Sunday, June 26, 2016

Let us approach combining sustained Introduction by enforcement Agencies with major like the addiction rehabilitation and reintegration to bring addict free social

Drug menace need to be handled carefully as IT solution is not limited to medical intervention only. The individual konsa and his family friend the society the government and the legal systems all have to work intended to tackle this Menace. Eat one of us had to contribute to get rid of this menace.

Abuse of drugs and psychotropic substances eBay challenges quick societies across the world face.
IPhone must be made to prevent the younger generation from falling prey to this course.
A balanced approach combining sustained Introduction by enforcement agency with major like the elephant rehabitation Re integration to bring addict back into the main screen of society is essential to deal with this challenge.

We must know about the symbol of drug abuse.
The symbols of drug abuse are
Sudden changes of mode Temper, lack of appetite.
Bout of drowsiness, sleeplessness and restlessness.

Losing interest in job or in extra curricular activities.

Increasing demand for money stealing something.

Unsteady gait and body pain.

Keeping tablet capsule score chased tin foil cigarettes syringes etc..

A lot of effect in the drug abuse society it's penetrate through the mind of a common person happy life to a high risk society. Rate of changes of interest of drug addiction is gradually increasing. But you have to step forward everybody every one of our nation to prevent the narcotic and illicit trafficking of drug.
infectious disease,
Impaired health, HIV and AIDS, absence from school and college, loss of job, possible date due to 1st sem oral health combination of crying like flipped rape murder at cetera,
Corruption, money laundering and Narco terrorism. So we have to take a high risk to prevent the drug addiction of our nation especially the people who study abroad and is a high infrastructure society they have possibility to edit drug or higher than a common poor people. So in this day we have to pray for all drug addicted house tenses and their victim all over the world. The illicit trafficking of drugs illegal trafficking of heroin cocaine and there intention to addict with Gangster it also preventable. Panic stricken set and damage of farm property for sale house Kansas reputation and Wholesale own family is directly involved in drug addiction.

New evidence of resistance 20 minutes I'm a crucial drug in the MP Mere be applied in part of the southeast Asia could affect can made till now

the emergence of distance to the society to track a patent anti Malaria medicine is not returned to effective is big grey Naseeb 2012 and reducing this Global burden of Malaria estimated 1.2 million civil mechanical 612 personally activation Global . Recruiters are parasites panniculus Muscat plasmodium falciparum. This way distance to empty meaning became all the most dangerous to it's Bangalore to a black bone of the combination therapy for more than their tenure of the will be continued to used to treat Valli a call to whether plasmodium falciparum airport to Japan flights from the one of the specific criteria of plasmodium that causes malaria and receiver and transmitter by this female Anopheles Mosquito one that usually Cineplex comes into this picture of the crucial times from the distance to the commonly used commercial and it was making Malviya treatment highly in efficient. It was only into the December 2013 battery circuit Court conclusively prove that the distance to the power full track watch this man effect in this mail the other side of this medicine software specific reasons of The Karate lesson of the chromosome 13 K3 was found in the stores fertilised and it cannot be reached out Cyrus. mobile no sample was collected from India to Bangladesh did not to take her teen nudism I think that the rest and physical confined to the southeast Asia because you your beginning of the street emergence of this empty prisms resistance parasites is quite recent. Second ladies contaminants ktg deploy this possible at the effect this limiting spread.
What is particularly important that the highly Malaria endemic legends of Africa is a free of the administration fandry distance of the malaria. If you didn't need to go blow money put him in the n_b_a to but in the basement yes it is but then again you're the best wife in the world the money to 1 in the life and and.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

The government decision to let westinghouse build 6 nuclear reactor in India if not only the Arbitrary use of executive authority but it also in financial imprudent

India recent bank statement Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Barack Obama well come thought of triple artery work. in India for 6 a p 1000 go be build  by Westinghouse. There are several disturbing expect to this agreement that doesn't close public security.
Economically unviable

