Saturday, November 11, 2017

The World Polio day,Global Polio Eradication Iniciative

The world polio day is observed in 24 oct to creat awareness about the hazards of the cripping Polio disease.
The day was established by Rotary Internation to commemorate birth of Jonas Salk who had led the first team of researchers which had developed a vaccine against poliomylitis (polio virus). This development had led to widespread use of this inactivated poliovirus vaccine and susequently use of the oral poliovirus, developed by Albert Sabin. It also had led to establishment of Global Polio Eradication Initiative in 1988 which has helped to reduce polio worldwide by 99 %.

Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI)

GPEI launched in 1988 has played pivotal role in eradication of world poliovirus..

When it was launched wild poliovirus existed in 125 countries. Now it exists in two countries Pakistan and Afganistan. Till 2012 Nigeria, Africa's most populous country was reservoir of more than half of the Polio cases in the world. but in 2015, it was removed from list of Polio endemic countries by World Heath Organization.(WHO).


Poliomyelitis is a highly infectious viral diseases, which mainly affects young children ..

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