Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Hawking radiation. . .

Hawking radiation also known as Hawking-Zel'dovich radiation is blackbody radiation that is predicted to be released by black holes, due to quantum effects near the event horizon. It is named after the physicist Stephen Hawking, who provided a theoretical argument for its existence in 1974,when particle and antiparticle collide at event horizon one of them will escape and other fall in black hole and sometimes also after Jacob Bekenstein, who predicted that black holes should have a finiteentropy.
Hawking's work followed his visit to Moscow in 1973 where the Soviet scientists Yakov Zeldovich and Alexei Starobinskyshowed him that, according to the quantum mechanical uncertainty principle, rotating black holes should create and emit particles. Hawking radiation reduces the mass and energy of black holes and is therefore also known as black hole evaporation. Because of this, black holes that do not gain mass through other means are expected to shrink and ultimately vanish. Micro black holes are predicted to be larger emitters of radiation than larger black holes and should shrink and dissipate faster.
In June 2008, NASA launched the Fermi space telescope, which is searching for the terminal gamma-ray flashes expected from evaporating primordial black holes. In the event that speculative large extra dimension theories are correct, CERN'sLarge Hadron Collider may be able to create micro black holes and observe their evaporation.
In September 2010, a signal that is closely related to black hole Hawking radiation (see analog gravity) was claimed to have been observed in a laboratory experiment involving optical light pulses. However, the results remain unverified and debatable. Other projects have been launched to look for this radiation within the framework of analog gravity.

The trans-Planckian problem is the observation that Hawking's original calculation requires talking about quantum particles in which the wavelength becomes shorter than thePlanck length near the black hole's horizon. It is due to the peculiar behavior near a gravitational horizon where time stops as measured from far away. A particle emitted from a black hole with a finite frequency, if traced back to the horizon, must have had an infinite frequency there and a trans-Planckian wavelength.
The Unruh effect and the Hawking effect both talk about field modes in the superficially stationary space-time that change frequency relative to other coordinates which are regular across the horizon. This is necessarily so, since to stay outside a horizon requires acceleration which constantly Doppler shifts the modes.
An outgoing Hawking radiated photon, if the mode is traced back in time, has a frequency which diverges from that which it has at great distance, as it gets closer to the horizon, which requires the wavelength of the photon to "scrunch up" infinitely at the horizon of the black hole. In a maximally extended external Schwarzschild solution, that photon's frequency stays regular only if the mode is extended back into the past region where no observer can go. That region seems to be unobservable and is physically suspect, so Hawking used a black hole solution without a past region which forms at a finite time in the past. In that case, the source of all the outgoing photons can be identified: a microscopic point right at the moment that the black hole first formed.
The quantum fluctuations at that tiny point, in Hawking's original calculation, contain all the outgoing radiation. The modes that eventually contain the outgoing radiation at long times are redshifted by such a huge amount by their long sojourn next to the event horizon, that they start off as modes with a wavelength much shorter than the Planck length. Since the laws of physics at such short distances are unknown, some find Hawking's original calculation unconvincing.
The trans-Planckian problem is nowadays mostly considered a mathematical artifact of horizon calculations. The same effect occurs for regular matter falling onto a white holesolution. Matter which falls on the white hole accumulates on it, but has no future region into which it can go. Tracing the future of this matter, it is compressed onto the final singular endpoint of the white hole evolution, into a trans-Planckian region. The reason for these types of divergences is that modes which end at the horizon from the point of view of outside coordinates are singular in frequency there. The only way to determine what happens classically is to extend in some other coordinates that cross the horizon.
There exist alternative physical pictures which give the Hawking radiation in which the trans-Planckian problem is addressed.[citation needed] The key point is that similar trans-Planckian problems occur when the modes occupied with Unruh radiation are traced back in time. In the Unruh effect, the magnitude of the temperature can be calculated from ordinary Minkowski field theory, and is not controversial.

