Saturday, June 10, 2017

Topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter, lets discuss about it

A phase transition is a sudden changes between different state of matter.
Like solid convert into liquid a solid convert into liquid and then gases. The subject of condensed matter physics is full of Deep Inside about phase transitions.
Many physicist believe condensed matter physics is more important than fundamental physics. The quest for the fundamental laws governing particle and Forbes because it concern things we can easily study which have important technological application.
But this is matter of taste and in fact they are or profound connection between the fundamental physics and condensed matter physics they both use a lot of Sem mathematics such as renormalization group topology and group theory.
So I do not think it makes sense to argue about what is more important condensed matter physics all fundamental physics.
They are both important and they help each other along.
Someday someone will win the Nobel Prize for discovering gravitational waves.
But this year someone on a while Dzire price for some very old Break thought in the condensed matter physics.
In 1973 coastal age and thursdays discovered a new kind of phase transition.

Nipah virus niv infection, editorial by sir Rikomht

Nipah virus and I B infection is a newly emerging zoonosis that causes severe disease in both animals and humans.
The natural host of the virus or fruit bat .
Niv was first identified during an outbreak of disease that took place in Kumpung Sungai  nipah, Malaysia 1998.
On this occasion pigs intermediate host.
How well in subsequent in niv outbreak they no intermediate host.

Ebola virus disease, an epidemic disease, discussed by sir Rkmht

Ebola virus disease formerly known ebola fever is fatal illness in human.
Ebola virus is transmitted to people from wild animal in deep forest.
After that it is happening human to human transmission .
From the past report it is 50% fatal.
The fertility percentage depend on place to place according to their treatment methodology and treatment procedures.
Fast outbreak of ebola virus org in Central Africa Tropical rainforest.
It is important to know about how ebola virus is transmitted from wild animal to human being.
It is also a very important to identify the people who are already affected by ebola virus.
It is true that fruit bats of pteropodidae family or natural ebola virus host ebola is introduced into the human population through close contact with the blood secretion,
Organ for Aadhar bodily Fluids are infected animals are charged chimpanzee Gorilla fruit bats monkey forest and ill or dead animal in rainforest.
So we have to care about all the animals who are in inhabit in rainforest and prevent to transmit any secretion organs and other body fluid.
Ebola then spread through human to human transmission by direct contact with the blood with the situation with the organs or other Fluids of infected people and with the surfaces and material contaminated with these fluid.
Healthcare worker have been frequently infected while treating patients with suspected or confirming ebola virus.
Precautions are very much important for restrict this influence of virus.
Burial ceremony that involve direct contact with the body of the diseased can also contribute in the transmission of ebola.
People remain in infectious as long as their blood contain the virus.
Sexual transmission smosa variance data and Research or needed on the rates of sexual transmission and particularly of the prevailed in Bible and transparent Rebels virus is Suman over the time in the entry and base of the present evidence who recommended.
The symptoms of ebola virus disease:-
To identify ebola virus we must have to know about the symptoms of ebola virus.
The incubation period that is the time interval from the infection with the virus to onset of the symptoms is 2 to 21st days.
Human or not in infectious until they develop symptoms.
First symptoms all the sudden onset on fever fatigue muscle pain headache and sore throat this is followed by the vomiting diarrhoea symptoms of impact kidney and the liver function annual some days both internal and external bleeding out from the gums and plot of the story finding include the low white blood cells and catastrophic count every field of this equations.

Zika virus, it's epidemic effect , discussed by Sir Rikomht

Zika virus is transmitted to people through the bite of an infected mosquitoes from the aedes genus,
Mainly tropical regions in the same mosquito that transmit dengue Chikungunya and yellow fever.

The main important topic of zika virus is the virus is known to circulate in Africa the America Asia and Pacific region.

What is the symptoms of zika virus:-

To prevent zika virus we have to fast invent the symptoms of zika virus we have to discover and identify the symptoms in the human body.

The incubation period in the time of exposure of the symptoms of zika virus disease is not clear.

But it is likely to be a few days.

The symptoms of similar to  other virus include fever skin disease conjectivitis muscle and joint pain elamites headache.

All the symptoms are usually mild and last for 2 and 7 days.

Diagnosis and treatment

Zika virus is diagnosed through PCR polymerase chain reaction and Virus isolation from the blood sample diagnosis by serology can be difficult as the virus can cross react with other play B virus such as dengue West Nile fever.

Zika virus disease is usually relative to mild and requires no specific treatment. People seek with Jay ka virus should get plenty of rest drink and upload and treat a plane and fever with common medicines if the symptoms of them they would seek medical care and advise that is currently no vaccine available.

There is no vaccine for treatment in Jay camera so there is one opportunity prevention is better than cure.

Prevention and control mosquito and they are bidding site for this is significant risk factor for zika virus infection.
Preventing and control relies on reducing mosquito through this Furious reduction removal and modification of building sites and reducing contract between these mosquitoes and people.

This can done by using insect repellent wearing cloth is preferably light coloured that cover as much as of your body as possible.

It also important to empty clean and Gauhar continent that can hold water such as buckets flower pot so tired so that the place where mosquito can breed are  removed.

Special attention and help should be given to those who may not be able to protect them self adequately such as young children and sick or elderly.

During outbreak health authority advise that is paying of insecticides be carried out insecticides recommended by this who World Health Organisation pesticides evaluation scheme pes also be used as left sides or treat relative Lee Laaj water container.
Travellers who takes the basic precautions described above the protect themselves from mosquito bites.

