This is amicable to determine the differences between the state draught and culture Tamil Nadu move to declare a drought ironically on the eve of the harvest festival of Pongal.
It is an important step to address the agrarian distress that is sweeping the state flowing to rainfall during North East monsoon.
Even with relative Lee better governance structure desperation among farmers has resulted in a spate of suicides particularly in the Cauvery delta.
The Cauvery Delta rice belt that has received little Water from Karnataka in recent time.
An official declaration of drought brings relief, postpone antonym of loan recovery Weber of land tax and alternative employment through schemes such as Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme.
The challenges now is to include confidence among farmers that the government is fully behind them.
8 agriculture scientist MS Swaminathan I has pointed out there is a need to look ahead and Institute Reform is drought management for effective Distress mitigation.
This should be bounded on particularly approach that intensively engage the farmer community year round.
It is also crucial to preserve the health of cattle and others life stock as they tend to sapire inseparable hard during drought with cascading effect on their future productivity.
The Centre should provide all support to achieve these under the national digester response fund and the Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme.
So it is the first implement to upgrade the provision of water train from Karnataka to Tamil Nadu in Cauvery river.
So we should help to the people of despair and distress at Tamilnadu who have been suffered for poor quality of agriculture field.
Officer ,UPSC, Engineer , Truthful, Unselfish ,Render to Mankind, Active, Happy, Confidence, Higher Acceptance Power, Assume Universal Tolerance, Supreme Power to forgive, Consolidate Mind, Determined. Helpful to Helpless Distress, Punish to Dishonest Culprit.
Friday, January 13, 2017
Surviving the drought in Tamilnadu and South Indian state
Sunday, January 1, 2017
A new dark evening of Syria
That she is fire reached between Syria Government and opposition with the meditation of Turkey and Russia and Iran could be turning point in the countries civil war.
I like that to previous filled is fire this year which one is ltd between Dalhousie and us the latest one is sponsored for this country is directly involved in this conflict..
The positive reaction from both shayari and Regime and the level of recommended from the sun on cement of cease fire by Russian President Vladimir Putin also suggested that this Warrior party is were willing to give that diplomacy to changes.
For the Syrian government these is an opportunity to the announce it is ready for the Peaceful seat settlement system.
Though president has repeatedly claimed that he would you take the entire territory and level simulator .
A problem conflict will exhausted the reason favourite father the politics the humanitarian cost.
On the other side after the victory in aleppo the reason Gurgaon negotiate with the levels from a position of strength.
For the devil the monument is gone.
Their support is limited to certain parts are there at IT live Dara and outskirt of democracy.
The question the face is weather they should continue fighting in never ending via of attrition or sick to gain leverage from whatsoever military influence they are left with.
There is a convergence of interest for Turkey and Russia in finding a peaceful solution.
Having seen the US intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan Russia does not want to get stuck in Syria.
By promoting a negotiated dealing it would return it cool interest in Syria while at the same time project in itself as a power broker in West Asia.
But this objective conditioner long may not produced sustainable piece it is still not clear which level the Group have agreed to the ceasefire.
Turki support only some of the rebel group there was a terrorist and element as well as in this opposition Sachin Tripathi all in that could fly in this folder and getting out the attack on government position.
Beside this could this question remains and rest there is a Love top terrorist group which is totally submit to the sizes militant and empower Islamic militant group
.. phone now how far is this is fire hold at least till the next month at sanu submit of the repeated .
So for this reason Islamic militant of Iraq and Syria and ji Adesh group of Pakistan are strong to fight against other religious festival and Group up Monk.
Managing risk in bank now
The Reserve Bank of India by annual financial stability report has been against the fact that risk to the banking sector women worryingly high.
That the risk have stayed elevated due to the continuous deterioration in asset quality,low profitability and liquidity, in the central bank assessment is cause for concern.
Given the central role commercial lendl have in the financial system serving to hardness public Savings and direct the flow of crucial credit to the most productive Industrial and the infrastructure sectors - any systematic risk to the banking industry has the potential to repeal across entire economy...
There has been no perceptible improvement in the health of domestic Bank even 6 month after the RBI previous report had a lighted the sectors Haiwan availity on account of the increase in capital requirement in issuing asset quality spotlighting and the need for urgent policy intervention.
Some measures have been initiated and other all in the pipeline including the trapped financial visualisation and deposit insurance bill to address the bankruptcy situation in the banks and other financial entities.
Still that is every reason to properties the Restoration sub sector health has some of the risk inherent in Banke may already be getting the transferred to another segment of the financial market according to the RBI report.
SRV of the report in the market participants conducted by the RBI in October and November reveal that among the industrial risk credit growth and savouries casinos 2K in the high risk factor.
