery of a large number ofresonance states, made possible through his development of the technique of using hydrogen bubble chamber and data analysis"
1969MurrayGellMannJI1.jpgMurray Gell-Mann United States"for his contributions and discoveries concerning the classification of elementary particles and their interactions"
1970YoungAlfven.jpgHannes Olof Gösta Alfvén Sweden"for fundamental work and discoveries in magneto-hydrodynamics with fruitful applications in different parts ofplasma physics"
Louis Neel 1970.jpgLouis Néel France"for fundamental work and discoveries concerning antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism which have led to important applications in solid state physics"
1971Dénes Gábor 1988 Hungarian stamp.jpgDennis Gabor Hungary
 United Kingdom
"for his invention and development of the holographic method"
1972Bardeen.jpgJohn Bardeen United States"for their jointly developed theory of superconductivity, usually called the BCS-theory"
Nobel Laureate Leon Cooper in 2007.jpgLeon Neil Cooper United States
John Robert Schrieffer.jpgJohn Robert Schrieffer United States
1973Leo Esaki 1959.jpgLeo Esaki Japan"for their experimental discoveries regarding tunneling phenomena in semiconductors and superconductors, respectively"
Ivar Giaever.jpgIvar Giaever United States
Brian David Josephson United Kingdom"for his theoretical predictions of the properties of a supercurrent through a tunnel barrier, in particular those phenomena which are generally known as the Josephson effect"
1974Martin Ryle United Kingdom"for their pioneering research in radio astrophysics: Ryle for his observations and inventions, in particular of the aperture synthesis technique, and Hewish for his decisive role in the discovery of pulsars"
Antony Hewish United Kingdom
1975Aage Bohr.jpgAage Bohr Denmark"for the discovery of the connection between collective motion and particle motion in atomic nuclei and the development of the theory of the structure of the atomic nucleus based on this connection"
Mottelson,Ben 1963 Kopenhagen.jpgBen Roy Mottelson Denmark
Leo James Rainwater United States
1976Burton Richter - charm quark.jpgBurton Richter United States"for their pioneering work in the discovery of a heavy elementary particle of a new kind"
Samuel ting 10-19-10.jpgSamuel Chao Chung Ting United States
1977Andersonphoto.jpgPhilip Warren Anderson United States"for their fundamental theoretical investigations of the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems"
Mott,Nevill Francis Heisenberg 1952 London.jpgNevill Francis Mott United Kingdom
JH van Vleck 1974.jpgJohn Hasbrouck Van Vleck United States
1978Pyotr L Kapitsa Russian physicist 1964.jpgPyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa Soviet Union"for his basic inventions and discoveries in the area of low-temperature physics"
Arno Penzias.jpgArno Allan Penzias United States"for their discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation"
Wilson penzias200.jpgRobert Woodrow Wilson United States
1979Sheldon Glashow at Harvard cropped.jpgSheldon Lee Glashow United States"for their contributions to the theory of the unified weak and electromagnetic interaction between elementary particles, including, inter alia, the prediction of the weak neutral current"
Abdus Salam 1987.jpgAbdus Salam Pakistan
Steven weinberg 2010.jpgSteven Weinberg United States
1980James-cronin.jpgJames Watson Cronin United States"for the discovery of violations of fundamental symmetry principles in the decay of neutral K-mesons"
Val Fitch.jpgVal Logsdon Fitch United States
1981Nicolaas Bloembergen 1981.jpgNicolaas Bloembergen Netherlands
 United States
"for their contribution to the development of laser spectroscopy"
Artur Schawlow, Stanford University.jpgArthur Leonard Schawlow United States
Kai Manne Börje Siegbahn 2.jpgKai Manne Börje Siegbahn Sweden"for his contribution to the development of high-resolution electron spectroscopy"
1982Kenneth G. Wilson United States"for his theory for critical phenomena in connection with phase transitions"
1983Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar India
 United States
"for his theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars"
William A. Fowler Los Alamos ID.pngWilliam Alfred Fowler United States"for his theoretical and experimental studies of the nuclear reactions of importance in the formation of the chemical elements in the universe"