When the United progressive Alliance government announced it's intense interested Victoria Street from the Washington and General Electric in XII plan period 2012 to 17 it did not little to pretend that this contract made sense on their own marits. Elected as a financial person of the atomic energy commission Anil Coco dial explain India had to keep in mind the commercial interest of foreign countries and of the company is there was also. Last year g e backed out of this arrangement sitting concerned about Indian liabilities law. This was good riddance he was offering India and untested design that it has not yet manage to sale anywhere in the world. But the government decisions to different India's investment in westinghouse even as a negative news about this company as a, let it make little sense.
unable to see bar with equal a host in house in 2006 around 2 to 3 $1 I'll write down a ads Belu lajali because of the persistent conference about the economic viability of westinghouse A P 1000 designs. Of more than 8000 orders that question house accepted from within the US and we should I go early hours have Madan life just last month would be called the Florida power and light source on discipline for ATP 1000 reactor at least 4 years in a beer brewery the time in Australia anyways government company can say let's plan for that to a p 1000 reactor explaining that this was finalized and the consequent.
THE green rush :::---
Advanta statement suggested that this reactors would help India to make this commitment and climate changes but this is misleading. economic use a price on Karbonn to determine whether a given Technology provides a cost-effective method of reducing Greenhouse gas emissions a commonly used European figure is about 2 rupees per kg of carbon dioxide.
Silk Oil Plant which produce most of Indian electricity and its about 1 kg of carbon dioxide per unit of electricity AP 1000 reactor may have been a collective Four Points of debut of this traffic has been dating of the 12.59 traffic from this mail this planet. Now in the event of their style Indian Court may find it difficult to exercise this jurisdiction so BIS westinghouse that is not based in India and good point to Indian international commitment and PSC to block any potential claim against it. For example Dow Chemicals Hyderabad attempt to make it contribute to the cleanup it's Bhopal by arguing that Indian courts have no jurisdiction over it. And in the question hour detail about how cloth International agreement can have it the domestic legal systems in 2011 in international arbitrarily Tribunal award white industry in Australia Limited 4 million dollars a bilateral investment Treaty event with us today can Indian government one stop in this is subindices Indian Supreme Court.

in the joint statement Mr Obama Had a Farm that India is ready for membership of the nuclear suppliers group NSC but Indian animals and judgement of the sun at Kirti in that order a way of the eleventh and energy of this problem.. a 2008 nift via allowed india to purchase uranium for it engineers civil reactor but this amount could be less than 1% of the country and total electricity generation capacity. NSE membership Meri Jaan Ali allowed india to accrual equipment to the  reprocessing Technology. how are things Indian indigenius heavy water reactions do not use this enriched uranium and improve the light water reactor come with associated this contract with Cinemas has a little significance for Indian electriCity Sector.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Niti Ayog masterline the even mandated sustainable development call to a new economic trajectory

On September 25 2015 the world celebrity at the adoption of the United Nation resolution transforming the world by 2013 agenda for sustainable development.
The agenda comprise 17 festival development goal with 169 associated targets. Government of all Even Numbers stated are committed to the agenda in clearing at least there is a international consequences on a new philosophy of  development representing image of departure from long prevailed orthodoxy. Sbg Kumar family objective herself prabhati eradication food water and energy security health and sanitation education and Employment for all citizens it is not in the objective but in the means of the implementation that there is Didi are different from earlier in acetic acid Millennium development goals.
In Millenium development goal ecologically sustainable is integral a embedded into development agenda this is a significant changes from the past.
FB we are all so different because they make explicit and Internet interlinkage among the sector goals, boat in the national and in the Global contact.
There are strong feedback loop Emon different domain and additional a domestic intervention influences and internal or influenced by international development in those domains.
For example water contamination is not only an issue of water security but also has health implications. HD food security promo intensive use of chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides main and tail and negative trade off in term of promoting good health. Malnutrition in children may be regarded a food security issue but it also increases susceptibility to the disease thus became a health issues.
Album all in several area International collaboration is indispensable to resolving sector dial challenges in the national contest eradication of poly House sale Thrissur can only be achieved through rebuffed of intervention boat and international and national level.
The SDG recognise that salient of the global and cross cutting issues that increase significantly in recent years. This include climate change 10 minute heart is this is an evil and dissertations of destruction of the biodiversity. Does FDI boat across common collector as well as common collector and can only read it with to the Global popularity responsive.
When the international community has adopted biotique of sustainability and recognise the cross domain and cause national collector of challenges the world. Come today is his mistake and the next step top orientation power development strategy to reply to the new development philosophy and underlying the sdgs. The concept of sustainability has been and roads but its implication have not been understood. personality has two dimension one it implies a radical different approaches to nature. the industry I'm the 1 that has did and you dont will be 190. Substance of lading look up on nature at source of the nature and I resources pool that the replenishes itself but only if what can extract from it does not exceed its capacity to re generate.
Current production and consumption pattern continue to cause and over spending ecological deficit across the planet. Unless the challenges there can be no substance ability. Tushar sensibility incorporate concept of intergenerational equity. Ek generations has the responsibility to hand over to the next a planet and resources School who is continue to NCL human survival and well being. It is responsible to visit the planet to satisfy our needs and desires living succeeding generations to be at the Cape Trophy consequences of all action.
Fill in the perspective the pursuit of fdg will need to abandon what has been conventional ABN post and I do need to increase development and ecological sustainability.
In the two-dimensional referred to a new indication condition for achievement all round development of the long term and cross generation.
The World Noida ahead fenestrations not that capacities to design cross domain intervention weather at the country or international level.
Existing iterations operate in sector dialogue while implementation of the f degrees need cross factorial approaches.

