Monday, February 11, 2019

Biomedical wastage includes human and animal tissues organs body parts lottery vestige needle syringe catheters IV set expired and discarded medicine used dressing cotton etcetera

And it should be a segregated in the colour coded containers.

The biomedical waste management rules 2016 place astringent application on all who generate segregate collect packages store and transport rate and dispose the handle biomedical wastage in any form of including Hospital nursing homes clinic dispensary is veterinary science annual household pathological laboratory blood bank Hospital clinic establishment research on education health camp medical surgical camp camp blood donation camp first aid room for the school and research laboratory.

biomedical waste generated must be dealt in accordance with BMW management rules 2016.

Healthcare facilities and come on Biomedical Waste treatment facility sale provide training and adequate personal protective equipment to all their Health Care worker and immunisation regularly.

Any bio lessons can invite heavy files imprisonment and even closure of incredible Healthcare facility.

Biomedical wastage should not be stored after 48 hours.

if there are hospitals in residential area r w a should keep a watch making sure that no biomedical wastage is littered around the hospital.

there should be no throwing of Biomedical wastage into the river on the river bank and any other places.

thank you all for your loving and creating me a new idea for the human being and save our country save our environment.

Vaccination saves luves ignorance geoparadise them

reviews and blatant applications about the side effect of destination is read faster than the common cold leading to misplaced CRL refusal in get vaccinated which is among the most cost effective way of preventing diseases and death.

vaccination prevent 23 million tape holder teacher and an additional 1. 5 million lights would be saved in the everyone got vaccinated according to the World Health Organisation.

Vaccination at least 95% of the population day world's community immunity and protect them even those who have missed vaccination and remained suspensibility to infection.
best destination lead to global eradication of smallpox in 1979 with the last cases reported in Somalia in 1977.

caused by the areas virus smallpox was devastated disease that infected at least 50 million people are globally in the 1950 and kill and assembly of 300 million in the 20 century compared to the hundred million who dies in war and armed conflict during the same period.

India was declared free of smallpox 2 years after the last indigenous cases was reported in Bihar Katihar on July 1975. best mixer design company made eradication possible within a year of smallpox there are studying Bihar Odisha and West Bengal in 1974 when India was recorded at least 61000 cases and 50000 deaths. the Global polio eradication report based exemplified accidents hits the Mrs India got polio cases down from 71 to 2019 in highest in the world 21 within a year with the last cases was confirmed in Bengal on January 13 2011.

wickets in vaccination has left the Polio persistency in Pakistan and Afghanistan who is together and 50 cases last year I have reported cases of January 2019.

Paris urgency of vaccination preventable diseases lead to wh0 World Health Organisation list the vaccination and hesitation or refusal to vaccinate despite availability and affordability top 10 Global Health in 2019 distance.

alone Kuwait air pollution and climate changes communicable diseases like heart disease diabetes and cancel Global epidemic antimicrobial resistance and infectious disease.

India's Public Health again I cured from the Polio eradication and big who sailed away by the uniform the resistance to measurement of rubella vaccine which is given in 2 days for children age of nine month to 15 years.
parents are leading the charges in the many states including Delhi where the stalled the campaign by moving the high court which is good and order differential constant while the must be for vaccinating children.

Mr vaccination coverage ranges from a hundred percent in Himachal all natural Telangana to at least 95% in Karnataka Tamil Nadu Goa Andhra Pradesh Haryana Uttar Pradesh and Odisha,
88% in Maharashtra and other state.
The Cabin in the currently running in Bihar that is almost 38% and Madhya Pradesh almost 51% and is scheduled for July in Rajasthan and August in Sikkim.

Mr vaccine is safe and saved more than 21 million life since 2000 according to World Health Organisation.

daxid DDL how far has led to 22 30% spike in cases of worldwide since 2016 taking the cases to 6. 7 million deaths to 110000 in 2017. Miles in highly contagious and causes death debility compliances and including the Encyclopaedia that it filing of brain members civil diptheria human ear ear infection and permanent vision loss.

in 2019 the who played store name of coverage of HPV human papillomavirus to eliminate cervical cancer which is second leading cancer in the oven after breast cancer.

HPV vaccination ran into controversy in India during the national and state government community demonstration project to vaccinate 10 to 15 year old girl in Khammam district in Andhra Pradesh and Vadodara district in Gujarat with the project biggest octin 2010 after that the vaccination to death of girls.

with fake news is pending within minutes on social media Public Health professionals have the additional test to be bunking emotionally charged for falsehood.

with live at stock winning the communication metal against them all 2 hour to find the facts.

Socio economic survey conducted by the Delhi government

Kylie participate planning department of the Government of nct of Delhi is undertaking the socio economic survey for collection of basic data in respect of the household and the each residence of Delhi on various associated with parameters like the education health income and employment. then it will be used exclusively for the future planning keeping in this view of the anticipated requirement for the citizen of Delhi. Shruti survey the future demands will be assessed for this new schools colleges hospitals and Employment opportunity water and electricity supply etc. that wasn't given by each of the residents will be used by Delhi government has to prepare future road map of Delhi for the purpose like success CD to Electricity consumer.
Free water to the household

New government schools and colleges.

Number of the pensioner.

Hospital bed free medicine immunization Diagnostic services etc.

Mohalla clinic health insurances.

Medication for the student.
Skill training and employment.
Ration card provider for all household to provide the ration system .

Public transport etc.

therefore kindly give the complete the correct information about the household and individual family members and be partner with Delhi government and in this planning exercise.

planters punch there is a type of the farming are you do not / the hardware will float the support in each other than available is called the parameter culture has been catching on India made some of the people growing food forest in the required

reflection a missionary for this energy of Hindus nuclear picture on the unemployment in India for car seats of the flowers variety sports fans and his Embassy of the tournament.

Sunday, February 10, 2019





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