1984Carlo Rubbia 2012.jpgCarlo Rubbia Italy"for their decisive contributions to the large project, which led to the discovery of the field particles W and Z, communicators of weak interaction"
Simon van der Meer Netherlands
1985Klausvonklitzing.jpgKlaus von Klitzing West Germany"for the discovery of the quantized Hall effect"
1986Ernst Ruska West Germany"for his fundamental work in electron optics, and for the design of the first electron microscope.
Gerd Binnig sw.jpgGerd Binnig West Germany"for their design of the scanning tunneling microscope"
Rohrer.jpgHeinrich Rohrer  Switzerland
1987Ibmgb.jpgJohannes Georg Bednorz West Germany"for their important break-through in the discovery of superconductivity in ceramic materials"
Karl Alexander Mueller.jpgKarl Alexander Müller  Switzerland
1988Leon M. Lederman.jpgLeon Max Lederman United States"for the neutrino beam method and the demonstration of the doublet structure of the leptons through the discovery of the muon neutrino
Melvin Schwartz United States
Jack-Steinberger-2008.JPGJack Steinberger United States
1989Norman Foster Ramsey 1970 (cropped).jpgNorman Foster Ramsey United States"for the invention of the separated oscillatory fields method and its use in the hydrogen maser and other atomic clocks"
Hans Georg Dehmelt United States
"for the development of the ion trap technique"
Wolfgang Paul West Germany
1990Physics Nobel laureate Jerry Friedman, 2016.jpgJerome I. Friedman United States"for their pioneering investigations concerning deep inelastic scattering of electrons on protons and bound neutrons, which have been of essential importance for the development of the quark model in particle physics"
Henry Kendall by Tom Frost crop.jpgHenry Way Kendall United States
Richard E. Taylor.jpgRichard E. Taylor Canada
1991Pierre-Gilles crop.jpgPierre-Gilles de Gennes France"for discovering that methods developed for studying order phenomena in simple systems can be generalized to more complex forms of matter, in particular to liquid crystals and polymers"
1992CHARPAK Georges-24x50-2005 cropped.JPGGeorges Charpak France
"for his invention and development of particle detectors, in particular the multiwire proportional chamber"
1993Russell Alan Hulse.jpgRussell Alan Hulse United States"for the discovery of a new type of pulsar, a discovery that has opened up new possibilities for the study ofgravitation
2008JosephTaylor.jpgJoseph Hooton Taylor, Jr. United States
1994Bertram Brockhouse.jpgBertram Brockhouse Canada"for the development of neutron spectroscopy" and "for pioneering contributions to the development ofneutron scattering techniques for studies of condensed matter"
HD.3F.113 (10347363986).jpgClifford Glenwood Shull United States"for the development of the neutron diffraction technique" and "for pioneering contributions to the development of neutron scattering techniques for studies of condensed matter"
1995Martin Perl - tau.jpgMartin Lewis Perl United States"for the discovery of the tau lepton" and "for pioneering experimental contributions to lepton physics"
Frederick Reines.jpgFrederick Reines United States"for the detection of the neutrino" and "for pioneering experimental contributions to lepton physics"
1996Nobel Laureate David Morris Lee in 2007.jpgDavid Morris Lee United States"for their discovery of superfluidity in helium-3"
Douglas Osheroff NSF.jpgDouglas D. Osheroff United States
Robert Coleman Richardson.jpgRobert Coleman Richardson United States
1997Steven Chu official portrait headshot.jpgSteven Chu United States"for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light."
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji.JPGClaude Cohen-Tannoudji France
William D. Phillips.jpgWilliam Daniel Phillips United States
1998Robert Laughlin, Stanford University.jpgRobert B. Laughlin United States"for their discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations
Horst Störmer cropped.jpgHorst Ludwig Störmer Germany
Daniel Chee Tsui.jpgDaniel Chee Tsui China
 United States
1999Gerard 't Hooft.jpgGerard 't Hooft Netherlands"for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in physics"
Martinus Veltman.jpgMartinus J. G. Veltman Netherlands
2000Zhores Alferov.jpgZhores Ivanovich Alferov Russia"for developing semiconductor heterostructures used in high-speed- and optoelectronics
Herbert Kroemer.jpgHerbert Kroemer Germany
