Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Gravitational Wave in according to Albert Einstein

Gravitational wave is  ripple in the curvature iof spacetime that are generated in certain gravitation intersections and propagate as waves outward from their source at the speed of light Predicted in 1916 by Albert Einstein on the basis of his theory of general relativity, gravitational waves transport energy as grvitational radiation a form of radiant energy similar to electromagnetic radiation. Newton's law of universal gravitation, part of classical mechanics, does not provide for their existance, since that law is predicted on the assumtion that physical intractions propagate at infinite speed -- showing one of the ways the methods of classicasl physics are unable to explain phenomenon associate with relativity.

Gravitational- wave astronomy id s brsnch of observational astronomy tahat uuses gravitational constant .

On NTPC boiler blast: Unsafe boilers

The boiler  boiler explosion at NTPC’s Unchahar power plant in Rae Bareli underscores the importance of inspections and protocols for hazardous industrial operations. It has cost at least 32 lives and caused severe injuries to scores of personnel. High pressure boilers are hazardous pieces of equipment, which are strictly regulated with special laws. In fact, the basic objective of the Indian Boilers Act, 1923 is to ensure the safety of life and protection of property by mandating uniform standards in the quality and upkeep of these units. That the Uttar Pradesh government failed miserably in meeting this objective is evident from the accident at the public sector facility. Quite clearly, the accident was entirely preventable because boilers are designed to provide warnings as soon as dangerous pressure builds up and trigger automatic safety devices at a critical point. They should undergo periodic inspections to ensure that all these features are working and intact. At the Unchahar plant, the blocking of an outlet for waste gases by ash, unusual in a fairly new boiler, calls for an inquiry into the quality of the equipment and the fuel used. Ideally, these aspects should be investigated by an external agency and not the NTPC.
Industrial regulation has, unfortunately, come to be viewed as a barrier to ease of doing business in India. This is a result of inefficiency and corruption and the typical response of governments has been to relax crucial safety checks. Self-certification and third-party certification of facilities has received support from policymakers even in the case of boilers. Soon after assuming office, Prime Minister Narendra Modi likened maintenance of boilers to that of a privately owned car, where owners should be trusted to do their best because they understand the need for safety in its operation. But the two are not comparable. The Unchahar accident shows it is in everyone’s interest to have a transparent regulatory mechanism for hazardous industrial activity. The safety and welfare of workers and the public at large cannot be compromised. A rigorous approach to accident reporting must become part of the process if the weak spots in regulation are to be addressed. National Crime Records Bureau data provide insights into casualties caused by industrial boiler and gas cylinder explosions — there were 61 deaths in 2015 — and the rise in the number of accidents over the previous year points to the need for strict enforcement of safety protocols. The loss suffered by families of workers due to an accident that could have been averted cannot be compensated just financially. It must be the Centre’s endeavour to see that measures taken to make it easy to do business do not translate into lack of regulation, and putting lives at risk. Administrative reform can eliminate the corruption of inspector raj and achieve transparent regulation, while keeping the workplace safe
The boiler  boiler explosion at NTPC’s Unchahar power plant in Rae Bareli underscores the importance of inspections and protocols for hazardous industrial operations. It has cost at least 32 lives and caused severe injuries to scores of personnel. High pressure boilers are hazardous pieces of equipment, which are strictly regulated with special laws. In fact, the basic objective of the Indian Boilers Act, 1923 is to ensure the safety of life and protection of property by mandating uniform standards in the quality and upkeep of these units. That the Uttar Pradesh government failed miserably in meeting this objective is evident from the accident at the public sector facility. Quite clearly, the accident was entirely preventable because boilers are designed to provide warnings as soon as dangerous pressure builds up and trigger automatic safety devices at a critical point. They should undergo periodic inspections to ensure that all these features are working and intact. At the Unchahar plant, the blocking of an outlet for waste gases by ash, unusual in a fairly new boiler, calls for an inquiry into the quality of the equipment and the fuel used. Ideally, these aspects should be investigated by an external agency and not the NTPC.