The power emitted by a black hole in the form of Hawking radiation can easily be estimated for the simplest case of a nonrotating, non-charged Schwarzschild black hole of mass M. Combining the formulas for the Schwarzschild radius of the black hole, the Stefan–Boltzmann law of blackbody radiation, the above formula for the temperature of the radiation, and the formula for the surface area of a sphere (the black hole's event horizon), several equations can be derived:
Stefan–Boltzmann constant:
Schwarzschild radius:
Hawking radiation has a blackbody (Planck) spectrum with a temperature T given by:
Hawking radiation temperature:
The peak wavelength of this radiation is nearly 16 times the Schwarzschild radius of the black hole. Using Wien's displacement constant b = hc/4.9651 kB = 2.8978×10−3 m K:
Schwarzschild sphere surface area of Schwarzschild radius rs:
Stefan–Boltzmann power law:
For simplicity, assume a black hole is a perfect blackbody (ε = 1).
Stefan–Boltzmann–Schwarzschild–Hawking black hole radiation power law derivation:
Stefan–Boltzmann–Schwarzschild–Hawking power law:
where P is the energy outflow, ħ is the reduced Planck constant, c is the speed of light, and G is the gravitational constant. It is worth mentioning that the above formula has not yet been derived in the framework of semiclassical gravity. Substituting the numerical values of the physical constants in the formula above we obtain P= 3.562×1032 W kg^2/M^2.
The power of the Hawking radiation from a solar mass (M) black hole turns out to be minuscule:
It is indeed an extremely good approximation to call such an object 'black'. Under the assumption of an otherwise empty universe, so that no matter, cosmic microwave background radiation, or other radiation falls into the black hole, it is possible to calculate how long it would take for the black hole to dissipate:
Given that the power of the Hawking radiation is the rate of evaporation energy loss of the black hole:
Since the total energy E of the black hole is related to its mass M by Einstein's mass–energy formula E = Mc2:
We can then equate this to our above expression for the power:
This differential equation is separable, and we can write:
The black hole's mass is now a function M(t) of time t. Integrating over M from M0 (the initial mass of the black hole) to zero (complete evaporation), and over t from zero to tev:
The evaporation time of a black hole is proportional to the cube of its mass:
The time that the black hole takes to dissipate is:
where M0 is the mass of the black hole.
The lower classical quantum limit for mass for this equation is equivalent to the Planck mass, mP.
Hawking radiation evaporation time for a Planck mass quantum black hole:
where tP is the Planck time.
For a black hole of one solar mass (M = 1.98892×1030 kg), we get an evaporation time of 2.098×1067 years—much longer than the current age of the universe at(13.799±0.021)×109 years
But for a black hole of 1011 kg, the evaporation time is 2.667 billion years. This is why some astronomers are searching for signs of exploding primordial black holes.
However, since the universe contains the cosmic microwave background radiation, in order for the black hole to dissipate, it must have a temperature greater than that of the present-day blackbody radiation of the universe of 2.7 K = 2.3×10−4 eV. This implies that M must be less than 0.8% of the mass of the Earth – approximately the mass of theMoon.
Cosmic microwave background radiation universe temperature:
Hawking total black hole mass:
where M is the total Earth mass.
In common units,
So, for instance, a 1-second-life black hole has a mass of 2.28×105 kg, equivalent to an energy of 2.05×1022 J that could be released by 5×106 megatons of TNT. The initial power is 6.84×1021 W.
Black hole evaporation has several significant consequences:
  • Black hole evaporation produces a more consistent view of black hole thermodynamics by showing how black holes interact thermally with the rest of the universe.
  • Unlike most objects, a black hole's temperature increases as it radiates away mass. The rate of temperature increase is exponential, with the most likely endpoint being the dissolution of the black hole in a violent burst of gamma rays. A complete description of this dissolution requires a model of quantum gravity, however, as it occurs when the black hole approaches Planck mass and Planck radius.
  • The simplest models of black hole evaporation lead to the black hole information paradox. The information content of a black hole appears to be lost when it dissipates, as under these models the Hawking radiation is random (it has no relation to the original information). A number of solutions to this problem have been proposed, including suggestions that Hawking radiation is perturbed to contain the missing information, that the Hawking evaporation leaves some form of remnant particle containing the missing information, and that information is allowed to be lost under these conditions.

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