On September 25 2015 the world celebrity at the adoption of the United Nation resolution transforming the world by 2013 agenda for sustainable development.
The agenda comprise 17 festival development goal with 169 associated targets. Government of all Even Numbers stated are committed to the agenda in clearing at least there is a international consequences on a new philosophy of development representing image of departure from long prevailed orthodoxy. Sbg Kumar family objective herself prabhati eradication food water and energy security health and sanitation education and Employment for all citizens it is not in the objective but in the means of the implementation that there is Didi are different from earlier in acetic acid Millennium development goals.
In Millenium development goal ecologically sustainable is integral a embedded into development agenda this is a significant changes from the past.
FB we are all so different because they make explicit and Internet interlinkage among the sector goals, boat in the national and in the Global contact.
There are strong feedback loop Emon different domain and additional a domestic intervention influences and internal or influenced by international development in those domains.
For example water contamination is not only an issue of water security but also has health implications. HD food security promo intensive use of chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides main and tail and negative trade off in term of promoting good health. Malnutrition in children may be regarded a food security issue but it also increases susceptibility to the disease thus became a health issues.
Album all in several area International collaboration is indispensable to resolving sector dial challenges in the national contest eradication of poly House sale Thrissur can only be achieved through rebuffed of intervention boat and international and national level.
The SDG recognise that salient of the global and cross cutting issues that increase significantly in recent years. This include climate change 10 minute heart is this is an evil and dissertations of destruction of the biodiversity. Does FDI boat across common collector as well as common collector and can only read it with to the Global popularity responsive.
When the international community has adopted biotique of sustainability and recognise the cross domain and cause national collector of challenges the world. Come today is his mistake and the next step top orientation power development strategy to reply to the new development philosophy and underlying the sdgs. The concept of sustainability has been and roads but its implication have not been understood. personality has two dimension one it implies a radical different approaches to nature. the industry I'm the 1 that has did and you dont will be 190. Substance of lading look up on nature at source of the nature and I resources pool that the replenishes itself but only if what can extract from it does not exceed its capacity to re generate.
Current production and consumption pattern continue to cause and over spending ecological deficit across the planet. Unless the challenges there can be no substance ability. Tushar sensibility incorporate concept of intergenerational equity. Ek generations has the responsibility to hand over to the next a planet and resources School who is continue to NCL human survival and well being. It is responsible to visit the planet to satisfy our needs and desires living succeeding generations to be at the Cape Trophy consequences of all action.
Fill in the perspective the pursuit of fdg will need to abandon what has been conventional ABN post and I do need to increase development and ecological sustainability.
In the two-dimensional referred to a new indication condition for achievement all round development of the long term and cross generation.
The World Noida ahead fenestrations not that capacities to design cross domain intervention weather at the country or international level.
Existing iterations operate in sector dialogue while implementation of the f degrees need cross factorial approaches.
There is an important issue of accounting cost benefit calculations are typically carried out on a linear input output basis. This is an able to capture the input cost as well as benefit across domain. For example the cost of the production of agriculture crop maybe typically include only input cost that is what I feels fertilizers and pesticides how were the hills cost of the farmer using the toxic fertilizers and pesticides on progressive Los of the soil fertility due to the fertilizer overused escape accounting. Conversely in a v from coal based thermal power to say Konar Pawan the cost in town environmental pollution and increased 32 doors living with intensity of the power station or ignored this create a false notation of non viability of solar power as an alternative. Commitment to the SDG is required a class from 2 - 8 and a different economic status with appropriate Institutions and practices.
it is hopeful that anything I always has been mandated to oversee the implementation of SBT is confirmed this challenges ahead oneida then fall back to existing approaches and mechanism that will Heal to sub optional result.
Commitment to SD vs require Transparent mindset and a different economic status with appropriate Institutions and practices it is hoped that the Niti Ayog who it has been delayed to Overseas the implementation of STD and conference this challenges hey Dola then fall back on existing approaches on this mechanism that will held suboptimal result here is an opportunity to start a new economic trajectory alliances with political stability.
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