Saturday, June 10, 2017

New disease according to the Who yellow fever

You know fever is caused by the virus maybe virus which is transmitted to human by bytes of infected aedes and homeo logos mosquitoes.
The mosquito either breed around houses domestic in forest or Jungle wild or in both habitant semi domestic.
Occasionally infected travelers from areas yellow fever occurs have expected Cause 2 countries that are free of yellow fever but the disease can only state easily if the country has mosquito is this is able to transmit it is basic specific climate conditions and animal reservation needed to remain it.
Now let's discuss about the symptoms of yellow fever.
Symptom is very important to identify any disease so it is important to identify this yellow fever also the symptom is very important.
One contract at the yellow fever various included in the body for the 3 or 6 days, followed by infection that can occurs in one or two phases.
The first acute phase usually caused severe muscle pain with a prominent backache, headache she was loss of appetite and nastle vomiting.
Most person improve and their symptoms disappear after 3 to 4 days.
How are 15% of patients enter a second more toxic page with 24 of the initial remission high fever return and several body systems are affected.
State the patient rapidly develop jaundice and complain of abnormal pain with vomiting. Bleeding can a cure from mouth nose eyes or stomach.
What is this MN blood appears in the Boom its and faces kidney function detoriate half of the patients who enter the toxic page die within 10 to 14 days the rest recover without significant organ damage.
So it is a very very dangerous disease we have to prevent.
What is diagnosis and treatment method of yellow fever
You know fever is difficult to diagnose especially during the early Stages.
It can be confused with several of Malaria dengue diphtheria fever laptop status Viral hepatitis it is similar to them.
So it is very difficult to identify and segregate that it is yellow fever.
Blood test can detect yellow fever antibodies produced in response to the infection.
Several other techniques or used to identify the virus in blood specimen all liver tissue collected after death.
These test require highly trained laboratory staff and specialized equipment and material.
Now let's discussed about the transmission away of yellow fever how it can transmit to one from another.
There are three types of Transmission cycle:-
Sylvatic or jungle :-
In tropical rainforest yellow fever occurs in monkey that pass the virus to mosquitoes that feed on them.
The infected mosquito bite human entering the forest resulting in the cause of yellow fever usually in young men working in the forest.
It is another Intex and procedures that can transmit yellow fever virus to one from another.
In humid or semi humid part of Africa small scale epidemic occurs.
Semi domestic mosquitoes in fact both monkey and people.
Increased contact between people and infected mosquitoes leads to transmission.
Many separate village in an area can papa kaise simultaneously this is most common type of this outbreak in Africa and outbreak can become emotional epidemic in the infection is carried into this area populated with post domestic and mosquitoes and unvaccinated people.
Large epidemics of yours or mine infected people introduce the virus into a densely populated area with a high number of non immune people and aedes mosquitoes.
Infected mosquitoes transmit the virus from person to person.
Treatment of yellow fever
There is no specific treatment for yellow fever only supported care to treat dehydration respitory failure and fever.
Associated bacterial infection can be treated with antibodies supportive cause maybe improve outcomes for seriously ill present but it is really available in poorer area.
Prevention and control of yellow fever:-
Yellow fever can be prevented from destination and mosquito control.
The yellow fever vaccine is safe and affordable and a single dose provides lifelong immunity against the disease.
Mosquito control can also help to prevent yellow fever and is vital in situation where the vaccination coverage is low all the vaccine Is Not immediately available.
Mosquito control include eliminating sides mosquito can breed and killing adult mosquitoes and large marge by using insecticides in area with high mosquito density.
Community involvement through activities such as clearing house hold drain covering water container or mosquito can breed is away and remove all the effective area control the mosquitoes.
Vaccine International coordinating group ICG on vaccine prohibition for yellow fever.
Q and a ICG all vaccine prevention 17 June 2016.
q and a sectional uses of yellow fever.
Global vaccine stockpiles in emergency
Yellow fever vaccine a global partnership.

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