Jack Kilby.jpgJack St. Clair Kilby United States"for his part in the invention of the integrated circuit"
2001Physics Nobel Laureate Eric Allin Cornell, in June of 2015.jpgEric Allin Cornell United States"for the achievement of Bose–Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms, and for early fundamental studies of the properties of the condensates
Carl Wieman.jpgCarl Edwin Wieman United States
Ketterle.jpgWolfgang Ketterle Germany
2002Raymond Davis, Jr 2001.jpgRaymond Davis, Jr. United States"for pioneering contributions to astrophysics, in particular for the detection of cosmic neutrinos"
Masatoshi Koshiba 2002.jpgMasatoshi Koshiba Japan
RiccardoGiacconi.jpgRiccardo Giacconi Italy
 United States
"for pioneering contributions to astrophysics, which have led to the discovery of cosmic X-ray sources"
2003AA Abrikosov ANL1.jpgAlexei Alexeyevich Abrikosov Russia
 United States
"for pioneering contributions to the theory of superconductors and superfluids"
Ginzburg in MSU opaque.jpgVitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg Russia
Nobel Laureate Sir Anthony James Leggett in 2007.jpgAnthony James Leggett United Kingdom
 United States
2004David Gross LANL.jpgDavid J. Gross United States"for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction"
Hugh David Politzer United States
Nobel Laureate Frank Wilczek 2007.jpgFrank Wilczek United States
2005Roy Glauber Dec 10 2005.jpgRoy J. Glauber United States"for his contribution to the quantum theory of optical coherence
John L. Hall.jpgJohn L. Hall United States"for their contributions to the development of laser-based precision spectroscopy, including the optical frequency comb technique"
Theodor W Haensch.jpgTheodor W. Hänsch Germany
2006John-C-Mather5.jpgJohn C. Mather United States"for their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation"
George Smoot crop.jpgGeorge F. Smoot United States
2007Albert Fert 0109.jpgAlbert Fert France"for the discovery of giant magnetoresistance
Peter Gruenberg 01.jpgPeter Grünberg Germany
2008Mkobayashi.jpgMakoto Kobayashi Japan"for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature"
Masukawa.jpgToshihide Maskawa Japan
YoichiroNambu.jpgYoichiro Nambu Japan
 United States
"for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics"
2009Charles K. Kao cropped 2.jpgCharles K. Kao Hong Kong
 United Kingdom
 United States
"for groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication"
Nobel Prize 2009-Press Conference KVA-23.jpgWillard S. Boyle Canada
 United States
"for the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit – the CCD sensor
Nobel Prize 2009-Press Conference KVA-27.jpgGeorge E. Smith United States
2010Andre Geim 2010-1.jpgAndre Geim Russia
 United Kingdom
"for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene"
Konstantin Novoselov at MIPT.jpgKonstantin Novoselov Russia
 United Kingdom
2011Saul Perlmutter.jpgSaul Perlmutter United States"for the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe through observations of distantsupernovae"
Brian P Schmidt.jpgBrian P. Schmidt Australia
 United States
Adam Riess.jpgAdam G. Riess United States
2012Serge Haroche - Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers - 4 mai 2009.jpgSerge Haroche France"for ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantumsystems."
David Wineland 2008crop.jpgDavid J. Wineland United States
2013Francois Englert.jpgFrançois Englert Belgium"for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, and which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamentalparticle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider
Higgs, Peter (1929)3.jpgPeter Higgs United Kingdom
2014Isamu Akasaki 20141211.jpgIsamu Akasaki Japan"for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes which has enabled bright and energy-saving white light sources"
Hiroshi Amano 20141211.jpgHiroshi Amano Japan
Shiju.jpgShuji Nakamura Japan
 United States
2015Takaaki Kajita 5171-2015.jpgTakaaki Kajita Japan"for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass"
Arthur B. McDonald 5193-2015.jpgArthur B. McDonald Canada
2016DavidThouless 1995 UW.jpgDavid J. Thouless United Kingdom
 United States
"for theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of !matter
Duncan Haldane.jpgF. Duncan M. Haldane United Kingdom
 United States
Jkosterl.jpgJohn M. Kosterlitz United Kingdom
 United States

