Amit Shah, the Union Home Minister, is going to the event from Ahmedabad, while Rajnath Singh, the Defence Minister, will participate from Lucknow. Union Minister Nitin Gadkari is expected to appear in Nagpur, Smriti Irani in Jhansi, Bhupender Yadav in Jaipur, and S Jaishankar in Thiruvananthapuram. In a comparable manner, additional ministers have been delegated to join the program, mostly in their states of residence.
The initiative will spend Rs 13,000 crore over the next five years on skill education and growth for conventional artisans, and craftsmen from groups including weavers, metalworkers, blacksmiths, laundry laborers, and barbers, who are mostly from the OBC population.
Benefits of the Vishwakarma Scheme:
The initiative intends to increase the excellence, scale, and accessibility of artisans and crafts people’s goods and services, as well as incorporate them into the local and global value chains. This will result in financial independence for such workers, particularly those from Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Minority Societies, women, transgender people, and other marginalized groups. As the opposition relies on the caste survey for fairness and to increase its presence within the OBC population, the NDA administration intends to entice OBCs, particularly EBCs, with this scheme before the Lok Sabha elections.
Features of Vishwakarma Scheme:
Since its launch, the program has been eagerly anticipated as a program that could finally provide significant benefits to a slew of essential but underappreciated local craft-based industries.
The program’s goal is to provide beneficiaries with loan discounts and encouragement to start enterprises. Under the scheme, a value of Rs 15,000 will be granted for toolkit development. Additionally, for a minimum of a hundred transactions per month, craftspeople will be granted a one rupee incentive sum per deal.
During the scheme’s initial phase, a loan of Rs 1 lakh will be made available to the beneficiary at an aggregate interest rate of 5%. The scheme would grant loans of up to Rs 2 lakh during the subsequent phase.
In addition to these direct loans, craftspeople will be given a PM Vishwakarma Yojana card, which would allow them to obtain roughly Rs 15,000 in sophisticated technology gear. The scheme will cover 18 different craft-based occupations such as carpenters, blacksmiths, cobblers, metalworkers, tailors, artists, and so on.
The scheme has been allocated around Rs 13,000 crores for the initial five years of execution, from 2024 to 2028. The youngest age limit for submitting an application for the funding program is 18 years, and only a single member of a given family is eligible to apply. The model would grant financing of up to Rs 2 lakh during the subsequent phase.
Final Verdict:
On September 17, PM Modi’s birthday, the BJP will kick off the fortnight-long commemoration with a sanitation drive, followed by visits to recipients of government initiatives and meetings with all parts of society till October 2.
The scheme is consistent with many other measures targeted at decreasing poverty and social uplift launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Among these were the provision of 50,000 crore to marketplace sellers under the PM Svanidhi scheme and the immediate deposit of 2.5 lakh crore into farmer banks through the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi.
This initiative is both current and essential as many vital skill-based jobs in our nation are highly underestimated and undervalued. As novel professions arise, it
is critical that older jobs remain viable; government subsidies and support of them are so critical and much required...