So according to me peoples of India should protect themselves from contact to any mosquitoes and damage all the places where mosquito can breed.

New disease according to the Who yellow fever

You know fever is caused by the virus maybe virus which is transmitted to human by bytes of infected aedes and homeo logos mosquitoes.
The mosquito either breed around houses domestic in forest or Jungle wild or in both habitant semi domestic.
Occasionally infected travelers from areas yellow fever occurs have expected Cause 2 countries that are free of yellow fever but the disease can only state easily if the country has mosquito is this is able to transmit it is basic specific climate conditions and animal reservation needed to remain it.
Now let's discuss about the symptoms of yellow fever.
Symptom is very important to identify any disease so it is important to identify this yellow fever also the symptom is very important.
One contract at the yellow fever various included in the body for the 3 or 6 days, followed by infection that can occurs in one or two phases.
The first acute phase usually caused severe muscle pain with a prominent backache, headache she was loss of appetite and nastle vomiting.
Most person improve and their symptoms disappear after 3 to 4 days.
How are 15% of patients enter a second more toxic page with 24 of the initial remission high fever return and several body systems are affected.
State the patient rapidly develop jaundice and complain of abnormal pain with vomiting. Bleeding can a cure from mouth nose eyes or stomach.
What is this MN blood appears in the Boom its and faces kidney function detoriate half of the patients who enter the toxic page die within 10 to 14 days the rest recover without significant organ damage.
So it is a very very dangerous disease we have to prevent.
What is diagnosis and treatment method of yellow fever
You know fever is difficult to diagnose especially during the early Stages.
It can be confused with several of Malaria dengue diphtheria fever laptop status Viral hepatitis it is similar to them.
So it is very difficult to identify and segregate that it is yellow fever.
Blood test can detect yellow fever antibodies produced in response to the infection.
Several other techniques or used to identify the virus in blood specimen all liver tissue collected after death.
These test require highly trained laboratory staff and specialized equipment and material.
Now let's discussed about the transmission away of yellow fever how it can transmit to one from another.
There are three types of Transmission cycle:-
Sylvatic or jungle :-
In tropical rainforest yellow fever occurs in monkey that pass the virus to mosquitoes that feed on them.
The infected mosquito bite human entering the forest resulting in the cause of yellow fever usually in young men working in the forest.
It is another Intex and procedures that can transmit yellow fever virus to one from another.
In humid or semi humid part of Africa small scale epidemic occurs.
Semi domestic mosquitoes in fact both monkey and people.
Increased contact between people and infected mosquitoes leads to transmission.
Many separate village in an area can papa kaise simultaneously this is most common type of this outbreak in Africa and outbreak can become emotional epidemic in the infection is carried into this area populated with post domestic and mosquitoes and unvaccinated people.
Large epidemics of yours or mine infected people introduce the virus into a densely populated area with a high number of non immune people and aedes mosquitoes.
Infected mosquitoes transmit the virus from person to person.
Treatment of yellow fever
There is no specific treatment for yellow fever only supported care to treat dehydration respitory failure and fever.
Associated bacterial infection can be treated with antibodies supportive cause maybe improve outcomes for seriously ill present but it is really available in poorer area.
Prevention and control of yellow fever:-
Yellow fever can be prevented from destination and mosquito control.
The yellow fever vaccine is safe and affordable and a single dose provides lifelong immunity against the disease.
Mosquito control can also help to prevent yellow fever and is vital in situation where the vaccination coverage is low all the vaccine Is Not immediately available.
Mosquito control include eliminating sides mosquito can breed and killing adult mosquitoes and large marge by using insecticides in area with high mosquito density.
Community involvement through activities such as clearing house hold drain covering water container or mosquito can breed is away and remove all the effective area control the mosquitoes.
Vaccine International coordinating group ICG on vaccine prohibition for yellow fever.
Q and a ICG all vaccine prevention 17 June 2016.
q and a sectional uses of yellow fever.
Global vaccine stockpiles in emergency
Yellow fever vaccine a global partnership.

Let's read about the Swine Flu h1n1 virus and its h3n2 influenza virus that effect in pig and human being also

Swine Flu is a respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses that affect the respiratory tract of the pics and result in the barking cough decrease appetite is na saal situation and listless behaviour the virus can be transmitted to humans.
Swine Flu viruses name muted main changes so that they are easily transfer well to human being.
Symptoms of swine flu in the human or similar to the most influenza infection fever cough fatigue nasal situation and headache.
The fact and some information about swine flu h1n1
First the influenza virus type of a b c or invalid RNA viruses segmented genomes this means the viral DNA genetic code is not single stand of the artist as a different are in a segment in the influenza virus.
A human influenza virus can be in fact a big respiratory system sale at the same time of the swine influenza virus some of these replicating RNA stand for the human virus can get mistakenly closed inside that involved swine influenza virus.
The total number of the arena types in 1 sil would be 16 foot sign for human and RNA segment could be incorporated into the one particle making a Bible eight and a segmented flu virus that from the 16 available segment type....
second the Pig can play a unique role as this intermediate rehost to a new influenza types pig restaurant sales can be infected directly with Birds humans and other memory and flu viruses.

Finding funds: On COP28 and the ‘loss and damage’ fund....

A healthy loss and damage (L&D) fund, a three-decade-old demand, is a fundamental expression of climate justice. The L&D fund is a c...