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Photon sphere,A property,Innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO)

The photon sphere is a spherical boundary of zero thickness in which photons  that move on tangent  to that sphere would be trapped in a circular orbit about the black hole. For non-rotating black holes, the photon sphere has a radius 1.5 times the Schwarzschild radius. Their orbits would be dynMICally unstable, hence any small perturbation, such as a particle of infalling matter, would cause an instability that would grow over time, either setting the photon on an outward trajectory causing it to escape the black hole, or on an inward spiral where it would eventually cross the event horizon.
While light can still escape from the photon sphere, any light that crosses the photon sphere on an inbound trajectory will be captured by the black hole. Hence any light that reaches an outside observer from the photon sphere must have been emitted by objects between the photon sphere and the event horizon.
Other compact object, such as neutron star, can also have photon spheres. This follows from the fact that the gravitational field external to a spherically-symmetric object is governed by the Schwarzschild metric, which depends only on the object's mass rather than the radius of the object, hence any object whose radius shrinks to smaller than 1.5 times the Schwarzschild radius will have a photon sphere.


Rotating black holes are surrounded by a region of spacetime in which it is impossible to stand still, called the ergosphere. This is the result of a process known as frame-dragging; general relativity predicts that any rotating mass will tend to slightly "drag" along the spacetime immediately surrounding it. Any object near the rotating mass will tend to start moving in the direction of rotation. For a rotating black hole, this effect is so strong near the event horizon that an object would have to move faster than the speed of light in the opposite direction to just stand still.[77]
The ergosphere of a black hole is a volume whose inner boundary is the black hole's oblate spheroid event horizon and a pumpkin-shaped outer boundary, which coincides with the event horizon at the poles but noticeably wider around the equator. The outer boundary is sometimes called the ergosurface.
Objects and radiation can escape normally from the ergosphere. Through the Penrose process, objects can emerge from the ergosphere with more energy than they entered. This energy is taken from the rotational energy of the black hole causing the latter to slow.

In Newtonian gravity, test particles can stably orbit at arbitrary distances from a central object. In general relativity, however, there exists an innermost stable circular orbit (often called the ISCO), inside of which, any infinitesimal perturbations to a circular orbit will lead to inspiral into the black hole. The location of the ISCO depends on the spin of the black hole, in the case of a Schwarzschild black hole (spin zero) is:
and decreases with increasing spin.

Formation and evolution

Considering the exotic nature of black holes, it may be natural[clarification needed] to question if such bizarre objects could exist in nature or to suggest that they are merely pathological solutions to Einstein's equations. Einstein himself wrongly thought that black holes would not form, because he held that the angular momentum of collapsing particles would stabilize their motion at some radius. This led the general relativity community to dismiss all results to the contrary for many years. However, a minority of relativists continued to contend that black holes were physical objects, and by the end of the 1960s, they had persuaded the majority of researchers in the field that there is no obstacle to the formation of an event horizon.
Once an event horizon forms, Penrose proved, general relativity without quantum mechanics requires that a singularity will form within. Shortly afterwards, Hawking showed that many cosmological solutions that describe the Big Bang have singularities without scalar fields or other exotic matter (see "Penrose–Hawking singularity theorems").[clarification needed] The Kerr solution, the no-hair theorem, and the laws of black hole thermodynamics showed that the physical properties of black holes were simple and comprehensible, making them respectable subjects for research The primary formation process for black holes is expected to be the gravitational collapse of heavy objects such as stars, but there are also more exotic processes that can lead to the production of black holes.

Event Horizon,I am fond of Physics ,A new idea about Black Holes

The defining feature of a black hole is the appearance of an event horizon—a boundary in space time  through which matter and light can only pass inward towards the mass of the black hole. Nothing, not even light, can escape from inside the event horizon. The event horizon is referred to as such because if an event occurs within the boundary, information from that event cannot reach an outside observer, making it impossible to determine if such an event occurred.
As predicted by general relativity, the presence of a mass deforms spacetime in such a way that the paths taken by particles bend towards the mass. At the event horizon of a black hole, this deformation becomes so strong that there are no paths that lead away from the black hole

To a distant observer, clocks near a black hole appear to tick more slowly than those further away from the black hole. Due to this effect, known as gravitational time delation, an object falling into a black hole appears to slow as it approaches the event horizon, taking an infinite time to reach it. At the same time, all processes on this object slow down, from the view point of a fixed outside observer, causing any light emitted by the object to appear redder and dimmer, an effect known asgravitational red shift Eventually, the falling object becomes so dim that it can no longer be seen.
On the other hand, indestructible observers falling into a black hole do not notice any of these effects as they cross the event horizon. According to their own clocks, which appear to them to tick normally, they cross the event horizon after a finite time without noting any singular behaviour; it is impossible to determine the location of the event horizon from local observations
The shape of the event horizon of a black hole is always approximately spherical. For non-rotating (static) black holes the geometry of the event horizon is precisely spherical, while for rotating black holes the sphere is oblate.

