Friday, June 10, 2016

The national transformation plan 8 MBPS target and I am a blueprint for a post oil Saudi Arabia

this week the national transformation plan mpp a key component of the Saudi Arabian Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman December 2013 was released outlining a blueprint of the hirer structure of the economy for post oil era. The petrodollar cussing out the desert kingdom oil well have reduced in the intensity forcing the government to tighten if purchased string how far the lack of any check up the expenditure at the time of the Lok oil price means that the government has spending more than its earn.. died in 2015 real posted a budget deficit of this 98 million dollar and TCS certificate is estimated at 86 billions dollar..
The Anti p.m. to ship the economic dependency on Revenue from the sale of oil and non oil products. Before the Rains from the greater female participation in the work phone to an increase in the power and water tariff. the plan has kept in MBPS target of creating 450000 job by 2020 last year only 50000 were created.. the plan is to read novel revenue by 140 person and for this is slip of the measures Like That Kills text airport scene and text on this tobacco and soft tex on other be introduced.

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