Saturday, June 10, 2017

Zika virus, it's epidemic effect , discussed by Sir Rikomht

Zika virus is transmitted to people through the bite of an infected mosquitoes from the aedes genus,
Mainly tropical regions in the same mosquito that transmit dengue Chikungunya and yellow fever.

The main important topic of zika virus is the virus is known to circulate in Africa the America Asia and Pacific region.

What is the symptoms of zika virus:-

To prevent zika virus we have to fast invent the symptoms of zika virus we have to discover and identify the symptoms in the human body.

The incubation period in the time of exposure of the symptoms of zika virus disease is not clear.

But it is likely to be a few days.

The symptoms of similar to  other virus include fever skin disease conjectivitis muscle and joint pain elamites headache.

All the symptoms are usually mild and last for 2 and 7 days.

Diagnosis and treatment

Zika virus is diagnosed through PCR polymerase chain reaction and Virus isolation from the blood sample diagnosis by serology can be difficult as the virus can cross react with other play B virus such as dengue West Nile fever.

Zika virus disease is usually relative to mild and requires no specific treatment. People seek with Jay ka virus should get plenty of rest drink and upload and treat a plane and fever with common medicines if the symptoms of them they would seek medical care and advise that is currently no vaccine available.

There is no vaccine for treatment in Jay camera so there is one opportunity prevention is better than cure.

Prevention and control mosquito and they are bidding site for this is significant risk factor for zika virus infection.
Preventing and control relies on reducing mosquito through this Furious reduction removal and modification of building sites and reducing contract between these mosquitoes and people.

This can done by using insect repellent wearing cloth is preferably light coloured that cover as much as of your body as possible.

It also important to empty clean and Gauhar continent that can hold water such as buckets flower pot so tired so that the place where mosquito can breed are  removed.

Special attention and help should be given to those who may not be able to protect them self adequately such as young children and sick or elderly.

During outbreak health authority advise that is paying of insecticides be carried out insecticides recommended by this who World Health Organisation pesticides evaluation scheme pes also be used as left sides or treat relative Lee Laaj water container.
Travellers who takes the basic precautions described above the protect themselves from mosquito bites.

So according to me peoples of India should protect themselves from contact to any mosquitoes and damage all the places where mosquito can breed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


what are symptoms of zika virus

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