There is an important issue of accounting cost benefit calculations are typically carried out on a linear input output basis. This is an able to capture the input cost as well as  benefit across domain. For example the cost of the production of agriculture crop maybe typically include only input cost that is what I feels fertilizers and pesticides how were the hills cost of the farmer using the toxic fertilizers and pesticides on progressive Los of the soil fertility due to the fertilizer overused escape accounting. Conversely in a v from coal based thermal power to say Konar Pawan the cost in town environmental pollution and increased 32 doors living with intensity of the power station or ignored this create a false notation of non viability of solar power as an alternative. Commitment to the SDG is required a class from 2 - 8 and a different economic status with appropriate Institutions and practices.
it is hopeful that anything I always has been mandated to oversee the implementation of SBT is confirmed this challenges ahead oneida then fall back to existing approaches and mechanism that will Heal to sub optional result.
Commitment to SD vs require Transparent mindset and a different economic status with appropriate Institutions and practices it is hoped that the Niti Ayog who it has been delayed to Overseas the implementation of STD and conference this challenges hey Dola then fall back on existing approaches on this mechanism that will held suboptimal result here is an opportunity to start a new economic trajectory alliances with political stability.

The UNHCR report in an eye opener Albert the closest over the flight of internally displaced people in India

is there is one photograph of the Syrian Refugee crisis that will haunted the world for the year to come it must be that of 3 year old Island kurti who is Boudi what was stuck in a bit in Turkey in September. the young boy line face down on the beat me up to this resource of God Ram Quad one of the list of 12th Five Year ground attempting to reach degrees from their war torn country.
The latest United Nations high Commissioner for refugees report global train forced displacement in 2015 is not only as often as on the scale of the crisis but also a reminder how little government of the world have done to tackle the problem which was in the making for quite some time.

According to the report forced displacement had increased in 2015 with record hi Number by the end of 2015 65.3 million individual possibly displaced worldwide as a result of persecution conflict generalised buy Orland for human right violence.
FB 55.3 million percentile in action they would make up the 21st largest country in the world. On average 24 people worldwide Vedic list from their home every minute during 2015 and 34000 people per day .

Interestingly developing region hostel 86% of the world Refugee. Add 13.9 million people this was highest figure in more than two decades.
The least developed countries provided Islam to 4.2 million Refugee all about 26 person of global total.
Boiler report a timely and useful to understand the challenge of government help at hand in tackling the crisis is surprisingly close is over the crisis of internally displaced people in India.
Take for example the Civil is tribe induced internal displacement in Chhattisgarh and another incident see hit areas of India such as  North East of Kashmir.
When there is no official sigis civil society organisations in 2013 put the number of displaced people over 3 lakh this is just one kind of displacement environmental problems caused issues and communal riot have also been pushing people out of their homes in large numbers.
My overlooking diffuse Number the Un hcr had flowers of her a Refugee crisis that is in no avail is critical then what is happening in other part of world...