At the center of a black hole, as described by general relativity, lies a  gravitational singularity , a region where the spacetime curvature becomes infinite. For a non-rotating black hole, this region takes the shape of a single point and for a  rotating black hole, it is smeared out to form aring singularity that lies in the plane of rotation. In both cases, the singular region has zero volume. It can also be shown that the singular region contains all the mass of the black hole solution. The singular region can thus be thought of as having infinite density.
Observers falling into a Schwarzschild black hole (i.e., non-rotating and not charged) cannot avoid being carried into the singularity, once they cross the event horizon. They can prolong the experience by accelerating away to slow their descent, but only up to a limit; after attaining a certain ideal velocity, it is best to  free falll the rest of the way. When they reach the singularity, they are crushed to infinite density and their mass is added to the total of the black hole. Before that happens, they will have been torn apart by the growing tidal force in a process sometimes referred to as  stenthification or the "noodle effect".
In the case of a charged (Reissner–Nordström) or rotating (Kerr) black hole, it is possible to avoid the singularity. Extending these solutions as far as possible reveals the hypothetical possibility of exiting the black hole into a different spacetime with the black hole acting as a  worm hole The possibility of traveling to another universe is, however, only theoretical since any perturbation would destroy this possibility. It also appears to be possible to follow  closed time like curve (returning to one's own past) around the Kerr singularity, which lead to problems with casualty  like the grandfather paradoxx. It is expected that none of these peculiar effects would survive in a proper quantum treatment of rotating and charged black holes.
The appearance of singularities in general relativity is commonly perceived as signaling the breakdown of the theory. This breakdown, however, is expected; it occurs in a situation where quantum effect  should describe these actions, due to the extremely high density and therefore particle interactions. To date, it has not been possible to combine quantum and gravitational effects into a single theory, although there exist attempts to formulate such a theory of quantum gravity. It is generally expected that such a theory will not feature any singularities.

Friday, June 2, 2017

My Contemporary Poem ""Expedition""utilization of spare time,

!!  Om Namo Pitai  !!
!!  Om Namo Narayana  !!
!! Hari Om Namo Shivai !!

                                               By Sir Rikomht,

Mortal of a humble middle class tears.
Sobs wowing,every time with bad fortune.
while struggling providing effort,determine,
to accomplish ,task,target,a shaken quake,
of dread,fright,dismay,of unsupported luck.

Gazing to prime target in fearful eyes,
which fulfilled by water greed,decline,
slump and plunging in front of concern,
with active ,vigorous,firm,conviction,
Faith and loyalty to God hoping triumph,
happiness,victory and achievement with stiff.

Every occasion moment of life colossal,
infinite urge and recite for backing against fall.
Longing,praying for protracted duration,
to God for supporting in stretch situation,
virulent,inevitable,catastrophic with staunch,
with solid,resolute,away to overcome bunch,
of obstacle,dilemma,crisis in footpath,
of life and way to perceive success path.

Destruct the hard,tough,strong  wall,,
of hope,trust,a black dread parasol.
A terror of break down,a fear in strong,
stuck of God,adversity,misfortune,plunge,
a wing of fear,suspicion,revoke and retain,
all doomed futile,abortive,situation in vain.

All confidence determine expunge and negate,
by hard attack of scare of misfortune fate,
Remembrance,rethink destruct my confirm,
affirm to uplift,courage to combat charm,
Aspiration,anticipation,frequently shatter,
by God divinity despite compact labor.

Meditate,ruminate and ponder of mind,
Surrender all proud outrage, voice of loud.
destruct to other ,hurt to other,discussion,
looking to fault and deficit and recession.

Meditation provide a strong belief trust,
good views thinking opinion and best,
and perfection of human,think of value,
respect to even thou attacker crew.

Belief ,faith,tolerance,patience,weep,
hawl,sacrifice,surrender,tears keep,
one honest otherwise proud,luxury,discuss,
low down,insult,bark convert you dishonest.

So Be Active,Belief in God,Render To Mankind,Unselfish,Truthful.

Thanks Shivai,Namaskar.

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