Monday, February 1, 2021

alasande strange days what we're preparing to commit great listen to let driving by the desire to enjoy the royal happiness we are intend to killing our own kingsman

driven by self motives 1 may be inclined to search sinful act as the killing of the one on brother father and mother there are many such instances in the history of the world but origin of being the saintly report of this world and knowledge can see this model principle of therefore always be careful about the such activities.

better for me if the sum of the different weapons in the hand want to the kill me the an armed of the on resistance on the battlefield it is customer cording to the theory of writing principle that are not an annoying false should not be was decided that even if attacked by the enemy in such in account positions he would not find it did not consider how much the other party was been upon the fighting all these symptoms are due to the soft heart and resulting from this being a great devotee of the lord.

9 Krishna mantra of the people I have had the discipline success since about those family traditions are destroyed by dwell in hell

best original best his argument not his own this personal experience but what he was out from this authority that is a survey of the receiving real knowledge a one cannot reach the point of this actual knowledge without being helped by the right person switch off white established in the knowledge that the systems in this physical -2 sensors with airport date has been undergo the process of this economy in the simple activity one who is always engaged in the scene activities must utilise the process of the importance and call this person without doing so once your level transfer Sohail is planned undergo the measurable live in this result of simple activity.

who has the text of the lotus feet of this mukhtar given the liberation giving all kind of the application has taken the part of the industrious and honour the Identity of the demigods and general living entities family members and their human kind of the forefathers applications are automatically fulfilled by the performance of a division of service to the supreme personality of godhead.

community project for the four order of the human soul society combine the family welfare activities they are set forth by this installation of the sanatan dharma and vasundhara dharma designed to enable the human being to attain his ultimate salvation therefore breaking sanatana dharma tradition by the respective of the society bring out the chaos in the society and responsible if people forget the aim of the life business hours later recalled the blind and the person who follows as needed to be laid into the chaos.

entries of the entire population certainly causes the cell is lives both the for the family and both of which destroyed the family tradition and sister of the search for a family fall down because this performance of this offering them food and water law entrance top

According to the rules and regulation of the productivity there in need the offer the periodical foot the water of the father of the family.this offering this performance by the worship of the business because the eating of the revenant food offering the business can deliver 14 all the kind of the simple reaction.

and sometimes some of them can not be required the process of the material body are forced to remain in the subtitle bodies as ghost that this reminded the processing foods are offered at the for father by the distant and the father for releases from the ghostly of that kind of the measure of specific rendering to the for family of directors and pieces are not devotional to the life required the performance ice ritual and not this and raised in the device my life is not required to perform such actions simply by the performing devotional services and can be given the hundred thousand of the fall from for the cal kind of the measuring listed in this bhagwat Geeta.

Govind what happened to acid the Kingdom happiness or defend itself with all these things we may be desired then our area in this battlefield

Original has addressed the lord Krishna Govind because the Krishna is object of the present for the cause and the senses.
By using the significant word origin indicates that the Krishna Krishna understand what will satisfy original senses.
Maar govinda is not main for satisfying our senses.oppo try to satisfy the senses of Govind how are then automatically our own census of satisfy mandali everyone want to satisfy his senses and wants to go to be the order supplier for such satisfaction the lord will satisfy the senses of living entity as much as they deserve what not to the extent that what they converted but when one take a positive way namely when one tries to satisfy the sense of gobindo without desiring the satisfies on own sentences by the grace of the Govind all desires of the living entity or satisfied original the perfection of the community and family member is exhibited at the party due to the natural comparison of them.
this is a typically calculation of the material life in the tangential life however the difference in the report you want to satisfy the desire of the lord he can load wheeling accept all kind of the reply kyon in the service of the lord if the lord is willing and he should we accept a for the original did not want to kill his relative and if there will be a need to kill them he was at the Krishna killed them this point he did not know the Krishna had already killed them before they are coming into the battlefield and there was only become an instrument for Krishna the fact is disclosure of the following chapter and the natural beauty of the Krishna original did not like to live it against this marginprice in and well but it was this lords not real taken studies wrong dual but the node does not violate any mislead and turn on the duty of the mystery of the lord can accuse the person's own account but there is no one who has done harm to the departed therefore the lord has determined to kill them miscreant throughout the original wanted to excuse them.

Thanks you so much.


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