Change, yet continuity: on Jerome Powell's nomination as US Fed Chief

President Donald Trump's decision to name Federal Reserve board Governor  Jerome Powell   as his pick to head the central bank signals that the businessman-turned-politician has plumped for continuity even as he ushers in change. For a President whose first nine months in office have been marked by a succession of signature appointments to key posts ranging from a Supreme Court Justice to heads of federal regulatory bodies, the investment banker suggests that Mr. trump's business instrict won.Mr Powell , who was appointed by instict won. Mr Powell, who was appointed by President barak Obama as Fed Governor in 2012 and worked alongside the incumbent Chair and worked alongside the incumbent Chair,janet Yellen, over the past five years,will represent the policy continuity in the monetary management of the world's largest economy.After all ,with the economic engine ticking over nicely and creationg jobs,and the markets buoyant, there was little reason for Mr. Trump to run the risk of choosing someone who may have altered the calibrated field approach the fed had adopted in overseeing the recovery from the global financial crisi.Two of the other short-listed probables -- Kevin Warsh and John Taylor -- had both been served in the Fed's actions.

That Mr. Powell had served in the Treasery administration means that he will ,in all likehoodf, receive bipartisan backing in the Senate.
Emerging markets ,including India,C

Monday, November 6, 2017

Central Government launched the Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana, an annual scholarship for students collecting stamps

4 November 2017 Current Affairs: The central government launched the Deen Dayal SPARSH (Scholarship for Promotion of Aptitude and Research in Stamps as a Hobby) Yojana, an annual scholarship to promote philately, the hobby of collecting and studying postage stamps.

Only students of Class 6 to Class 9 will be eligible for the scholarship.

The amount of scholarship will be Rs 6,000 per annum.

The scholarship will be provided to 920 students who have a good academic record and pursue philately.

Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana launched to Promote Philately

06 November 2017 Current Affairs: Minister of Communications Shri Manoj Sinha launched a Pan India scholarship program for school children called Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana to increase the reach of Philately.

Under the scheme of SPARSH (Scholarship for Promotion of Aptitude & Research in Stamps as a Hobby), it is proposed to award annual scholarships to children of Standard VI to IX having good academic record and also pursuing Philately as a hobby.

Telangana set to get 24x7 power supply to boost agriculture sector

06 November 2017 Current Affairs: Telangana set to provide 24x7 power supply in order to boost farm sector.

The state government decided to take this initiative by supplying 'quality' and 'uninterrupted' power on an experimental basis in the entire state to the agricultural sector. 

Chief Minister Chandrashekhar Rao did experimental basis 24-hour power supply would be given from Monday night for five or six days all over the state for the agriculture sector.

Transco, Genco and Discoms SPDCL and NPDCL have invested about Rs. 12,000 Crore to strengthen the distribution and supply systems. About 23 lakh pump sets are in use in the State farm sector.

Marooned once more: on Chennai's need for flood management

Chennai needs integrated flood management especially the revival of lakes and water tanks.

Chennai's date with a strong northeast monsoon ought to be a cause for all-round relief since the water fortunes of more than eight million residents of the metropolitan region depend on this weather system.Yet the terrential rains in the metrological sub -division,exceeding the normal by 93 % in the period of four days from November 1,left tens of thousands of citizens in state of despair.Flood water marooned them in the rapidly growing suburban housing clusters, with many having to flee to safter places fearing repeat of the deluge of 2015.While there have been efforts to alleviate immediate misery through the distribution of relief material in some places,the largest issue of how the city deals with flood and drought cycles remains unaddressed.Chennai is a lower elevation coastal city with global aspirations, and very high population density.Scientific management should have ensured the preservation of the many traditional lakes and canals that existed in the city's core a century ago to absorb the intense downpour of aairf.bout 1300 mm of rain,most of it in an annual window of a few weeks.Successive governments have allowed the mindless draining of wetlands and their convention into air.

Finding funds: On COP28 and the ‘loss and damage’ fund....

A healthy loss and damage (L&D) fund, a three-decade-old demand, is a fundamental expression of climate justice. The L&D fund is a c...