The appointment to the spiral stairs Deputy Governor working the monetary policy of RBI defaulter is come and the crucial Junction the former member of the advisory committee to the financial sector legislative Reforms Commission bring the social experiment identifying the dealing with system risk in the banking sector.
Having had a number of people on the risk London could pose to the weather financial system and even the suffering credit standing he will have his task cut out.
The problem to the subsequent sector and super glue dealing with this stress test and had to learn to the lender to the book .
The conversation around personal Geo gnomic amplifier in 2016 as did the range of Diagnostic option
This may have been there personal genomics comes of age in India while test to check for maturation that makes Anmol burnable to breast cancer have been available in India since 2010 companies this year I have expanded the repertoire.
Is growing market it is possible to request online I test that can tell you your prospensity diabetes ostracism coronary heart disease Spondylitis...
Genomepatri product marketed by Hyderabad based mapmygenome offer a peep into a hundred odd underline condition.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Some new invention in Physics
In 2006 Nobel Prize was awarded for invention of topological phase transitions in Metro that was different but now is sil discussed about a different topic that can impression a good effect on physics research in different directions to up rising star....
This is an efficient question that what is different state of matter?
The simple school book Ansar is solid liquid and gases but we know that this simple division is far too crude.
There is also a lot of magnets and superfluids.
Most real materials are in fact much more Complex than homogeneous crystal liquid or gases.. plasma liquid crystal polymer and gels all but a few examples.
In spite of this enormous variety there were many important phenomena that can be understood in the simple contest of crystalline material with impurities and lattice defect.
The theory of electronic band explain why material of conductors isolated and semiconductors and how they conduct heat and respond to magnetic field.
The discovery of quantum hall effect and the subsequent development of the topological band theory,
Has open a new and inspected vistas wire deep theoretical insights have developed in parallel with search for application in electronics and Quantum information science.
Perhaps the most spectacular research and its result so far have been the predictive and letter experimental discoveries of the political insulator in both two and three dimensions.
This is States of matter are just like the Haldane chain,
Example of symmetry protected topological phases of the topological superconductors.
Another example that has recently gained a lot of attention in Kitaev chain, example of symmetry in protected topological phases of the topological superconductor.
The observation has generated lot of excitement because of the possibility of topological quantum computation.
A more recent but equally fascinating set of material order semi metal which are experimentally discovered as recently as 2015...
There is no to political classification of Dept heads of 3 harmony all in any dimension and many effect on being made to classify interacting phases.
Important tools in this effort to enumerate the classified page of metal that or different measures of quantum entanglement charges and entanglement entropy and entanglement spectra.
The long range and Tangled state are characterized by having fractionally charged particle in the language stick Quantum hall liquid.
The Hunt for a spin liquid in both two and three dimensions is very much at forefront of current research as is the attempt to realise state where the quality part Eagles have non abelian fractional statistics...
Quantum simulation and artificial e state of matter.
In our discussion of kth transition who defined the enforceability.
Meaning of that is the same model hamiltonian describe critically phenomenon in very different physical system this different systems is always very small critical religion in the vicinity of transition temperature.
There is however another Easter disease that allow the use of same hamiltonian for different system in wider parameter range.
The basic idea ghosh back to thin man who pointed out that one good hope to solve very hard Quantum problems by designing quantum simulator.
Search simulator is itself a Quantum systems with many degree of freedom but it should be well controlled and designed to hm Boudi the important aspect of the physical system one is attempting to the simulate more precisely this means having to correct degree of freedom and to correct the Internet service gold atom gases have turned out to provide a perfect platforms for obtaining this.
As example of this the observation of KT transition in the layout Bose Einstein condensate of the atoms.
At low temperature on object covariance effect characteristic of the page with power low correlation and at Higher temperature 1 sees free victories.
We have already mentioned that Katy Perry also described the quantum phase transition in our own dimensional XY University classes.
Hindi Surveys Akriti transition for me the basic of understanding how a one-dimensional chain of just fontanelle junction undergoes a Chiru temperature transition from superconducting to insulating behaviour at their house phone coupling between junction is tuned.
Both Sir Munich and woe Sonic items can be trapped in optical lattice similarly to electron in a crystal lattice...
Both fermionic and masonic items can be trapped in optical lattices similarly to electron in a crystal lattice.
This also makes it possible to engineer topologically controversial band and we mention two recent example.
In 2014, the Group led by Tillman Esslinger made an experiment with cold k40 atoms in an optical lattice to simulate the plus size model proposed by the helden in 1988.
This shows that reality sometimes surfaces dreams.
At the end of this paper held in road while the particle model presented here is unlikely to be directly physical realisation it indicates.
What he could not imagine watch that 25 year later new experiment technique was made it possible to create an artificial state of method that would need to provide that are likely realisation.....