Monday, June 20, 2016

the gulbarg society massacre Re by the xpose the limits of securing full chapters in the mist or persisting institutional biased

First of all we all have to take a step against corruption messacre and anti dynasty system.. every communal messacre in India is marked by the stain of impunity. Impunity mail the Assurance that dude home plan and execute the slaughter and Rape of innocent and the loss of Innocence of their home will ultimately escape punishment. As a result of these parts eating filters of legal justice that is a little closer possible for survivors of mass  hates crime.
The large majority of victims all all people from religious minorities 6 who survived from the 1984 methikere crystal who is better in kandhamal in 2006 and Muslims floated in multitudes of communal mesopril beginning with Jabalpur in 1961. There ownskin health because those who organised they are suffering walk free.

This dishonourable reality of ossicular democracy is not a chance of outcome. It is built into the communal and Anti minority institutional buyers of the criminal justice system that plays out through the Police prosecution and courts. The impurity of communal plans in India or broken only partly in Gujarat massacre in 2002. After the slaughter of gang rape of more than house and people the criminal justice system acted the same in the past.

More than half of the cases registered after the kernel oil cloth without trial within a year.

But an extra ordinary and I am a rose for defending secular democracy not just of tiredness Human Rights defenders but also the National Human Rights Commission with moral leadership of gas Street jethava charge of the accounts like the rumour paul Arijit pasayat and coverage as police officer like Rahul Sharma and scope of the server workout for chest at all or like the Takia Jaffrey and Wilkins Bano.. at a result of these Allianz is the closer without a trial of 2000 cases for annual day special investigation team if it was constituted the same cases where move to the court outside Gujarat.

At the recent ruling of the special s i t code in the massacre of 64 people in the gulbarg society in the heart of amendment on February 28 2002 illustrated that limits of the possibility of food justice in the contest of the spiciest in institutional biased..

If the emergence of quote except is correct than this one spontaneously message cry by 11 man who are part of a cloud that was Instant by the burning of Hindus in a train in Godhra a day earlier.

devil provoked by the firing of them my former MP Ehsan Jafri who was later burned alive by members of cloud.
There was no conspiracy at any level in planning on enabling the message Ray and the moon toys not let a product either by BJP leader for by the police. There are 20 Police persons at the spot but they left the means to control order for the mob provoked by the Jafri 's shootings at them..

The Convict displayed good conduct during the 14 years of trial and this as a second chances to Reform and rehabitate ..
Navbharat Times of herbivores and many cities and investigation is different from the charge tv Desai  conclusion..

The magic Ray of scale that transferred in gulbarg society and LCL required mobilisation and earning office kill that was Impossible without a launcher conspiracy.

The couch everywhere toilet by the leaders of BJP and VHP and Bajrang Dal..
The cloud door enjoyed by the away opening the Hindu on the train was reported and their bodies were paraded.

decimal number of the pool quality equipped police pay person on the spot was not matter of chance.
Ehsan Jafri call Senior Police official and reportedly even the CM but no enforcement were sent.

Dil To Bharthana confirm closely to the content in understanding of why is communal versions recruit in India. One bottle is that also a religious mundari constituent the large majority of person killed and raped in the head by then it is De Oprah book the wavelength by exercise is burning of Hindus on train killing pm Indira Gandhi disc writting Temple sexual designs of Hindu girl killing cows religious conversion etc.
This link to spontaneously violin and the police that all ID can to control that I would but is unable to do so because of the scale of right angle of the provoked Hindu movement and gathering.

Another person is that there was no communal riot only systematically planned communal massacre.
Foot soldier Torrent client but there share of the guilt izhaar less than that communal groups that organised business aqri and politicians Police and civil officers who I bet it by in action. The man convicted oil foot soldiers who doesn't meet another chances. Although he was deserve that.

Finding funds: On COP28 and the ‘loss and damage’ fund....

A healthy loss and damage (L&D) fund, a three-decade-old demand, is a fundamental expression of climate justice. The L&D fund is a c...