Thursday, July 7, 2016

India most developed multidisciplinary Public Health Services along the lines of IAS by State government services

The latest editions of the UNICEF state that the world children report suggest that 1.2 million children under the age of 5 died of preventable diseases in 2015. For India the report has been mixed India's ki health indicators the infant mortality rate INR by 38 in2014 lagging behind Bangladesh infant mortality rate is 31 and Nepal infant mortality rate is 29.
Add this is Devi S records is hardly divided by society media political administrative system industry and religious leaders.
Underscoring the importance of social and political will to change such a situation Mohammad fatullah a former director of the World Health Organisation maternal him program said in the 1990 mothers or not dying because I do not know how to save them but because the society has not decided that their lives are worth saving.
300 year ago an Indian queen diet of childbirth and the king built Taj Mahal. And bankrupted their treasury.
About the same time as sudaes Queen had difficulty in Delhi hare and the king had to call the French doctors to save her. The king felt so humilated that he order setting up schools to train rural women to became midwife.
And surprisingly Sweden today has the best maternal and Child Health indicators.
India's public expenditure on health is the one of the world lowest at one point 2% of GDP even through of many years have her Government have fallen stop about the increasing of this 2 to 3% of GDP the main reason for the slower School low social Lo political commitment to public health is because we have the hierarchical society do not believe in the scientific evidence but believe in the authority believe in history believe in culture believe our stories. Could not keep data and when we have statical information could not publish it or pay attention to it.
Even today not all types of children and mother are registered.
And hence I do not know how many children die we really on United Nations data a sample registration system published and issued by office are the registers of general of India.
Second the media page contents into tragedies Sa Jada Hai child and maternal mortality third health NGO prepare to work in rural area and have negative social and political advocate for the health and safety.
Yeah they can learn from environmental NGO that have been successfully in advocacy and have raised that discourage globally.
Last but not the least India has a very few technical management teams for maternal and Child Health at the national and state level.
There are only two to four technical officers looking after maternal health as well as child health at the national level.
80 state level there were only 1 or 2 officer looking after all these area.
In additional mostly the decisions and the financial power all centralised with his Ministers and the channel list of current.
Even the smallest decisions have to get the lord of senior official leading to delay the indecision. What is the solution to those problems? First India must develop social and political commitment to health.
Second the political commitment has to come from top leadership.
The cabinet must approved a plan to increase the expanding on public health from 1.2 percent GDP to 3% of GDP in 5 years.
3rd by step must focus on understand areas and populations to measure in equity in health services.
This means improving public fund services in tribal and remote areas for the urban and rural poor and the middle classes. Haathi movie will be politically attractive.
Mini in India feel that there is shortage of doctors and nurses. This is partially through but the real problem is that the uneven distribution and under employment.
We need to attract doctors and nurses from cities to rural and remote areas. Strong  financial initiatives and special cadre for difficult area can be good a way of ensuring this. Appointing rural women as Healthcare staff such as if Asa program is a good start but a lot more needs to be done to improve access to quality healthcare in the rural area.
Ford India must develop a multidisciplinary Publication services on the line of IAS and state government services.
This would manage the rural and remote health services and essential public health and son including preventive services health surveillance birth and death registration epidemic control sanitation and hygiene system.
This will create a robust still Framework for the special in India the Service Delivery could be done by the public NGO on a pivot provided but it should be paid be controlled by the public health agency at the present could not have such as an agency. India cannot become a super powers unless its economic and health child development and prevent of Maternity death.

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