Fight against delusion everybody should follow it
Old age and death hunger and thirst sorrow and delusion are the basic challenges of human life.
While onelearn to accept the inevitability of aging and death that affect the body hunger and thirst.
The effect that pattern 21 pranav perceived as Natural Demand that all too better and most challenging.
Mens mind is complex and crucial entity and its capability or are switching in respect of its power to dictate and shapes each one a lot in Samsara.
Naan can expect to axe ticket oneself from its powerful away Ajith scene in the lives of many from realised soul to the reeling in the cycle of birth....
To lead the mind in the right direction is a tall order, for it is the source of endless Desire.
The very poor purposes of human life is lost and defeated by falling to hold the mind in check.
In various type of monk of Ancient India provided Aaj so much best knowledge ES and perception of mankind mind precision and body develop to super power.
More intellectual more powerful more knowledgeable provide a person super personality that is mandatory for rising your success in life.
Knowledge is a stair to go to up,
Power is the ability and mind strengthen is necessity for success.
Develop your own self so much to be predict higher deficiency of narrow thinking self satisfaction and selfish love.
Selfish love is defined as the love between 2 person and which disturb to others impart to others and snatch the other happiness.
The Love must be in her cell there is no space for selfish no space for myself no space for own home own country ownland own car.
New step of Mudra Yojana
Ever since suman celebrities economist published in 1973 his book small is beautiful in playing that is small unity is the best for this performance of indications and improving our country.
In the context of manufacturing in agriculture sector the debate on small vs large dominated the intellectual space for several decades.
Small units are usually B great thought to be efficient in term of resource used in the management and technically more efficient.
How was small unit do not have access to several kinds of resources particularly in relation to credit marketing facilities and or not able to reap the economic of scale.
The unrecognised and unorganised manufacturing sector which includes both household and non household units account for a large majority of total manufacturing employment in India and the unit in this sector or by definition is small in size..
To ensure decent edges to the worker in the sector and to ensure proper growth the unit in the sectors have to be made economically viable.
Organised vs unorganised unit
One way of judging the economic viability of unorganised manufacturing units is to consider the performance index in term of Technical efficiency the ability of an industrial unit to transform inputs into outputs charges against the best practice units in the same industry.
Relative to the organised sector units the researchers on technical efficiency and total factor productivity a concept of Technical efficiency of unorganised manufacturing industrial unit in India undertaken by us and other scholar tends to Offer little evidence in favour of positive link between the organised and unorganised sector unit perceived in term of inter sectoral efficiency differences and Association between them.
Well in the unorganised sector units used to reveal similar characteristics in terms of performance indicator while organised sector units are much better performance.
With rise in income demand for product shit away from the unorganised to this organised sector through the process of auxiliary ji and expected to this benefit on organised sector units in directly by creating great opportunities through intersectoral linkage the increasing role of intermediaries and payment of wages on PC red basic do not seem to be present in this process of positive spillover.
The level of infrastructure also does not text at the positive impact on the performance of unorganised sector while the efficiency of organised sector improve with a ride in the ability of infrastructure.
On the whole unorganised sector enterprises agrees to provide means of Sir we will only which is especially true for household units.
Even when opportunity exist to make them dynamic with enhance participation in the growth process several mechanism API to be counter productive.
Policy amplification or to be perceived in term of product quality improvement within the unorganised sector so that Demand for product of the unorganised sector can expand.
Second step to be initiated for improving the accessibility to infrastructure provision.
Daryl many unorganised sector unit particularly one that repaired by household which all located in remote rural area.
Unrecognised manufacturing unit in AdSense Guetta only to local market and org not able to explain the market size in a significant way.
The lake of favourable impact of road length on unorganised sector unit that we found in our research need to be interpret it has inadequate in the ability of infrastructure
Also the kind of facilities such as credit and marketing assistant they actually required of an absent issues related to the pricing of infrastructure particularly electricity have also be revised in order to determine the optimal price that unorganised sector unit can afford.
Besides the role of Institutions is important to ensure due to cell Two unorganised sector enterprises.
In spite of intersectoral linkage the units are not able to benefit in the process of growth as the mechanism through which the transaction operate or not necessarily positive all generated in the face of the poor bargaining power.
The urban advantage finding out source past research on efficiency of India John recognised manufacturing sector. To higher technical efficiency of a small industrial units in urban areas then there counterpart in rural areas..
Reflecting certain advantage during to a small industrial units if they are located in urban areas..
Evidently the government policy initiatives for promoting organisations in India particularly the Smart City programs are expected to help make and recognised manufacturing more economy and viable thinking.
Chevrolet small town which have been recognised as I won by census 2011 but is still do not have Aman local bodies are not able to draw investment means especially for urban area wants they are treated as a part of urban area on organisations Sector Unit in such localities will benefit significantly.
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